Suspended for Playing Symmetra

“Throwing is bannable and should be reported. We appreciate your help here.”

we dont share the same definition of throwing. many people do share my definition of throwing. those people are filing reports. the reports are being upheld by blizzard.

what’s not to understand?

Yes i understand that but here we are in a thread where I’m telling people i’m not and they don’t believe me. You’re assuming because why? there can’t possibly be that many hateful people in the game? What is it? My mic doesn’t work and the times I use chat are very limited. Usually to defend myself or another person from someone being hateful. So what actions? the only actions I take are playing the hero I want to play.

if a lot of people playing a game for fun find someone’s behaviour not fun, i believe it’s not fun.

this is not a moral argument, not sure why you’d try to confuse it with one.

i’m sure thats true. no one saying that here. no one is defending that here

There is a lot wrong with this, but that’s besides the point, because it has nothing to do with my point. It sucks that people are toxic to off-main heroes, grass is green, the sky is blue, except when it isn’t. You won’t get any argument from me.

Hey there Player Name,

Game Master here. I hope this message finds you well. From what I’ve read it looks like you were looking for some clarification on the Overwatch suspension that is currently active on the account and why it may have been applied.

I totally get where you’re coming from in feeling this suspension was issued due to being reported for “One Tricking” Symmetra. A lot of players will try to report others for being a “One Trick Pony” and only wanting to play one particular hero. I can assure you though that all of our reports are manually reviewed by a Game Master and reports for OTP are discarded. I’d definitely like to cover a few things with you to maybe elaborate a bit on why this suspension was applied.

As you know the community and your teammates are the one who moderate the chat and gameplay behaviors of other players and teammates. Should a player be reported, each individual report is immediately sent up for review in which the account (both chat and gameplay) are monitored. When an account is reported in game (whether it’s for Toxic Behavior, Harassment, Throwing Games, or even AFK) the appropriate action is applied to the account. So while yes, players CAN report someone for “One Trick”, after those reports are discarded the remaining reports for the account are reviewed. In this case it appears that there were some reports for Feeding, Not Defending, No Cooperation with team or using Ults etc. While I do not have the specific details for each of these reports, these were the notes that were left for the suspension.

As a side note, if you ever want to play a hero and other members in your group suggest that you switch, just try to be communicative with your group and work with them and explain why you feel that the hero you are playing is justified for that map or group composition. There is no requirement for you to switch even if you are asked to do so. But if you end up throwing games because they asked you to switch, that’s simply poor sportsmanship. You should always try to do your best regardless of which hero you are playing.

While I’d love to be able to overturn every suspension that I personally come across, we won’t be able to assist in overturning the suspension this time around as we do not support toxic behavior in our games. “But GM Name, the same people probably reported me multiple times!!! This isn’t fair!!!” While it is random who you get grouped with it is super rare that you get grouped up with previous team members so receiving multiple reports from the same account is extremely unlikely.

If you’re interested in improving our suspension system, our developers moderate the forums and keep their eyes out for any new and emerging issues that pop up. By getting your thoughts out into the open, other like-minded players may add on to your post. This is how change happens. We are always looking for feedback to help positively change the way our processes function and with your help, in providing feedback, we can take that first step. Every Voice Matters to us, as it is one of our company’s Core Values, and your voice is no different.

Here’s the link to the forums should you want to post about your experience or any potential changes you may have to the silencing system:

I appreciate the time you took to contact us about the matter. I do hope I was able to cover your issue thoroughly and provide you with a clear understanding of the actions taken on this account. If you have any other questions outside of this issue, please feel free to submit a new ticket.

-GM Name

So basically, if enough people report you for one-tricking, the automated system will suspend/ban you even though Blizzard knows the players being reported for “feeding, not defending, etc” are actually just being reported for one-tricking.

Wonderful system, indeed.

Blizzard’s statements has always been it’s nice if you switch, but it’s ok if you don’t.

I do think it’s respectful to people to be willing to gel with the team composition, but you can’t ban somebody - it’s not a bannable offence - for just playing one hero, as long as you’re trying your best to win with that hero.

You think not-switching is harmful to the team, and that the game is made for switching. Blizzard agrees with you. I agree with you.

HOWEVER, under Blizzard’s current policy, even though they think it’s not good for the team, not-switching is not a reportable or punishable offense. False reporting is punishable.

The things players should not be doing is breaking the rules. The rules are:

  1. One-trick / not-switching is not reportable
  2. Don’t false report for 1.

When people who break the rules can punish people following the rules, that’s a flawed system.

Blizzard has ackowledged their report system has flaws, and that it’s a “shoot first ask later” situation. Players have to manually claim that they are falsely reported, rather than GMs verifying the reports and manually enforcing rules.

This has been a problem since the first case of automated suspensions. Blizz doesn’t provide specifics of how the system works. The emails and GM exchanges makes me belief they don’t see anything more than “player is reported under xxxx category,” which makes it hard to differentiate false reports.

This is a problem with the report system, which is not the same as Blizzard openly denouncing one-trick/not-switching.

I think you should be suspended for playing one hero only. This game is not about that. It’s about adapting to situations and playing “as a team”. You one-tricking Symmetra means 5 other players have to ADAPT TO YOU and YOUR playstyle. This is very selfish of you… and imo I think this kind of behaviour should be punished.

