Swap E-Rez with Valkyrie | Make Rez an Ultimate Again

Btw yeah they actually did merg them considering y’know more or less it’s the same thread it’s discussing the same things it was just worded differently

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and yet, in my experience, while this does happen some of the time, it is not what occurs every single time

not sure how sitting in spawn, which is reportable (as inactivity) is a good thing, nor do I understand why a player would want to do so instead of putting in the effort to help their team win

Also have to add, that only time I had tank providing cover for resurrect was, when tank was from higher tier and part of three player group. Guess it gives enough insight on what kind of environment is usual here.

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My experiences have, in general, been much better.

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Me thinks you two may just be in different ranks. It would explain the inconsistencies with the different experiences.

Woah, now I am over heeeeeeeeeeeere. Hello new thread!

So it means that I should give up any hope and switch to griefing, since I got no chance to ever get to tier above me, despite it being less than 100 points away.

That’s not what I am saying.

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Well, what else could you mean? Such different experience means, that if my team isn’t great, my chances to win are 0. And to find great team here is harder, than finding unicorn in New York.

Since I don’t want to get sad over defeats, I am likely to look at dark side.

How about let mercy ride a unicorn and she can fly and immune to death ???

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You will get a great team in some matches, no so great in others

It evens out over time

That said, if I was (as you appear to be) not having success playing Mercy (or any character) I’d start looking at other characters to main, identify 2-3 i can be effective with, and start playing those characters instead


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It’s almost like it’s a decision maker, something you said earlier that Mercy lacked making her boring…

Seriously your arguing against yourself. You’ve contradicted yourself so many times is laughable.

Valk is boring because it lacks decisions
Says she shouldn’t have have healing interested while casting which removed a decision from mercy kit

You said Rez should be an emergency only ability then you complain it’s emergency and stops her healing.

Your literally trying to find reasonings from nowhere and it’s not not working, accept defeat and realise there are solutions to all your problems so far. Your choosing not to accept them because again you’re only ever going to accept a rework.

Discussions are becoming dull with you…


It’s not a decision, when you decide between teammate’s death or your own death. Losing healer is never better option. It’s like deciding a way of suicide, no matter your choice, result is same.

Discussion with you was dull from the start, yet I am willing to continue.

This is what kind of decision you suggest:

  1. Don’t rez. You are one player down, snowballing is about to come soon.
  2. You do rez. If enemy team isn’t blind and teammate wasn’t far, far away, you get killed. Team is -1 player and snowballing is again on it’s way.

If you’re not performing at a higher rank, you won’t ever get there. And because it sounds like you’re dying a lot and not very good at multi-tasking on Mercy, you may be in a lower rank than Megadodo since their stories are about success and positive experiences.

A gaming experience from like…a Silver game is night and day compared to a Diamond or higher game. It’s literally not even the same game anymore the experiences are so different.


I got one objective: keep teammates alive. I got no interest in going battle Mercy.

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But if you choose the right time and setting you won’t die. It’s basic. Another decision.

If you think every Rez results in death then your just bad at Mercy, you could literally successfully Rez every time you use it because it’s a decision.

Is this a good place?
Is it safe?
Are my team okay?
Have the enemy got ults that they can wipe with while I’m gone?
Where are the enemy hitscans?
Is it worth the Rez?
Do they have their ult?
What role are they?

These are all decisions which you should be thinking. (Something you seem keen on since you state it’s why Valkyrie is boring) It’s all the same decisions as mass Rez except you have repercautions if you don’t abide because invun doesn’t cover your mistakes.

Please. Just stop. You’re making this worse for yourself.


It’s not about time, it’s about other team being bad!

I don’t either, and rarely die when I play Mercy.

Seriously, you just aren’t playing her well. You can’t always be relying on your teammates to carry you. That’s why you are stuck where you’re at. Not trying to be blunt but what you’re saying and your contradictions point at that being the reason.


here we go again, another mass rez post by RevertMercy, where every answer is
"That’s your opinion, i disagree :blush: ", “thanks for projecting your opinion” and “they reverted her voicelines, that is the same as a kit revert!”.
No, they aren’t. For the nth time (you seem to always ignore this point), comparing a voiceline or some numbers to a full on kit revert is delusional, espeially with everytime kaplan and goodman keep saying “we don’t want mass rez”.
And no, deathmatch is a different story. While they backpedaled on that, it wasn’t something that was removed, then re-added.

Seriously, RevertMercy, i hate to call you directly… but upgrade your arguments a little bit? You’ve been repeating the same post over and over.
Like, almost word for word.

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There are no contradictions. If you survive rez, it’s other team being bad, or teammate dying in safe location, where no fight is going.

I don’t have teammates, that are dying in safe locations, or cover me, so it’s completely up to other team not paying attention. Sometimes they are that way, and I survive.