Sym nerfed on PTR--no buffs to compensate

“Fixed a bug that prevented Sombra’s Hack from cancelling Symmetra’s Photon Barrier placement”

The only other Symm change is, “fixed a bug that caused Symmetras tp UI to persist after being eliminated”.

Im very disappointed to say the least. Two months on from the rework that was supposed to make Symm “versatile” shes still F tier.

Her new kit is still riddled w bugs, and this is what we get? A change that makes her hardest counter even more dangerous?

Symm needs more than this. We need the teleporter to ignore railings. We to be able to place the Photon Barrier whilst facing a wall. We need the barrier and tele to not randomly disappear. We need to be able to place TP in spawn. We need ui indicator to let us know if we have a TP up.

Pls Blizz, Symm is dyin. This rework is failing. We need major changes soon, otherwise itll be Sym 4.0 next summer.


Might I add that you really shouldn’t have to look at the TP to use it. As long as you’re in range you should be able to just press the button.

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I mean it’s not a nerf, it’s pretty clearly said “bug fix”


Hack should work that way, this is fair.


You complain about this bug fix yet completely ignore that they fixed the hit section of her primary on corners.

To be fair though, the change isn’t in the path notes (for some reason).

Im not disputing that, um disputing that these two changes (which add up to a nerf) is the ONLY change, particularly when Sym 3.0 has much bigger issues, like the ones I mentioned.

Please refer to current mercy status and see that if sym gets changes they will only be worse


Mercy is quite a different kettle of fish. She is being nerfed because she is too powerful.

Conversely, Symm is too weak, so logically she should get buffs

symmetra is not dying, i have plenty of fun with her.

even stevoo, the godfather of you symmetra mains says she is better now. but somehow people like you keep insisting she is useless.


none of the nerfs touch the one broken aspect of her kit.

Sombra was weak and got buffs that really didn’t matter. you sure you really want blizzard to go down this road. I mean you might get lower cool downs on TP and guess what, They buffed her

You don’t have to look at TP to use it. As long as you’re holding the interact button down you’ll teleport as soon as you walk into range.

This is actually huge.


Seriously, they need to fix the railing issue. It’s so hard to get up onto a ledge if there’s a railing. Your weapon is also pretty bad at breaking railings - the secondary fire is really slow and the primary is short range.

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Her teleporter is generally terrible. It has a long activation time and is only used for trick plays and requires way too much coordination with random people.


It’s an absolutely critical part of her kit, she plays mostly as a flanker now and you use it to flank. That’s why it’s such a big deal that it’s so buggy and unreliable.


I predicted this rework was gonna go like this

  • Reinhardt lose his ultimate mid swing.
  • Mei lose her robot when she still has it in her hand.

Why shouldn’t Symmetra lose her ultimate when she has it still in her hands?

I’m curious if it only can het canceled by Sombra, or also by stuns.




The secondary fire isn’t slow, it fires around the speed of a firestrike. It’s pretty fricken fast compared to the old one.

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I’m not gonna really call that a nerf. It was an obvious bug, and it was fixed.

It’s not like that happened all that often.