Sym nerfs and Tracer buff

As a Tracer main, who has played alot of Pharah, this is going to be one more in Pharah’s coffin - which is already buried.


I didn’t read your thread, I Just want to say that I can’t take anyone who uses that T500 icon seriously.

which dps can be played in dive? apart of tracer and genji. i am not good with those characters, and I cant see a diving torbjorn…

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Bad videogame design got us into terrible metas. GOATS didn’t prompt Blizzard to design a new hardcounter hero to end it because Blizz already learned their lesson; making this mind-numbingly insane mistake the first time around cost them a huge portion of their playerbase.

They won’t make that mistake ever again. They can’t afford to.

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uhhh dive was probably the best meta for the game in both aspects tho? It was a meta that literally didnt exist on ranked and only existed in pro play, was fun for pros to play and entertaining to watch. idk. The reason it got nerfed was because the brainlet support players that got caught out of position by a smurf in their plat games called for a nerf and used OWL pickrates to support it, and then those are the same people saying “lol goats was fine, it was just OWL anyways” despite it actually impacting ranked unlike dive. Dive heroes were meta-ish at high ranks like masters/gm during its prime, but if you were good you could still play whatever you wanted. Thats a lot more to say than any meta we’ve had since. People who killed dive are the people who killed this game lmao.


Good because I didn’t write anything, just the patch notes and “what”.

You really shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, this icon is from top 500 in role Q beta on console. It’s essentially diamond and I have it for the memes.

But hey If you still wanna assume things about people based on something as trivial as an icon be my guest.

The Doomfist nerf is insane, I don’t understand why people are saying it’s a slap on the wrist. Do you guys even play him ? Try playing him after the nerf, like, Jesus.

Then prepare for a future brig buff to stop it yet again yikes! were just going back full circle Again and again.

Sombras translocator has a nice change where you can place it and the cooldown starts right away. So you place one, wait for cd refresh and then translocate with another one ready to double the distance.

Kinda like how junk rat can stack mines or how orisa manages her shield cooldown by shooting the first one in the air.

Brigitte needed a rework long before bunker was meta. She was eventually given one, to make her an actual HEALER (you know, in the SUPPORT CATEGORY)

lmao you dont want the worst support in the game to get buffs because she was overpowered once? tracer was overpowered once too… :flushed:


i mean they had to do this. it was a bug (not being able to heal thru barriers in valk) in the first place

i have to agree. don’t forget the lucio buff. tho TBH it doesn’t feel like they’re “forcing” it to comeback. hopefully they’re just making it more “viable.” imo, since dive feels like the natural counter to double barrier. but idk, they’ve certainly made messes of balance in the game before so who knows what happens now


Brigitte was the worst addition to the game since launch and I’m glad she’s finally dead



Imagine being so masochistic that you choose GOATS over dive yikes…

Imho its just sad that trash heroes can’t even get 1 buff to help them out.

1 buff to tracer.
Forums: dive for the next 20 years?

Especially curious why brig is considered the only counter to tracer… :sweat_smile:

Just pick ashe and click heads.
(if aim isn’t a counter, why the hell do you fear a hero that basically only can aim? (tracer can only aim and shoot, so she kills nothing as aim is nothing right?))


Agreed - being the most “popular meta”, if they were trying to balance out double shield this would make sense. I felt the same way on these points, the only one that didn’t fit was the Bap nerf… you want to move characters into a bunker to disrupt it, the IF was a great tool and they nerfed it 20% on health… as easy as it was to kill, now this? The Sym turret drop just makes no sense at all.

Except that she’s really not dead, that’s the best part. Tracer spam will be more effective, but Brig can still keep her at bay but maybe less chance of outright kills. That mobility advantage goes a long, long way…

I wish. With the range buff and with Brig’s defenses being so bad, I don’t think Brig can deal with Tracer anymore… which is beyond dumb.


That’s actually great, W+M1 abomination shouldn’t be able to counter the most skill-demanding hero in the game.

Brig’s UI got improved though, so that could be considered a buff since it makes things easier to see.