Swap E-Rez with Valkyrie | Make Rez an Ultimate Again

i mean, you just straight up said “if the dev tried my opinion they’d see how it’s the best”.
That screams arrogance if you think your opinion is so much better than anyone else’s.
I was just left speechless. As for my rebuttal?

this guy got it covered.

Step off your high horse, you can’t just say “all opinions are valid”, while you have an opinion that goes against the GAME DESIGNER and also actig like your idea is the best.
What if they tried it and thought it was crap? You don’t know that.
I don’t know either.
So stop with all these hypotetical talk, its going nowhere.

fyi, this isn’t something you can say while saying “all opinions are equal” in the same post.


I think this is a good idea, but we will have to see. She isn’t unplayable but she isn’t that fun anymore, her ult was annoying yes but all ults have some value right?

Except for Mercy.

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I respectfully disagree with you - I find Mercy to be very powerful and impactful

you forgot the :blush:
At this point i wonder if the revert crowd has kept going “mercy is unfun and uninpactful” for so long and so insistently that they can’t literally think something different.
They are almost turning it into an anthem.
Scrap that, it already is.

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This needs to be put in fine print every time someone assumes that support ults are “all powerful and impactful.” :smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

In my opinion, all Support ults are powerful and impactful; and ergo, there is no need for any fine print

Once they do, everyone will realize how this was true all along :blush:

And thanks for offering your opinion. In my opinion, I believe that the fine print is necessary. But alas, we can just agree to disagree on that. :blush:

It is true, all ults have some value. Some are a lot more valuable than others. As for Mercy, I believe she is quite lacking in the “value” department, and still needs some compensation buffs to her kit (if not some more reverts). But that’s of course, just me. Either way yes, we will have to wait and see how these Valk buff/reverts hold up. :slight_smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I have a deja-vu … have not this same thread with different wording been posted over and over the last … 6 months?

We dont need mass ress, nobody wants it.

Make valkyrie beam heal AND boost at the same time. Problem solved, Valk is now a cool ultimate.

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I want it, and a lot of other people want it as well. So I apologize, but this statement, is objectively false. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Mercy is in a weird state, the only value i get in her ult is when I’m using my pistol… If her ult gave you 2 insta resses like it used to again I would actually think it had “some value”. Come on even Moira’s ult has more value and no one uses the ult to heal at this point unless they’re above plat.

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Nah. Keep it solo Rez to stop it from becoming metacentric. Again.

Lower the charge requirement so a GOOD Mercy gets it roughly every 30 seconds, a bad one gets it every 45+ seconds.

Make it more flexible (10m range, INITIAL LoS, nearly instant, invincibility for Mercy and her ally, maybe a 50-60hp burst for those who are 10m or closer to Mercy after the Rez goes off).

Bam. Done.

An Ult has to be powerful (teleporting 1 person back to the battle is very powerful). It has to be flexible enough to use fairly for both ally and enemy (current E-Rez is not flexible at all). It doesn’t have to be a WOAMG 6v1 KILL ACTION WOWZOZOZOZOW!!! powered ability. It just has to have a fair cost (charge requirement) to power/usage ratio.

And ofc a powered down Valkyrie for E would be the next course of logical action.

do you know other rebuttals, or this is your default “my opinion is better than yours so shut up”?


I could have sworn that someone is trying to get my attention… Oh well. Moving right along… :blush:

Indeed, It’s a shame. I find it pretty ironic as well, that Mercy… a pacificst… Get’s most of her value from resorting to violence. #SeemsLegit4hed.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

and zen, a buddhist monk, is the most offensive oriented support

In my opinion, if Blizzard felt is was necessary to include such fine print - somewhere - they’d be working on changes to the ult. Since they have said that she is in a good place now, I dont believe they agree that such fine print is necessary

Factually, she was just recently buffed, and the devs have said they feel she is set for now.

I do not believe she needs any further buffs

Factually, the most recent set of changes was a buff, not a revert

Xavvy, you have to understand one thing.
You can’t just shut down every argument with “we have to agree to disagree”. It’s disrespectful toward the other.
Because it feels like you aren’t even valuing other opinions, only yours matters.
Your thread are literally for your revert cult and no one else, as you don’t give anyone space and just treat everyone with contempt and condescending attitude.
Grow up.
Or, if you want your cult-like following, just go in aria rose’s comment section.
Don’t poison this forum with the same post and the same answers constantly.

You are not searching for a discussion, you are only trying to validate your bias


I’m sorry, but that is unfortunately, only partially true. More accurately, it is both.

  • Mercy had Valkyrie in it’s first iteration at 60hps.
  • 60hps was nerfed to 50hps later on.
  • Recently, it was brought back to 60hps.

That is both a buff from the day before she had 60hps (when it was 50hps), and a partial revert, because she had that same amount of healing in a previous patch. :smirk:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Factually, a revert would involve replacing newer code with older code

Factually, this is not what occurred

As such, this most recent set of changes to Mercy as I understand it a buff, not a revert