Sym nerfed on PTR--no buffs to compensate

Just like Moira’s “bug fix”

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Which was literally a bug fix.

Are people losing their ult because they get hacked during placement? Hack should definitely interrupt placement, no question. But since you can cancel out of placement safely, it shouldn’t eat the ult (you haven’t used it, you’re just figuring out where to use it).

Yet another “bug fix” that people are saying is a nerf


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It’s a bug fix. On live, when Symmetra is placing/activating her ult. If Sombra came and hack/EMP her. Symmetra’s ult would go through.

The bug fix looks like it corrects this interaction.

I just wish they fixed some of Moira’s bugs. Doomfist interactions with Moira’s Fade is annoying.

Is it really???
That would be awesome!

Bug fix = Nerf… TIL

sym was never too weak, she wasn’t meta. the rework was to try and make her a possible meta character. She’s not getting buffed because she isn’t in need of buffing.

She’s too situational and her pick rate is abysmal throughout most tiers. Their goal should be to make all heroes viable, no matter how hard that is.

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Ok, and why are we only getting big fixes that makes Symmetra worse?


When we were first told about the secondary fire changes, we were told it would be 130 damage at 30 meters per second travel speed. Since Pharah can fire her 120 rockets at 35 m/s, this would be more than fair. 20 m/s for 120 damage each is a joke, and its part of what makes Symms orbs the worst weapon of their kind (splash projectile).


Sombra’s 2.0 rework (hack changes, no ult charge from health packs, no hack interrupt cd) actually boosted her to viable status (2% pickrate). The issue was that they then nerfed her without providing any buffs to compensate. If that hadnt happened, she wouldt have needed her 3.0 rework (the current Sombra), which is a failure in its own right.

And yeah thats true about Mercy, ut tbh I would take 11 pointless buffs to Sym over nothing at all, because she needs all the help she can get.


I have fun with Symm too, in case you couldnt guess I actually onetrick her. That doesnt mean she is in a viable state–case in point: 〽 Sym 3.0: worse pickrate than 2.0, winrate DOWN 7%


Symm is one of the least played heroes in this game, and has been since comp began. She is so unpopular you can be banned for playing her, even when you have a winrate as high as 70%. There is no two ways about it: Symm is weak af.

See this thread for more info: 〽 Sym 3.0: worse pickrate than 2.0, winrate DOWN 7%

they have actually stated on record that their goal is the exact opposite of this. They want certain heroes to be rarer picks that are just super strong in the right situations. They even said with the rework of sym that was still their goal with her.

pick rates do not equal strength. that is a massive fallacy within the community. Secondly you know who was also in the auto report boat? torb, doomfist, ana, bastion and several other characters. people are terrible sometimes when the meta isn’t being played anything off of it will get you reported.

They also said they wanted Sym to be more versatile, and this clearly hasnt happened.

Its ok to be niche, but there is difference between being niche and being hot garbage.

she’s way more versatile then she use to be. they still want her as a niche low pickrate.

she’s not hot garbage

pick rates do not equal strength

Thats clearly untrue, c.f.: Mercy rework, Hanzo rework, DVA after her rework, Brig after release, Sombra 2.0, etc etc

she’s way more versatile then she use to be.

So versatile her pickrate is lower than 2.0. Gr rework.

2.0 was one of the most powerful characters in the history of the game. There’s a reason she was the character with the highest winrate across all ranks and platforms. Also Don’t give me the “swapping off” excuse as that has always failed to hold water. Secondly she’s still rather new, even the pros are still looking how to play her but at top tier comp levels she’s able to do some crazy things.

I love how this community is now taking “Making this hero work properly as intended” and turning it into “nerfing out of spite”.

The sym mains suffer so much.


2.0 was one of the most powerful characters in the history of the game

So powerful she has a 0% pickrate in OWL

Also Don’t give me the “swapping off” excuse as that has always failed to hold water

You gonna explain y or r u just gonna make a baseless claim with nothing to support it?

Secondly she’s still rather new,

This is blatant handwaving. Its been 2 months, and her pick and win rates show no sign of recovery, and all throughout this time every attempt to discuss the clear issues with Sym 3.0’s kit is met with “too soon to tell”.

Every change to the game changes the meta overnight. It happened with the Hanzo changes, with the Sombra changes, it happened with the Mercy changes, and its happening with Sym.

Why are you ignoring this clear historical precedent? The meta doesnt “need time”, you need to wake up and smell the self destroying teleporters.

boo hoo, the .000005% of the community doesn’t like playing her.