Switch Mei freeze to her right click

I’ve talked about this a few times but basically here’s the idea:

remove mei’s left click. Make right click her primary.

Mei’s right click slows target with a body shot. A headshot is a stun. No residual effect.

stun and slow both last .5 seconds.

mei’s alt fire is something like fan the hammer. 3 quick shots but use all her ammo.

this is a buff, but also makes her more balanced. and it makes the game more balanced.

it leans into the character archetypes and mei becomes a more consistent mid range dps option; in line with soldier mcree hanzo. she becomes better against DPS but less oppressive against main tanks (the example I used previously is mei freezing widow in duels, it would also be better against doom fist, tracer).

a series of quick ranged stuns and slows keeps her unique elements, while also keeping her from breaking the main tank balance which in turn breaks the entire game. she becomes useful in more sitautions. the main tank balance should be determined by map pool, not DPS heroes. becuase main tank represents an entire strategy, an entire way of moving a team. they need to balance each other. having one DPS that alone beats 3 of the 4 main tanks is problematic.

and adding mei into the pool of ‘mid range dps tools’ and leaning into that character archetype fixes a lot of problems. It’s healthy for the game, and helps the devs create a situation where DPS balance is about flankers vs mid range vs snipers.

then all you would need to do is nerf storm arrow to be more comparable to FtH and Mei’s alt fire and soldier’s helix. Hanzo has the highest impact primary, so he should have the worst defensive move. Something like 2 quick arrows but full DMG or something.



What this game needs, more stuns and more ways to stop channeled ultimates


Or rework her into a tank.

I know she doesn’t need that, but I do think that it would be interesting. Not to mention that we could use more tanks.


her primary spray needs to go.

what this game needs is Rein and Winston viable again. This achieves that while keeping mei strong, while adding to the DPS roster in a healthy way, while establishing what types of DPS heroes should be in the meta. this removes perma stuns for main tanks that dont have fortify, while adding short, long range stun that has more utility but is less consistent.

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Lol you just wanna play Mei, with a 30 second RoleQueue timer :stuck_out_tongue:


So a long range slow and potential stun?

Would have to come with fire rate, arcing projectile, ammo size adjustments…

Or maybe make it so it only has CC after some travelled distance, like reverse fall off, so Mei can’t CC under 5m or something.

I mean you can mess with the fire rate and ammo as necessary. her projectile is already slow and inconsistent. It would be better against Widow and Hanzo than it is against Mcree and Soldier.

Dont give it reverse fall off. Then it is still good against tanks, but Rein has a chance to shield flash it and Winston has a chance to bubble dance it.

I am a Mei main and I would hat to see her reworked, but I can’t help but wonder how they would change her kit if she was changed into a tank.

Literally all they would need to do is lower her icewall cooldown by 1sec.

And make it so her iceblock does not favor the shooter.

but it does not deal with the toxicity of a perma stun that hits multiple targets on a spray with high ammo and huge hitbox.

just think about how much healthier she would be in the high level meta as a hero who can stun widow but has to hit the shot.

I don’t think it’s that easy.

Tanks needs to have the healthpool to absorb the damage. Especially of mei will become an non-mobile off-tank. 250hp wouldn’t be enough.

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It does indirectly, since she’s be used a lot less compared to other more effective offtanks.

So a slow and stun with no range limitations and no cooldown? And then you get close and Mei would have block, wall and a FtH-like ability?

Yeah hard pass.

the cool down is the ammo. it gives more down time in her ability to slow and stun. because you can use cover, you can juke her aim, you can shield flash and bubble dance.

If that’s an issue, just raise her selfheal in iceblock.

Also the wall thing is less obvious, but she could be in near permanent rotation between wall and iceblock.

the correct route is to change her primary, not where her character is in the selection screen. because you still need to change her primary even if she’s an off tank.


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becuase if you dont change her primary then Rein and Winston and Hamster remain unplayable and Orisa remains must pick. and because it requires nothing to land, a dog can track a tank with it.

A reload mechanic is not a cooldown. A cooldown a time-frame your enemies have to work with while resources aren’t available. In nature it means you have time to act on said unavailability of resources. Reloading does not give time to act on, unless you wanna give Mei a 5s reload, which would be really weird to play with.

A longe range slow and stun that can spammed down chokes like Hanzo logs sounds even worse than what we got now.

Because it’s bullcrap in any category.

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