Sym is op like hell

I like putting turrets up there against Phara on some maps too :wink: I like permanent tele because Sym can destroy them when ever she wants to create a new route. Unfortunately, the cool down is 12 seconds. I hope they lower the cool down to 8 seconds. It would be great for her defense set up endeavors in a fast paced game. The 12 second cool down seems uncomfortably long for a device that can be damage focused easily by the opposing team.

yeah, yet doomfist can.
also, fun fact, doomfist is the one whos picked more than sym, not the other way around.
another fun fact:
doom can one shot almost every support for free
more funfacts:
doomfist doesnt need any ramp ups, he straight out one shots you
more fun facts even:
doomfist has incredible mobility and self heal that doesnt even stop at his base health, it goes up to 400 while attacking

dont be biased op Ŝkillerino


guys like junkrat dont take skill at all either, yet you dont see him getting many levels of hate. bias uh

Nah I think it’s the beam changes. Every main tank outside of Wrecking Ball has a shield which she can charge her beam on. I think we should wait to see if she is meta or anti-meta in the next meta when orisa and sigma hopefully get more nerfs. She also has always had her niche since 3.0 came out with her teleporter as a unique and creative hero who can get her teammates to places they usually couldn’t.

she absolutely does not. before the time for next cast was hard set at 12s and 10 of which you would have tp up to use assuming it wasn’t destroyed.

now the time to next cast is 12s + uptime of tp with hard set 12s of no tp. like the time to next cast will always be higher compared to before. And time without tp is also higher.

When you factor in the fact that most people/teams will reposition on average at least once per 10s and the fact that what tp is to sym is basically what invis+translocator is for sombra, i.e. bread and butter tool to do pretty much anything they’re supposed to do, this is a big fat blatant slap in the face + sucker punch to the groin of a nerf. Especially when it was literally fine prior to that change.

and I’d be on board with that. In fact my compromise solution I suggested literally was to just simply reduce the cd to somewhere in the range 6~8s.

“SYM IS OP LIKE HELL” and “slightly overtuned” are very different from each other.

Please make up your mind.


Vanilla Sym had the highest win-rate in the game and even higher win-rate than current Sym.

That’s not a singular metric to judge balance.

Sym is still UP, she is just able to do something in the current double shield meta.


Delete the game if you are so uskilled.

She’s played much more in Masters and Grandmasters too.

Lmao she certainly is not underpowered…

She is finally balanced, something that hasn’t happened once in the history of the game ever again.

She was even a bit overturned after the latest bug fix in mid ranks (mid - Gold even up to Diamond), where the main counter to her, Pharah becomes pretty much unplayable.

You mean she is still under-powered, something that has always happened for the entire history of the game and is still the case. The only reason why she is used is because she benefits of the current double-shield meta. That’s about it.

Something can’t be over-tuned in mid ranks. You don’t balance the game around low elo. It’s not the hero’s fault and state that needs to be adjusted due to a player’s inability or lack of practice.

Good thing Symmetra can be countered by pretty much 80% of the roster.

Yeah 'cause a ~57% win rate in Gold up to Diamond, even after the major storm has passed when she was considered blatantly OP monster for some reason certainly doesn’t mean that she’s at least a bit overturned… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

Even if we take the shield META out of the equation (which certainly plays a major role), you are still left with that very important bug fix, which universally almost doubled the overall strength of beam characters.

Won’t even go into the ridiculousness of this paragraph, as thinking that a game like Overwatch can be balanced exclusively around high - ranked environments without losing the 90% of it’s player base and dying for good is not only blatantly illogical, it’s also a high of elitist attitude…

I always see this baseless phrase being thrown around but nobody ever explains who those heroes are…

I mean, yeah Pharah and Doomfist are the most obvious hard counters, but except them I don’t believe there many more who don’t require large amounts of mechanical skill, as that is unreasonable to ask from low/mid - ranked players…

195 dps without any need to headshot at full charge (i.e no skill, fight me sym mains). “Slightly overtuned” is being generous.

She’s only op cause of double shield meta.

Vanilla Sym had 65-70% win-rate for most players. Looking at win-rate as a singular variable when taking into account balance which relies usually on a multi-varied analysis is a flawed approach. I guess by your metric, we should have nerfed vanilla Sym because she was really good at low elo and had exceptionally high win-rate compared to everybody else.

No need to explain how that’s blatantly wrong.

You don’t balance a game around the bottom because you can’t balance around players who can’t play the game very well. There’s nothing elitist in this argument but simple logic and rational. You can play the emotive card if you would like that still doesn’t make you right.

Virtually any tank can counter Symmetra especially at low elo. Winston, Diva, Rein, Hammond, Zarya, Sigma. Also McCree (flashbang + fan the hammer), Reaper, Pharah, Mei, Hanzo, Soldier, Torb.

And those are just examples from the top of my head. It’s really easy to kill Symmetra and it always has been even in the days when she had a guided weapon that required no aim. That’s why she was changed, you know.

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Main her now! Its finally her time to shine.

sym1.0 had higher winrate. your point is moot.

  1. how would you know if the bug fix “doubled the overall strength” of her beam? the quoted 30~40% doesn’t factor out double shield meta which lets sym easily achieve lvl 3 beam often as to before the current live patch sym not infrequently could carry her weight without utilising lvl3 at all in the match.
  2. letting her beam weapon’s 1st tick to actually do the prescribed damage doesn’t help with her core issue that’s been holding her back and been with her since launch: having all of low range, low sustain, low mobility and high delays to damage and do anything.

that’s after getting into 12m of the enemy with low mobility and staying there alive shooting at them with low survivability for at least 2.56s. meanwhile ttk for most damage heroes is 1~1.5s and most of their ranges are longer than 12m and with either more mobility and/or sustain.


Really??? What’s her nerf?

To be fair … Sym seems so OP because most of the time people ignoring her until she burned down half their team. Plus bad coordination and terrible teamplay gives her enough time to burn down people one by one.


You cannot in any way compare the state of the game now and how it was 3 - 4 years ago.

“Your point is moot”

That’s why I said “almost” in my previous post, as 30 - 40% is still closer to 50% than either 0% or 50%…

Agreed 100% overall, but my point still stands, since in low/mid ranks changes that affect the pure DPS/healing dealt by characters, no matter how minor or major, have always been notorious for being able to single - handedly decide if a character is underpowered or overpowered.