Personally I play (in comp) McCree, Soldier, Tracer, Pharrah, Junkrat, Widow, Torbjörn and ALL tanks and supports, except Moira. The heroes I left out and “don’t” play is simply that I don’t think I’m good enough at them, but I’m very open about this with my team. If they ask for a Genji instead of my Pharrah, I tell them I can’t play him, but I can play support, tank, mccree or something else… THIS is the way the game is suppose to be played. To be honest if Blizzard put you all one-trickers in the SAME TEAM all the time, you’ll understand how f*ing annoying it is to play with stubborn people like yourself…

It’s not a matter of behavior not being fun - it’s a matter of people lying about what others are doing and reporting one-tricks as behaving abusively when they’re not.

answer me this. I had a game where he complained THE ENTIRE match saying i ruined his game. I believe he was ruining my game with his negative attitude. Who is in the right? who is in the wrong?

Yes, you are one-hundred percent correct. I did do something wrong, I picked Hanzo. I do not really need them to tell that to me. “If someone comes up to you and calls you a Hanzo, you shoot an arrow at their face. If a second person comes up to you and call you a Hanzo, you tell them to scatter. If a third person comes up to you and calls you a horse, it’s time to free the nip.” The problem is I already know I play Hanzo, I already knew that Hanzo was CONSIDERED (that is opinion based and one I did not share) a troll pick. But guess what, they still lied and you know they did. Is my Hanzo the best Hanzo in the world, no. Is my Hanzo serviceable to the SR I play at? Yes.

This becomes circular yet again because the inherent problem is that character choice is supposedly not a bannable offense. If he wants to play Symmetra, that is fine. If people want to report him for placing his teleporter by the cliff, that is fine. But to report him for picking her? That is a PROBLEM. Objectively. That is why they are called false reports.

Ultimately, people for false reports believe the end justifies the means. In other words, they understand that they are doing wrong. The report feature even tells them not to. So why do they do it? Because it gets results. That is the crux of the problem. The opposite should occur. Flagging an innocent player should give the OTHER player the suspension. Clearly. That is just how it is supposed to work. There is literally no denying that.

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There were some guys in a game I played the other day who reported a Symm player on my team even though they were doing a great job and had a 70%+ winrate.

I kept telling them there was nothing wrong with picking Symmetra on atk/def (map was Route 66) and the Symm was doing fine. I asked the Symm to join voice, but the other guys said they would flame the Symmetra player if they joined voice.

They also both reported Symmetra even though we won and the person absolutely pulled their weight.

Honestly the people who are reporting players for playing non-meta heroes need to start getting bans for false reporting. It’s out of hand.

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Again, what they say and what they do = 2 different things, actions > words.

The game was literally built in mind for switching

You may see it as selfish, again I will disagree considering my whopping three reports towards a Pharah One Trick, a Winston One trick, and a I’ll wall you off in spawn Mei One Trick.

I don’t think the frequency of which you abuse the report system matters much. You know how many times I have abused the report system? Not a once. I take the responsibility of community policing tools very seriously.

And as far as the Mei goes, that’s actually a completely acceptable report. I actually report Meis who do that, even if we end up winning the game. Throwing up spawn walls is only ever done to troll your team.

And I make sure to write out what they did whenever I submit a report, though in an automated system I doubt it matters much.

i wish i had more context but you should report this guy for abusive chat then block him.
as for you, i have no idea what you were doing so i’m not going to just presume you were guilty.

I picked Symmetra. That is what I did. He complained about it the entire time. We even won the match. He told me that players like me ruin this game and I responded with “you’re ruining my game.”

This is the norm.

Obligatory Gold medals really don’t matter too much outside of healing. You could have gold elims and damage by going in on your own, trying to one man the other team and shooting a bunch of barriers, and still lose because you are trying to do it on your own. Golds only matter when you are working together. If you lose from there you know you just got outplayed.

And so let me get this straight, you think that potentially thinking and maybe realizing that you could be the issue on the team, and changing and potentially giving your team a better chance to win, would be a waste of your time?

Some possibly, although I think that would be discussed at some point so I’m inclined to doubt it.

Fuey threw games, and left games on occasion. I don’t think he did enough to warrant a ban, but in addition to being inflexible I understand why his report count was so high. That is my point, there is always more to this sort of thing. Simply one tricking and nothing else will not get you banned.

if a lot of people playing a game for fun find someone’s behaviour not fun, i believe it’s not fun.

It doesn’t matter if what someone is doing impedes on your “fun”, only if they are breaking the rules. I personally find it un-fun ever having to play anything other than my favorite characters, but I flex and do it. My personal fun is not the only objective in the game, and I can’t punish people for not doing exactly what I want them to at all times. I am not the King of Overwatch.

And I am not accusing of moral fallacy, I am accusing you of logical fallacy. Namely, an appeal to popularity.

Why do you assume that swapping is helping the team and not hurting it? I can swap to reaper and completely do nothing for my team. Its not helpful. If he’s good at hanzo. Then its no one’s right to tell him not to play Hanzo. A good hanzo is welcome on any team. A good any hero is welcome on any team.

im sure some people lie.

the pharah into widow scenario that’s been posted here many times. they keep dying, refuse to change, rendered completely useless, keep attacking on their own and dying.

can you not see how someone can call this feeding? throwing? they aren’t being reported for being a onetrick, they are being reported because of how they are playing.