Sym heal Rework -- Feedback

Not bad but executed very poorly…
This seems to be the pattern for all of her iterations. Not bad, but never good enough; always feels like not much thought is being put into her rework designs.


Plain and simple, switch sentries to Drones.

  • Make the drones not killable but can be disabled to Sombra hack ulti. Drones total = 3 to 4 out.

  • Drones can be sent out to heal in certain areas or be attached to allies as long as the ally stays within a certain range near symmertra. If the ally gets out of the range, the sentry will un-attach and fly back to sym.

  • Drone has a Scout timer

    • When they are away from sym for a certain amount of time, they will have to come back to sym for refueling. During Refuel time, sym has that current Drone down.
    • Drones however can stay flying around sym healing allies near her (short-range heal in order to force her to send drones out and assist allies)
    • Sym can recall her drones and swap as needed. Recalling will automatically begin slowly refueling the drones.

(pretty much you are micromanaging these drones to heal effectively and efficiently)

If you want to keep the current Sentry idea: What needs to be changed…

  • Ether give them more HP or simply make them unkillable. Preferably make them unkillable.
  • Allow sym to recall these sentries so that she can keep moving forward with payload efficiently.
  • Definitely WAY more healing output and or increase sentries to 4 deployments.
  • sentries should prioritize low health targets first.

And overall:
Sym needs another form of healing. Ether remove the LMB or RMB and rework it into a healing function.

All of my Rework Concept Ideas: Main link has several links to other rework ideas.

Sym Shield Support with some heals