Sym Golden Glove Megathread

Where have you been for the last 18 months?


Everyone who wants Sym to be a better hero should check out this thread



Imagining having to type twenty letters, Sandy canā€™t relate

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Canā€™t believe my beloved cosmetic thread is being hijacked for b b b b bal :face_vomiting: balance changes

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Oop let me pretend I didnā€™t see this confrontational reply


Just bought my 26th golden gun. Hanzo this time. Symmetra still canā€™t show off her gold. Will not be surprised if I manage to get Genji, Doomfist, Tracer, Junkrat, Bastion and McCree before Symmetra gets a victory pose or highlight intro with her gun.

Not Hanzo, we donā€™t claim you. You might be forgiven if you leave doom fist for last!

Probs Bastion last tbh

This post is so beautiful :heart:. Wow well written, lots of passion, facts upon facts, why canā€™t every post be like this?

I saw this was dug from the grave. So does she has her golden gun yet? I donā€™t play symā€¦ I donā€™t know.

Manā€¦ Christ she should after reading this.


Nope. Not yet. Maybe one day. Kelsofox, wasnā€™t it yourself that made Anjali Bhimaniā€™s Dragon cosplay costume?

Negative ghost rider.

Oh. Must be a similar name. Carry on.

How dare they steal my name, Iā€™m appalled. :face_with_monocle:

Oh no. Thatā€™s KeltonFX

So what we thinking about the new Halloween Terror trailer? Iā€™m not ver hopeful but thereā€™s 1-2 more skins maybe


Itā€™s only a matter of time.


I find it slightly weird when people say Symmetra shouldnā€™t get a Halloween skin because she already has a great one or that she got a rare skin in archives.

(Or any hero really, theyā€™ve done it in the past so you can get a second skin for an event.)

Like that doesnā€™t excuse it for me to be honest, she already has the least amount of event legendaries of the original heroā€™s and the only legendary skins she has had in the past 1 & 1/2 years was a pay wall.

Itā€™s whatever thoughā€¦


Reaper has Dracula and Pumpkin. Ana has Pharaoh and Corsair.

And thatā€™s just Halloween.

Iā€™m a sym player but with the current amount of skins we get ranging from 4-6 max opposed to 8 legendaries before, Iā€™d rather have other heroes who doesnt have event skin for an event to get one rather than a hero who already has a skin for event.