Swap E-Rez with Valkyrie | Make Rez an Ultimate Again

That why she need ult that Help her teammate while they are alive rather than they are dead, your teammate also can play better to stay alive rather than relying on single ult to undo their mistakes.

i know Transcendance can do that but it only save him from sustained damage not from burst damage so of the enemy used rip tire or dva self distruction they are screwed, so your teammate have to play carefully because not every ults can save them.

I’m sowwy BillyMays:'c

she still would have been reliant on E, no matter what they’d give her.
Also, we don’t know what they tried internally. Maybe they tried valk on E at one point and found it didn’t work, who knows?
I think Rez just should have straight up not be in the game. It has only created problems and massive breakdowns among the playerbase.
I think the only game that pulled off rez well was Paladins. Not only there’s a character with an ability that specifically says “prevents slain enemies from being rezzed”, so far the only rez ability is a self rez on a tank. That also explodes and deals massive damage, to avoid people just circling him again while rezzing.

I agree, though I think the cast time is unnecessary and should just be implemented as original Resurrect without invulnerability frames. What would keep this powerful instead of a gimmick like the original ult would be the implementation of Valkyrie as the common “e” ability which would provide the mobility necessary to survive if played correctly. Resurrect would likely have some sort of LOS checks in place and Valkyrie should last 6-8 seconds and begin a 12-15 second cooldown at the end of its duration, sort of how Torbjorn’s Overload was implemented

And Valkyrie is really bad at saving team from both, unfortunately.

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No this is what this thread is for! Thanks for your suggestions! I like that idea as well. I believe I’ve made some suggestions regarding some sort of “dynamic rez” in one of the other Mercy idea proposal threads. Either way, I’m all for it. :smiley:

Oh I apologize, but I disagree.

You are making the assumptions that they couldn’t have simply given Mass res tweaks to allow for counterplay. The trade off of Mass res was Mercy having 50hp, and no decent self-defence capabilities. That trade-off was in fact, so effective, that the devs felt that they needed to buff Mercy with invincibility on her res, just to make her viable.

Making her Mass res with LoS, damage reduction instead of invincibility, a 1.25s cast time, and the ability to reset her ult counter back to 0 when she either dies before pulling off her res, or cancelling it herself, are what I find to be solutions to all of those problems, and allow for countless opportunities of counterplay.

Let’s think outside the box on how Mass res could have been fixed, eh? There were many ways to balance it. They simply chose not to do so, and caved in to the pros / streamers whining about how “unfun it was to play against.” :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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But in my opinion is very good and very powerful in other ways

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In DPS ways? Maybe so, won’t argue with that.

With apologies - I cant speak to that, as I do not know what “dps ways” means

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DPS ways are ensuring, that already certain victory comes faster, via damage boosting and using pistol.

given this definition, yes, this is in my opinion one of the multiple ways where it is strong

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Just because I like being pedantic;

If we assume we have the old animation (something like 0.8 seconds) and old invulnerability (2.25 seconds) it would work out as the following;

Mercy will be “casting” for a total of 4 seconds (baring in mind this can’t be animation cancelled)

Her teammates will return to the fight in instances of 2.25 seconds. With 0.8 seconds between each revive, the first ally will be ready to fight 1.45 seconds before the next. Multiply this by 5, since we’re assuming Mercy is somehow individually reviving 5 people and the enemy team isn’t doing anything in this time, it will take a minimum of 7.75 seconds for Mercy’s full team to be able to fight again by the time she’s revived everyone.

That’s a far cry away from the 2.25 seconds of the old revive, which offered no counterplay. With this suggestion, the enemy team has up to 4 seconds in total where Mercy will be raising her hand alone to kill her.

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you don’t know. Maybe they tried internally and found out it didn’t work, then tried something else.
When reworking scatter they talked stuff they tried and was cut, so we know they try other things before setting on a rework.

Also… no point in arguing about an ability that the devs have stated multiple times that is not coming back.

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No i’m saying that if we deal purely in hypotheticals and opinoins there is no discussion it’s simply a game off “you don’t know what they could have done to make it balanced” and neither do you so we’re basically stuck with no room for diccustion so I’m going off the gameplay of what we had which guess what I disliked

why what could you possibly stance could if they did this it would be balanced and again you have also no way of knowing this for sure thats why hypothetical arguments are some of the most baseless

along with that why are you’re trying to
fix a problem the game is not suffering from thus adding another hypothetical of “what if Mass rez came back” so this whole discussion is based off your veiws alone which really doesn’t make much of a active discussion if active at all but what to do

And you don’t know either, maybe they never tried it before and once they do, will realize how this was the solution all along. It’s all speculation as to what we think they did or didn’t do.

Also… The devs have gone back on their word multiple times, and thus, I will continue to believe that it is coming back. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

So is Nanoboost. So is Coalesence.

Also, the hide and rez that was employed by some Mercy mains is not comparable to the hide and ult of DPS heroes. DPS ults do not benefit from team mates being dead.

Infact, imho, its terribly inaccurate to try to compare mass rez, an ult that only affected dead team mates, to literally any other other ult in the game as all others only affect living players.

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are you… are you always this arrogant?


You mean you don’t try to win the fight with Pulse Bomb 1v6?

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Nanoboost, combined with Ana healing, and Coalescence provide much better protection from damage, tanking most non-ultimate damage.

DPS ults don’t benefit from teammates being alive either, it’s just more convenient to use one in ambush.

Mass rez could affect alive teammates, if it was added. But it wasn’t seen as problem. Could be simple ~2 s of damage immunity + full restore of health, for example.

again how do you expect to have a actually meaningful discussion when you have to speculate that mass rez is coming back to have said discussion these threads are only meant for people who think like you and really it’s just a poor way to trade a conversation