Switch Mei freeze to her right click

K, so then tweak her primary a bit, instead of redesigning from scratch.

I don’t man.

I really doubt that simply upping her self healing, place Mei in the tank roster and calling it a day would be enough to actually make Mei a tank.

Personally would double the cooldown of her iceblock, let it heal 200hp or something like that and give Mei 400hp. The freeze duration and slow will be toned down and I will keep her wall as it is. Maybe allow Mei to cancel it even if she is dead.

Way I see it, Mei is already better at Tanking than Roadhog is.

ehhh no no thanks
two body shots is a crpple at best

‘time frame enemies have to work with while resources arent available.’

right now, there is no downtime on her freeze, not when it comes to a main tank. she will have full ammo when you get to her and there is no outplaying it. your only option is to not push or wait to push until someone kills her. Or play Orisa.

but with this, there is downtime between each shot. there is down time if she misses. there is downtime if it is blocked. there is downtime when she reloads. there is so much more strategic counter play. and yet it also brings more potential to her kit.

it is not an easy to hit projectile, and it has a slow fire rate.

Roadhog is being played more like a DPS’er than a tank in my opinion, but his HP and high self healing allows him to absorb insane amount of damage. He does belong in the tank class because of this imo. Mei with her current healthpool and abilities does not, despite her having tank characteristics.

Let me put it this way:
Should tanks be able to be oneshotted by snipers, Doomfist or Reinhardt?
Well, Mei with 250HP could be oneshotted.

how is a headshot stunning someone for .5 seconds worse than holding left click with no aim requirement to remove rein and winston and hamster from the game?

she would still be good against them but wouldnt break the core dive v brawl v bunker strategy triangle. she would be better against DPS making her more viable in a less broken meta.

Yeah, thus our predicament.

I don’t see this working unless the fire rate is excruciatingly low or if the reload is unusually long.

Think Hanzo’s primary that stuns and slows. There’s no time to act between Hanzo arrows, nor Widow shots…

Wanna give this a shot, it needs to have range limitation, no CC below 5m, which is pretty much every main tank’s range.

hanzo doesnt have to reload. mei’s projectile is slower and the fire rate is slower. A good rein can block hanzo arrows, a good rein can block pharah projectiles. a good mcree is hard to hit with Hanzo arrows. same is true for mei projectiles.

why does it need a range limitation? why does it need to no CC below 5m? neither of those make any sense to me.

Well, here’s an idea on the Doomfist part.

What if Mei could iceblock while stunned.

You mean the same thing what Moira could with her fade.

I am strongly against that idea. Not only makes it inconsistent with other invulnerability abilities, but I think it would be too strong, albeit not by much probably.

There’s no space between Widow reload either. And a cooldown expense is something we can call, reloads are considerably harder to track, pretty much impossible. Never seen anyone tracking Widow shots to see if she has ammo.

Cause it’s a stun, a slow and we have an excess of CC already.

The only CCs that work on range in this game is sleep and hook. The first is a hefty CD and once spent Ana becomes a free kill. The second is 20m range with 7s CD.

You wanna a stun with no range limitation, no cooldown, just a reload. That’s annoying, if nothing else.

And a long range stun below 1s duration wouldn’t be good value like Sleep, because it can’t be capitalized on, so this is pretty much just annoying and more stuns for the sake of stuns, so now that I think about it, even with the range limitation it wouldn’t be good.

Sorry, hard pass. Lets just nerf the primary and be done with it.

How would multiple head shots work? Would there be a time between stuns where you couldn’t be chain stunned?

a slow on a projectile is alread very good, you can land a body shot for a garenteed follow up with no dropoff is HUGE
imagine landing 80dmg on someone and having em ready for a free headshot
thats huge and less cancer then what she got now.
besides, she got her wall, so let her cancerous playstyle require teamplay since it forces teamplay out.

well the details can be solved in play testing.

but the main point is remove the left click and give her utility to the right click. and the game would just be flat better with that change in so many ways.

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Imagine getting randomly headshoted while playing as Pharah/Mercy above Ilios well or using an ult.
More dumb ideas for dumb Mei

Fan hammer for Mei?
Can we rename her to McMei? :stuck_out_tongue:


then maybe none of it stuns and everything is an increasing slow. this is missing the forest for the trees

It’s a really interesting idea. My biggest concern is that it would now be very easy for her to CC big targets like tanks from long distance. It also seems to force the other team to pick Rein too, and we really don’t need any more encouragement to play the already most picked hero in the entire roster. But I do think you’re correct that her fire modes should be tweaked.

Personally, I’d like if the slowdown was removed from her primary. Rather than gradually being slowed to a halt, her target could move normally while freeze buildup occurs. But once freeze buildup is complete, they’re frozen instantly. As compensation, she would have more raw damage on her primary.

This would give certain heroes a better chance at escaping. But if they overstay their welcome, they’re still punished just as they are now.

Lul if you haven’t noticed rien is the only viable main tank