Sym is not rightly reworked ( šŸ™„ Sym is not a Taxi; 60 Days later.....stop Necroing this)

You sound like you donā€™t know how to play Symmetra 2.0/3.0.

Just have a Genji Dragonblade for a guaranteed win.

Can you please stop trying to speak for us Symmetra mains? Most of use donā€™t actually like your ideas and according to your logic, you shouldnā€™t have a say on Symmetra because you donā€™t main her.


ME hahahah everytime people say things like ā€œhuge tpā€ i say that she is not an elevator.

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Which wasā€¦

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Which was in her unique ways of support: teleport, that acts like spawn point, and shield generator. No other hero could provide consistent +75 shield to everyone in the area, or make returning from spawn room a lot quicker.


Well Iā€™m glad he at least knows sheā€™s in a bad placeā€¦



All you have to do is have your team survive the 5v6 for the 14+ seconds it took to respawn.

Every other could heal more than 75hp. Once they enemy did 75 damage, the enemy had the advantage just by having two healers and your own healer was left solo healing now. If you wanted them to regen, (only for 75hp) you had to leave the battle for 3 seconds.


It was more about burst damage. Those extra 75 hp were turning 200 hp heroes into 275 hp, making them a lot more tanky. And you could heal that, like normal health. Not sure why, could be some kind of bug, but healing was recovering both health and shields.

Teleport reduced overall respawn times from 14+ seconds down to 11: 10 s to respawn and 1 to enter teleport, and - ta-da, welcome to frontline.


No! He never said that! Two is enough! She just needs tweaks!
Just let my inner Sym main rest easyā€¦


  1. Most burst damage did more that 75 damage.

  2. By picking Symmetra in the support slot,you just left your main healer to solo heal in targets with even more hp they have to heal, otherwise, SG was being almost useless.

  3. This is her ULTIMATE weā€™re talking about yet, itā€™s comparable to Lucioā€™s, Brigitteā€™s, and Zenyattaā€™s normal healing. What could Symmetra do when the enemy ulted to save her team.

  4. It took 10 seconds to respawn, 2 to walk to the TP, and at least 2 more seconds to walk from the TP to the team.

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Her ultimate was insanely quick to charge though, and unlike most ults, lasted until destroyed. Basically, everyone in important area keeps increased health, until someone destroys shield generator.


Why does everyone insist that Symmetra take a healer slot? Iā€™ve never understood that.


She was kind of support hero back there, both with her ults and her photon barrier. Her beam was great at dealing with flankers, but for anything else you needed careless enemy to charge it up first.

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So she effectively lacked an ultimate. Her SG was comparable to other healers normal healing. Her TP was still to slow to help during the actual fight. It only helped a team that was already doing good.


Healing doesnā€™t make you less vulnerable to burst damage, but her ultimate did just that. And just so you know, record of charging up Symmetraā€™s ultimate used to beā€¦around 6 seconds of turrets damage.

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She was basically a squishier Reaper, to be honest. If you played her like Reaper, she was hugely effective in selecting squishy targets to take out rapidly. She would cause panic in the back lines, she would cause panic to healers who couldnā€™t keep up with the damage she was inflicting. Add her into a coordinated push, and she was murderous to the enemy team IF the Symmetra chose her targets wisely.

She was a great snowball damage dealer. Once she was allowed (or helped) to gain momentum, she was rarely unsuccessful in taking down two to three opponents before being killed, leaving the rest of your team to finish off stragglers.

Sheā€™d be back in 10 seconds with her teleporter, or less if she had SG up and the Mercy ressed her.


Maybe I just got more mileage out of Sym 2.0 than others did.


Like said, once you find careless target and your beam is charged, she was really scary. With SG she had more health than Reaper, while also could throw her barrier ahead to close the distance.


Yeah.Her not having her mini barrier has affected her the most.


Her ultimate was on the level of other healerā€™s normal healing. Getting it quickly was good because she literally lacked any support without it.

Also, her shields helped with one instance of burst damage but then left you with nothing but a solo healer.

She didnā€™t but people still think she did.


Her ultimate doing all support meant that she is free to do anything else at the same time.

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