Sym is op like hell

She’s gonna be all over the objective, and everyone’s being forced into getting in her range.

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Hitscan can’t get through the barriers fast enough before she gets to her team. If they could, I don’t think Symmetra would be meta right now.

The only hitscan who could potentially deal with her with Widowmaker and even then, that’s rendered moot by barriers.

Well Brigitte has the second highest winrate at 55.38%. So should she be nerfed too?


You did what a good player would do. Switch to a hero to counter her until you force the player to switch off Symetra. It is part of the game to adjust to the opposing teams comp to push for a win.

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I’ve given up on her winrate dropping. It’s always been high. The difference there is, though, that Brigitte has always had this high winrate. Symmetra had a high winrate and a super low pickrate, but then became a much better pick yet hasn’t seen a drop in winrates. It’s a little much.

And she has 0 mobility outside of TP, 200 hp, no CC, nothing other than that beam. Literally just kill her.


Right… imagine not being able to play what you want.

Guess it’s about time people get a taste of what Symmetra mains have been eating for THREE YEARS.


Her turrets are CC. They slow you down.

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She has a high pick rate because she is very effective in countering double shields. The high winrate is a byproduct of having a very high winrate in previous seasons and because not many people know how to properly deal with Sym.

Furthermore Brigitte and Symmetra’s winrates did drop in previous seasons. Brigitte’s winrate dropped once her shield and shield bash got nerfed. Symmetra’s winrate dropped once 3.0 hit. Only now its rising because Brigitte is a better healer and Symmetra is very good against shields.

Also data was not collected during the beta season so pickrates and winrates are currently all over the place.


You probably should know, stats were not collected during the beta season, and comp hasn’t been up for a full week yet, so the stats aren’t telling any kind of cohesive story. that’s why people aren’t citing any pickrates winrates etc right now. Because the site is currently broke in a way that makes it completely wrong. Give it like another week and at least the this week stats might start to make sense.

Her turrets have 30 hp. Any hero in the game can melee them or shoot them once to kill them.


Your whole team getting melted as Sym slowly walks forward putting out minimal effort is a breath of fresh air? I call that suffocating.

Zarya is pretty ridiculous too, but at least she has to manage her bubbles properly to get the kind of value Sym gets by just shooting the enemy shield and throwing turrets on the ground.

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She. Has. 200. HP.

How is she slowly walking forward and your whole team is running away? Just. Kill. Her.

She can’t get away, literally just KILL her.


So? Kill her before she can charge her beam and shoot the turrets. If your team cannot deal with one Sym then I don’t know what to say. God help you if Doom shows up.


Obviously killing her works like it does with any hero. You can use that crap logic across the board. However, she can put out far easier, far more consistent DPS than any other damage hero right now. Killing her won’t work if you died while she was melting you with the beam and turrets. If her healers are smart, then they’re making sure she doesn’t die because she’s the powerhouse and will kill everyone if she doesn’t get Hanzo’d or sniped by Widow, which probably won’t happen in this barrier meta.

Symmetra gets way too much value out of doing basically nothing. She’s the easiest DPS hero in the game right now. And no, putting a teleporter down instead of just walking forward is not mechanically demanding or strategically intensive.


Doom and Symmetra are in exactly the same place in my eyes. The only difference is that a Doom actually has to know what he’s doing. Anyone can play the current Sym.

There is not a single healer in the entire game who can keep Symmetra alive if 2-3 people are shooting at her. Not one.

Get a Reaper, shoot her in the face. He can outlast her if he’s landing shots. Get a Roadhog, hook and cook her. Reinhardt literally has to swing once, twice, three times and she’s gone.

This is a cohesion problem, not a problem with a hero that has 0 mobility, moves at the same base speed as 90 percent of the heroes on the roster, and has 30 hp turrets you can literally melee to death.

This is a foolish thing to say.

I have seen so many terrible Symmetras lately because people think that she’s wildly OP. Then I get on her and blow the other Symmetra out of the water.

Walking forward and holding down LMB is not how to play Symmetra well. If a Symmetra is getting away with it, that’s the same thing as a flanking Moira being allowed to kill your support because nobody wants to bother just KILLING her.

Like seriously, Symm was such a non-pick for so long nobody understand her weakness, which is literally anyone getting in her face and doing damage to her.

Reaper. Junkrat. Roadhog. A better Symmetra. Pharah. Reinhardt. Winston. McRightClick. All of these heroes counter Symmetra hard.

Hell, Junkrat can do his 1 shot combo before Symmetra’s beam even hits its second phase.

PS - the easiest DPS hero in the game right now is Reaper. 250hp Reaper, who literally doesn’t do anything else but hit W+LMB, regenerates health on hit, then has an on-demand mobility ability that lets him get away when the heat is on.


Yea maybe by only using their turrets for turret bombing and keeping their TP at spawn.
Not everyone can play Sym, I’ve seen a lot of bad Syms and they are often just deadweight for their team. Throwing your turrets willy-nilly and using your TP incorrectly will get you killed and lose the match.


I cringe every time someone picks Symmetra on my team and then puts their turrets low to the ground or all clumped together.

Or who put their TP at spawn and just leave it there all game.

Those are the games where I wish I had queued for DPS.