So you want aimbot back, I wonder why?
Because now sym’s are realizing what it’s like to have to aim for once?
So you want aimbot back, I wonder why?
Because now sym’s are realizing what it’s like to have to aim for once?
No question this is very powerful and the fact you can do it from any where on the map makes it even better. I have come to love the ult and was dubious at first.
I have an over 50% win rate with new Symmetra this season, so that “useless Sym” statement is utter nonsense.
And you keep reposting this thread, so let me repeat my opinion again: Balls-only Sym is infinitely less fun in concept than face-melting-laser Sym.
So in closing… just no.
auto-locks Sym
Preach, homie.
i think a buff for lvl 1 and slightly less time to charge m2 would be enough for me imo
we could always go for 13-15 meters on m1 too :3c
Or instead of having a long-distance awful and inconsistent beam, how about a short range (10M) super consistent and excellent beam?
Lmao exactly this, it’s hilarious.
previous one had that and it didnt fix anything.
also reaper is kinda that on short distances and guess what
he sucks too
I’ve said this before, Moira is what Symmetra should have been all along.
So it was inevitable that her aimbot get reduced or removed.
Moira’s aimbot, is tolerable and still can be dodged, it’s her blue ball of doom that you have to worry about most.
“aimbot” is for the ult, not primary fire.
The only reason it didn’t was because she was miscategorized and too clunky to be effective. There was a happy medium that could’ve been reached with tweaks alone!
2.0 was a better direction. With tweaks, she could have been better than this 3.0 hot mess rework.
That’s what I implied, is it not?
Six turrets was a wonderful thing because it allowed for lots of area denial, but their placement was too slow, and the placement range, a little too short. Easy to address.
Her primary fire wasn’t consistent enough, despite being one of the best ways in-game to deal with flankers. It didn’t stay charged long enough, and there was arguably too much ammo. 30/60/120 could’ve easily become 40/80/120, and with only four tics, it would only lose 16.66% of its damage when at Level 3 charge. And then you can give it that “charges ammo against shields”. Easy to address.
Her secondary fire was a little too slow to be effective, in terms of charging up. Maybe it could’ve used a very small speed boost as well, but the purpose of the orbs was to zone anyway. Easy to address.
That gun could’ve used a slightly faster reload.
Photon Barrier was an awesome and highly powerful, high-skill ability. Maybe it could’ve had a two-second cooldown reduction. Easy to address.
Shield Generator and Teleporter were both very interesting ultimates that could’ve used some tweaks and QOL changes, such as faster placement, only-taking-damage-when-shot-at-the-base… But they were situational ults that were incredibly powerful and oppressive when used correctly.
She didn’t need to be made more of a “damage” hero, because that was effectively already her job.
Reduce the cool down on her turrets, make the tp infinite (until destroyed or replaced, reduce a bit its health tho) , ULT: make her barrier ult do dmg if touched and primary fire becomes auto-lock for the Ult time like you suggested. That’d be wonderful.
lol. Yes. I am agreeing with you. I agree with everything you just said too.
I really think that 2.0 had a vision and a purpose. I feel like 3.0 is just a mess of what cool new things can we just throw together and oh… lets give her a Tank/Support ult even though we just moved her out of support.
With some tweaks like you said, 2.0 would have been a much better version of Sym. What I suggested above was just thoughts on how to at least make her kit more cohesive.
I am really heartbroken with what they have done to Sym. I love Sym so much and I just feel like they totally ruined a hero. Makes me wanna cry. Poor Sym.
I mean… come on, that wall is awesome… for a TANK ULT! Since Orisa is all about placing down barriers, I would much rather have that on Orisa over Supercharger. lol.
But you do recognize how it’s still a very “Symmetra” ultimate, yes? Like, even in her current errata, she still feels like her. It’s just a necessarily less efficient her that does statistically less damage and is significantly easier to counter by dive.
Don’t get me wrong, the current ult is… weird. But I think it’s very possible. Maybe it could charge faster. If it charged significantly faster it could maybe be treated as a replacement to the TRUE Photon Barrier.
Hm, if required 33% less charge, you would be able to have it up during each team fight except the first…
Actually, that’s it right there. That’s what she needs right now. Not another rework. But a consistent defensive option. And this means she can earn it and they don’t have to make any complicated changes.
I know. I mean, the ult does scream Sym. No way around it. Its a very Sym thing… but I think its just so out of place with the rest of her current kit.
Maybe if you could attach your turrets to the wall? Maybe if the wall somehow interacted with you or your kit then it wouldn’t feel so out of place.
How it is right now, (even though it still screams “Im a Sym object”) it just feels like a tank/support ult, not a DPS Sym ult.
This is a huge thing too… Sym was great with her personal Photon Barrier. Sometimes when I have wall ult, I still almost want to use it like a personal Photon Barrier.
Maybe there is something there you could tweak, but I still think it needs to somehow relate to the rest of her kit to make it feel cohesive. Almost like how Valk is suppose to enhance the rest of your kit, it all works together. (although, Mercy is another topic entirely. LOL)
They could make only two changes and make the ult, and her entire kit, 100% better.
1000 charge means that good Symmetras (since they do 12,000 average damage in a match, on the low end for DPS, but high end for everything else) will have 12 ultimates during a competitive match. Let that sink in for a second - twelve of these things? That’s three whole minutes of the point being bisected in an incredibly powerful and oppressive way.
All of a sudden, her primary doesn’t seem that bad anymore since you can reload in peoples’ faces, in safety.
One-frame deployment means that you can use it to counter Pharah ults and Roadhog hooks, as the old barrier enabled. It’s a defensive/tank/support ult with purpose, on a hero that under the previous categorizations, would be a defense hero.
This as a change would probably fix a lot of the inconsistencies with her current kit, as well.
I mean… its better than the live version of the wall. lol
But think of the implications of that. Like, what’s wrong with her? Her primary sucks, her teleporter is too slow to deploy and awkward to place, her turrets are way too loud and full of bugs that should probably be addressed…
But more importantly, she has no true defensive options.
And that is a defensive option.