Sym nerfs and Tracer buff

You’ve been very active in anything Brig related, and we all know its because you hate her. So all I have to say is that if the devs make Brig capable again, or roll back her changes, don’t come back spamming about how she needs to be nerfed again. Thanks.


I mostly agree, although to be fair dive was borderline mustpick at high masters and above.

She can’t just one shot her, that’s true, but she still has plenty of tools that it now is a better battle of wits and timing than before- that ultimately is good for the game. OW is slowly moving (where it can) away from hard to soft-counters.


because she doesnt have to be pinpoint, she fires faster than ashe or mccree. she doesnt even have to hit headshots to kill them quickly, and she moves way faster.

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She can also blink and recall.

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I never understood the way Blizzard balances heroes. “Let’s nerf one hero and then simultaneously buff the heroes that counter them!” They should’ve just left Symmetra alone and waited to see how she’d do in the meta shift.


I agree. People who say dive was overwatch’s finest must not have been around for that meta. It was incredibly oppressive and the meta lasted a long time.

It also had the least amount of diversity when it was top. Many of the previous metas had counters. Even GOATs did. People tried to beat each of these comps but Dive was the meta where it was every single game, on both sides, and the heroes meant to slow it down we’re actually weak to it also

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Pharah is one of the only heroes who is going to feel the Tracer buff given the natural engagement range of these two. That said, if you as a Pharah are getting outplayed by a Tracer, she’s either totally the wrong pick or you’re getting outskilled quite considerably.

Ridiculous. Both McCree and Ashe deal with Tracer VERY easily. Also, the amount of shots they have to land to deal with her is far less than Tracer has to land, plus they both have abilities to deal with her in her optimal range. If you play them and can’t deal with the Tracer, you’re just playing badly or are just plain too unskilled to deal with her.


Imagine being so masochistic that you choose dive over GOATS yikes…

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Nah, you’re wrong here. Dive might have been bad for a few supports in high ELO, but GOATS was bad for everyone who had to watch it or attempt to play it or against it. Also the sustain was insanely stupid.


Dive is what gave us goats tho. It literally created brig 1.0 who started triple support. Dive was so awful that the devs had to steer the game in a completely different bad direction to get away from it

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No, developer stupidity gave us Goats in the same way it gave us release Brig. Dive was fine for 99% of the playerbase and made OWL great to watch. Sure, it might have sucked for 4K+ support mains, but the game has changed so much since then that getting back in the direction of Dive would be a positive change for most players.

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Hard opinion but that’s basically both our arguments so I guess there’s no winner here

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with her widow maker size of a hitbox No the only reason torb got those is because his headshot hitbox is he’s entire front part of his hero

Not true.
Depends on the map of course, as some maps Pharah can be unreachable for Tracer. But on many maps Tracer can contest her. I saw once Surefour hunt around Pharah on Ilios Lighthouse, just by blinking around on all the tall buildings.

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Thats an opinion that you cannot prove.

I hated watching dive, I hated the diversity or lack of during it, and many of the playerbase hated it as well. You can call it developer stupidity but the fact remains that Brig was created to stop it.

I’ve been around since the beginning and Dive was one of the most complained about because it also lasted long.

Dive, unlike GOATs, was also played across many ranks. It had the 2-2-2 composition most wanted and while not as beautifully executed as the higher ranks, still worked well at every rank

Dive was the best meta this game has ever had along with classic death ball.

You are a liar, Dive was basically nonexistent below masters.
https:// www.omnicmeta .com/blog/overwatch_hero_meta_report_pc_mar_22_2018.html
Educate yourself.

Well tank players do kinda stop playing a lot. But in that case not nerfing Reaper, Mei Widowmaker seems odd.