Sym 3.0 rework [characters required]

She’s pretty different.

… It’s a giant rectangle and we’re comparing it to Orisa’s barrier instead of Rein’s…

Rein can reposition his ability at will, Orisa’s is static.

Because rein’s barrier isn’t stationary. Sym’s and Orisa’s is. Shape is far less important then function when comparing abilities.

I don’t know, it pretty much serves the same function for me. I mostly use it to eat D.VA ults and protect myself from shots, which is something I did with the Symmetra 2.0 one. Sure you can’t just run at people now, but you also didn’t have a reliable 120 damage shot.

Literally none of these heroes got “reworked into completely new heroes”

Oh, and before you say I’m wrong I have 478 hours of Junkrat between Season 2- Current

Around 50 hours on Road.

And about 30 on Zarya.

He was listing the heroes that Moon plays as a hypothetical point.

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… what… does he think happened to zarya?

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Oh, it was hard to tell. He’s not very good as not sounding legit about what he’s saying.

Also my point still stands anyway.

It is completely moot though.

She’s more fast paced, but she’s still area denial and misdirection/disruption. The only people that think she’s different are people who never played her and people who didn’t play her correctly.


OH…oh I get it now. Moon plays those characters so… that was supposed to be a “whatif” scenario.


because it’s not the first time someone got deleted. Mercy was first to be deleted. then Sombra got deleted, then Hanzo, then symmetra, and torbjorn aswell. Bastion is the next to be getting deleted.

She accomplishes those things in a completely different way. And playing her different is not the same as playing her wrong, if they had success and the same winrate as any other Sym it was not wrong.

Mercy had one ability changed, she was hardly deleted.

most of the symm mains on these forums play her like 2.0 and never fully adapt to 3.0 so your wasting your time. just ignore them. i went from 68% win rate average with 2.0 to 80% win rate average after the rework and i adjusted. Symmetra is the best she’s ever been and all her abilities still exist they just got moved around. only thing we lost was gen. which was the lowest value to her kit

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We see games in general differently, then.

I see the characters in two aspects: Lore and Mechanics. Lore is interesting on itself, and Symmetra’s lore didn’t changed. Her theme still revolves around hard light stuff and her relationship with Vishkar and Lúcio. However, when you talk mechanics, that’s a different engine under that hood.

To me, when someone changes mechanically as drastically as Symmetra changed, that’s an entire new character. Before Symmetra, Mercy was the most radical rework we got, but she still had her identity and mechanics intact. Changing one or two mechanic abilities on a rework is fair game, I can adapt, and I can accept that. Eg, I also main Torb, and while I miss armor packs, I still think Torb is in the game. His mechanics are still there.

Symmetra had her signature mechanics: Autolock beam, piercing orb, giving shield to allies, placing warding turrets. All of those aspects changed, and thus, she is a different character.

That’s why I pointed to Genji and Tracer at the start of the discussion. I can clearly tell that mechanically, Tracer and Genji are different, even if conceptually they are very similar to each other. They fit the same role in a team, and their kits all revolve around mobility. But they are mechanically different. That means each one have their own strengths.

Symmetra changed to the point I consider her a different character. If you honestly do not see her as a different character, I’m envious of you.

Everything in her kit is now objectively better besides her microwave cheat and the shield that goes with it to ‘outplay’ people with so called gamesense. Yet now where did that ‘gamesen’ go? Is primary too unreliable? I thought you were outplaying people not outcheesing them.

She retain her pickrate, and lost over 5% of winrate.

New Sym is statistically worse than old Sym.

as I said Debatable. Looking only at a couple numbers is misleading. Old sym might have had the same challenges with the heroes that were introduced since the rework.