Syms primary fire makes no sense

Why does Sym have to use a primary that is shorter range than Reaper (12 m vs 15 m), with no ability to protect or self heal in a fight like he does, or have extra health?


At least compare it to zarya’s if you want to make more of a point.

Zarya’s has a higher base damage and a higher max damage, a longer range and has more health along with her getting the charge from a invincible bubble instead attacking without any defensive or mobile abilities whatsoever.

Symmetra’s primary fire also has a very high tick rate so it’s terrible against armor and requires it to be far more accurate because of that high tick rate.

Also one is supposed to be a dps and the other is a tank…


Thays why im comparing to Reaper. Imagine how insane it would be if Reaper had no self heal or wraith form, and still had to do his current job. This is Syms problem.

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okay but what is sym’s job?

Symmetra is basically like zenyatta except she has less reliable dps lol.

i have always seen Sym as a teleporter and turret spam character

Which should put her in the backline

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I can somewhat agree to that but she’s not a very reliable backline and is easy to shutdown and kill, they could at least make her primary fire useful and give her some defense since they removed her photon barrier ability.

Right now she’s like a more delicate zenyatta.

Reaper also has more health and an escape.

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that understandable since they are 2 different characters with 2 different roles

Her range with her primary is 12 m. If you want her in the back line you need to increase the fire rate of her secondary.

or she gets support from someone else in the back.

Her secondary has splash which can hurt a player approaching her

Imagin like plaing reaper before he got heal from doing dmg
Yes that was a thing, just souls from kills if you had time to pick them up.

She needs 250 health. Yes she has shield but they take 3 seconds to refill.

Reaper has the reaping to regen health.
Mei has cryogenic freeze to heal.
Brig has inspire to heal.

All close quarters. All have sustain.
All have an escape or something to immediately protect themselves.

Sym has nothing.

You mean the smallest splash radius in this game? Like 1 m splash or somethin and has like 30 dmg lol yeah hurtful.

Reaper and zarya don’t have reliable ranged damage like sym, sym have tele+ult+sentry that doesn’t require to be close range to do it.

Sym doesn’t have to engage enemies in close range to be effective.

Do you mean telebomb with barrier? You know thats three abilities, one of which is her ult right?

I mean if we’re gonna make that comparison then sure, Repaer has reliable range damage too lol.


If she’s supposed to be in the backline that is an even stronger reason to revert her primary completely back to either its 1.0 or 2.0 forms, because those were actually good at killing flankers, which is the only thing you will have the opportunity to use the primary on in the backline.