Sym is op like hell

consult with one of your own:

2.56s is still a long time for a game where most damage heroes have a ttk on 200 hp targets being 1~1.5s. And it’s not like sym can charge asap after tp because that’s not how range works i.e. the fight can start without her being able to start charging up.


Unfortunately, Sym is a hero that a vocal group refuses to allow to be played.

Either she’s a complete throw hero and they yell at anyone who dares to play her, or she’s OP and needs to be nerfed to the point that she’s a throw hero again so they can yell at anyone who dares to play her.

She will never, NEVER be OK in their eyes. EVER. The only thing these people will accept is complete deletion… along with 3/4th of the rest of the roster that don’t conform to their “THIS IS AN FPS!!1!” mentality.


Symmetra is an atrocity of hero design. Annoying kit that makes almost zero sense, and she absolutely should not be meta. It’s quite unpleasant.

That “20-40% average damage increase” I bet you dollars to donuts is coming from Zarya, not Symmetra. She’s the one with the 16 meter beam and the effective +600 Hit Point health pool to use it consistently.

I’m seeing about a 15% average damage increase on Sym, maybe 20% if we’re being generous, but definitely not 40% given where all her damage actually comes from.


Kinda hard when her primary fire can literally melt someone in seconds and her hitbox is freakin tiny.


Okay, like turrets aside exactly what about her is low skill? Have you tried using her before this double shield meta, where it’s way harder to gain charge? and as OWL proves, she’s very easy to kill, possibly the squishiest hero in the game…

So now imagine that, trying to not die just trying to gain charge, also her beam requires aim, and after the ptr nerf it requires even more aim…

Her orbs have to charge, and you have to aim those pretty good as well, pretty huge difference in someone who knows how to actually use them vs someone who just spams them at a choke…

She also requires so much set up and knowledge of when to do things, she just can’t do things willy nilly like say Reaper can. This meta doesn’t really show how much skill she requires since she became a beambot, but just you wait. So many people have no idea how to even use her properly.

LMAO, did you just try to justify that sym isnt low skill. admit its EZ to play and be done with it. no need for this.

And symm is already getting nerfed on ptr and soon forgotten again, don’t worry.

8.3% less damage and a 50% beam width nerf. The beam is pretty damn big to start with.

here’s something about concluding from stats, you need to take into account the context/assumptions of the stats. i.e. all we’re told is a 30~40% increase in “damage output”. do we know this is output against squishies? do we know this us overall output? no. and so the context most seem to missing is this:

Before the sigma patch, it wasn’t infrequent that a sym was pulling their weight without getting lvl 3 beam much, i.e. not having access to 195dps much. Like getting 6team wipes with w+m1 was as common as it is now, like much less common.

Now, every fight sym can get 195dps because of the meta. like of course there’ll be a large increase in damage output, the current meta literally lets synm always be at Max charge every fight compared to before when that wasn’t frequent.

so unless we’re told this 40% was from testing beam weapons with a large enough sample size not in double shield meta, this 40% can’t be used to justify claims about “the bug fix was op” esp when it literally didn’t change the prescribed dps values nor the hitbox of the beam i.e. how could you get 1.4x the previous damage without changing the theoretical numbers nor hit registry?

Ill grant that we dont know the “specifics”, but we have no doubt at all that it buffed her beam damage more than they intended

because they nerfed it almost immediately

By fixing a major bug associated with the beams.

Numerous “ticks” of the beams damage were doing fractions of what they were supposed to be doing.

The “fix” stopped that- So all the ticks always do the full damage, instead of partial damage.

Symmetra has a charge number like Zarya?

Exactly like Zarya?


But her damage does “charge up”.

Since when?

Since… Always?

Is this an attempt at obtusbe semantics about the use of the word “charge” in lieu of whatever term youd personally prefer to use to describe symmetras beam mechanics, or are you genuinely unfamilair with how symmetras beam works?

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I genuienly didnt know she has damage charge. I always thought it stayed the same the whole time, and it was just the power of the turrets helping. Wouldnt have asked otherwise.

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In that case my genuine and sincerest apologies- I genuinely thought you were being fussy about the use of the word.

Symmetras beam charges and ramps up in damage the longer shes doing damage with it. It currently starts at 65 damage, then 130, then at full charge does 195 damage.

It currently has small damage nerfs on the PTR due to the extra damage its doing after the bug fix.

Oh…well now the 195 damage thing makes sense. Thanks for update.
Now I wont go ham while playing Dva against symmetra thinking she’s an easy target.

intentions don’t necessarily match up with actual balance health changes. they intended the new to change for to be less restrictive yet it literally restricts sym’s overall gameplay with the cd nerf taking much of sym’s independence to do her job contrary to the intention of the sym 3.0 rework too. not to mention the sym3.0 rework patch was to make sym flexible yet sym 3.0 release primary was objectively more niche than the old one woth same range, double the charge time, and being gutted in tick rate.

I know what the fix was. and my point still stands, if there was a 40% change in damage output purely or even just mostly out of ticks that should’ve been counted in the first place, just how much were people missing in order to trigger the 1st reduced tick bug?

if a lot then obviously people literally were missing a lot and not dealing much damage in the 1st place i.e. would a 40% increase of low damage be that huge to warrant nerfs and many cries of OP sym?

if there weren’t many 1st ticks being reduced, then the premise of this bug fix being the major factor in increasing sym’s damage output is already debunked because hitbox registry was not changed and this bug only matters when you’re missing a lot

Proof by contradiction complete.

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