Sym is not rightly reworked ( 🙄 Sym is not a Taxi; 60 Days later.....stop Necroing this)

11/12/18: Here is a song to chill to( just pulling it from the link from earlier this week)…Estimate to listen to everything here including the other links is 663 mins

Here was the other thing:
After watching, imagine what could have been if we had: (what I consider the best abilities Sym ever had.)

Old primary fire,
New Alt Fire (but goes though people, no Aoe)
New flying Turrets (but four of them)
Old Summonable Shield
New ult but two of them (Wall Shield and Teleporter)

(Consider her a DPS still, but more like Sombra is a utility Dps)

(reminder; 663 minutes equals 11.05 hours)

This is how you show other players and your team how a Symm ult works…
“Nerf this!”
(looks behind, their bomb is heading for mine against that wall)
“Reality bends to my will”
Teammate: “How the F*(# did I not die? Was I supposed to die?”
Other “Why the hel…”
Other teammate: “That was Symm ult…that big thing across the board saved you from a solo ult”
Teammate: “Thanks…never knew how it worked”

Use it to block damage is what I am saying, position the barrier well enough on points or create a push in one direction of a point or payload while you and your team unload without getting attacked. Sure the other team can get gutsy and try to push through the barrier but I will typically drop turrets on my side of the barrier and in the right places, the other person gets attacked with the turret stack and will die or back off until the ults wear out, but, I slowed things down if I deploy everything correctly.
Now is it an impressive ult? Depends on how it is played and used. in some cases having the barrier stretched out across the map is not ideal unless you coincidentally get your barrier lined up that someone in the back being harassed by the enemy team sees it and can make use of it.

I do agree with her lack of survivability. Theoretically Symm could escape through a TP, but that idea people try passing me off on many times can be easily dismissed based on time it takes for it to animate, and you obviously want to make sure you don’t end up off a cliff, especially if a teammate wants to follow you. I honestly do not use her teleporter much primarily because of animation time. I can find it ideal in situations to help her and her team to survive, but, I don’t find it helpful in most cases unless it is a defensive setup and bastion and Orisa want to go to higher ground they typically can not reach.

Using those example, people need to also dismiss the “Symm requires no skill” conversation these days despite her flaws.

It’s pretty difficult to orientate the wall to save all your team if they’re all over the place. The best I hope for is to save myself and as many people as I can.

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And that is the only way to play it, I try to think fast for the majority, it is an ult I save, not deploy as soon as I get it like other Symms do. I don’t need a 15 second barrier on a point deployed while there is 4 or 5 people on the enemy team dead and they are trickling out. I will call the barrier, but, I still find some people who don’t understand how her ult works. I will ask a Sombra to call out if she sees Pharrah, 76,, Mcree with ults, if she calls it I will save the ult and watch that hero as much as I can. The other day I denied a McCree a quad kill on my team doing so and dropping the wall quick (though sadly the second time he ulted he did his draw quick but only got two people)

I can only make the best of it when I can but I never expect I can save everyone from an attack, in my example, we were all grouped up in a comp game, when it is a game people are spread out…sometimes I port to the point, toss turrets and cap that point while everyone is at choke points, etc, even better if I have my ult, drop that with the turrets if the enemy team has someone show up to take care of me.


Then don’t put turrets on your ult that’s a choice that you can make :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s a fault on the player not the character

Well I hope we hear something this week from Devs about Sym.

Can’t say, Sym is not rightly reworked and then dont say anything else for over 2 weeks.


I agree with you.
do you ever look at someone and wonder what’s going on inside their head?
this is basically how i feel with them rn. they cant just to nothing about symmetra.

i really miss my beautiful shield gen… i was a noob back then so i dont really remember using the teleporter…


It was pretty bad outside of choke points to be honest. They also fed the enemy healers a lot of ult charge.

Look I could care less about the shield gen, already argued with Cleopatra about it earlier this week, and she was so full of herself, that she didn’t even listen to my reason why it shouldn’t come back. (Basically same reason why Armor packs left.)

I really just want her auto lock beam in some way back and more importantly her Photon Barrier. (And just either get rid of the teleporter or move it back to a secondary ult.)

That teleporter is pretty much the same to armor packs.


I am quite opposite, actually.

I do care about shield gen, but only because of the fact that I love the idea of Hide’n’seek sym 2.0 provided.

I couldn’t care about lack of lock on if they kept old visuals.

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Sounds like you care more about your own enjoyment over the overall balance of the game.

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They didn’t say this.

Sym is not currently balance right now, so I don’t care… Been playing Sombra instead anyway when ever I need utility anyway.

Smh I think you’re lost on what symmetra is meant to be in this game. She was pretty good at it too before. Sym as a flanker and a shield buster? naaah, thats not her playstyle.

Edit: 6 weeks later… I am still mad on how much they ignored Sym.


Poor sym when will the devs treat her right

wtf stop rezzing my old articles. (Why does this keep happening)

Wierd I thought I was on latest post. Guess not.

But checking all the new posts they are still very negative about sym ;.;

cause this one technically got a lot of light. And the points are still valid
She is even more of a taxi to bastion xd


Should we wait for taxi uniform for Symmetra?