Yea. I suggested a personal barrier above, but if what you are suggesting was a thing, then maybe she wouldnt need a personal because she could have the freedom to use her wall for not only team fights, but as a defensive option. I like that.
I still think it would need something else, perhaps a movement slow for people that pass through it or attaching your turrets to the wall? Maybe when your turrets are attached to the wall, they have double HP and range?
Certainly she’d need something else, but I think that this buff to her ult would be a very good place to start, and a very safe bet for Blizz.
I agree 100%
Like… I hate Sym 3.0 because its a mess, but this would be a good place to start.
The sad part is, they probably wont read this and it probably wont happen, even though it should.
I’d say one thing that does not at all feel the same is her turret placement. Old Sym felt more like you were “claiming a space” by spreading your little babies all over wherever you were.
Her new placement is more user friendly, but does not have the feel of Symmetra anymore. They don’t own a space so much as they distract now. They even removed every single voiceline related to turret placement. All of her Hindi lines except for her new ult line are gone.
It’s true, yeah? Feels kind of hollow to play her now. I miss that prrrrakash, se jivan mein.
It’s like, Satya, where did your personality go? Now we have thirteen different “my teleporter is online” voicelines, but nothing else??
Did the taunts also get removed?
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So far it only seems to be her turret lines and barrier lines.
The turret lines could be re-implemented easily. I miss “Prakshepan badha” the most, which we’ll never hear again as it was for her barrier.
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I liked the Dragon lines the most, summoning shield wells and warding the area
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I still think this is a better version over the live Sym we have now.
Yea, but Sym will just suck forever unless they do something. Honestly, Sym has always been in a not so great spot ever since the game first came out.
Its sad.