We need an Official answer on One Tricking. 🎲

Onetricking in a team based game is BAD.

All these people saying ont-tricking is against the ‘spirit of the game’ weill be in for a nasty shock if they actually start enforcing arbitrary rules for which heroes you’re allowed to play.

winston auto shutting down your turrets.

Recently i had a symm who put teles in the same location, and the enemy team was literally farming anyone who came out of them, and they have so many ults because of it.
He was so convinced his one trick was the answer he refused to consider how much he fed the enemy

we stopped using his ult after it became useless. There’s thousands of people like him out there. most one tricks are more of a hamper on the team, than a help because One-Tricks force your team to play around them. they are selfish, cocky, and most of the time hard countered into irrelevance.

no not missing the point, anyone being banned if they are reported a lot is the issue, because people gasp false report

yea for some heros this is NO situation because people are biased against them, this is why a system that bans automatically with no recourse is the problem, there is always going to be a hated hero or some other reason for people to false report others and there needs to be recourse for when this happens, its not happening in overwatch

and people in this thread have said repeatedly that we know but that it doesn’t matter because people are being falsely reported and banned anyway even if all the evidence reports to the contrary

The only people banned for one tricking are the people that are high up the ladder around GM/Top500 maybe masters because there niche heroes like symmetra and torb are easily exploitable in an environment where everybody knows each other > 1% of the ranked pop.

Having a hero like Torb in your team in t500 is more of a detriment than an advantage. Thus why the reports.

You can’t dive.
You can’t triple tank.
You can’t use any meta that actually works with those heroes. Thus you cannot successfully play around them to gain an advantage.
So people report them. Pretty easy to understand in my book. Watch any one trick play and youll see it.
One tricks that streams niche heroes like symmetra, you see them DO NOTHING for a major part of their game. ( No shot call, no communication, feeding especially with torb turret means more ult charge for the enemy )

Ive been in a game last season in masters where our team litteraly didn’t kill the symmetra turrets and were taking damage from them to charge our mercy ult since they already had shield gen.
We charged our mercy ultimate before they could push again from 20% to 100%.
The symmetra player in the enemy team was clearly a heavy player to carry for their team and they couldn’t do it.

if he swapped, we wouldn’t have valk every fight on defense, they would have maybe been able to cap a point with any other support ( more heals, more utility.)

One tricking is bad. Straight up. Also happens with more viable heroes but usually those heroes are more mechanically demanding and versatile in their role so they are more useful overall.

Good day Elminster,

I hope this post from one of my associate’s can provide you more clarity and insight on this subject. :arrow_heading_down: :+1:

Hey, everyone.

I just wanted to chime in, because there’s definitely some confusion around one-tricking, and we wanted to take a moment to clarify our philosophy as a development team.

We believe players can choose to play any available hero during any game at any time, and that their choice of hero alone is not a behavior that should be penalized by our customer service team under any of the player report categories (including griefing, inactivity, or poor teamwork).

We believe players should be evaluated based on their actions with whichever hero they choose. If a player disrupts their team by intentionally feeding with ANY hero, you should report that player for griefing. If a player is staying in the spawn area, refuses to attack the enemy, or refuses support those that are, you should report that player for inactivity. If a player actively refuses to play the map’s objectives or communicates to the team in a negative fashion, you should report that player for poor teamwork. If a player communicates in a hateful or harassing manner with ANY hero, you should report that player for abusive chat. However, if a teammate is actively trying to perform well on their hero and help their team, they should NOT be reported under any category.

Players who inaccurately submit player reports in an attempt to punish someone’s hero choice are considered to be harassing or griefing their fellow player, and inaccurate reports make it more difficult for us to appropriately action the players who DO disrupt the game. We’re continuing to make improvements to our reporting system (which includes, but certainly isn’t limited to making our false report detection more robust), and we will continue to pay close attention to players who are at high risk of being falsely reported and taking appropriate actions to prevent it.

Your teammates can respectfully provide their opinion and suggest using a different hero for the gameplay situation that your team is experiencing, but the final decision about which hero you want to play with is yours alone.

We built Overwatch around the concept of teamwork, and we believe the game is much more fun for everyone in a match when we’re picking heroes that contribute to the overall success of the team. At times, this means we’ll be playing our mains; other times, we should be trying to help the team by choosing heroes that round out the team’s composition. We won’t be actioning you if you only play your main, but we also don’t believe this is the ideal way to play Overwatch—especially in competitive settings.

If you believe your friends were suspended because of false reporting from teammates, I would recommend you advise them to submit an appeal request here. That will assist our CS team in investigating this issue that impacted their experiences. Our reporting system (including false report detection) isn’t perfect, but we’re always working hard to improve it.

Thank you.


But numerous people have appealed and they simply get told , “its justified because you should be communicating and switching after being asked by your team. Which shows bad/ignored teamwork”.

That needs to be stopped by your customer support. These are not enforced rules, so the appeal process needs to actually ‘work’ before you can tell us that.

All they do is pretend the suspension is justified and do not want to deal with looking into the false reporting of one tricking. Unless they are simply being passively biased which would be even worse.


I’ll chime in here and mention that most of the “I’m banned for one tricking” threads that show up now are purely attention seeking posts. I don’t believe that your friends are suspended constantly and if they were suspended I don’t beleive it was for one tricking.

Yes, there are cases of it happening but those are both in the past and infrequent. I highly doubt that you happen to have two one trick friends who have both been suspended “unjustly.”


You don t know what you are talking about. Try going and one tricking a dps and see how many reports you get. When your team tells you to switch, ignore them.

Now you are really in for a treat.

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The report system only takes the numbers of reports in account. You can do nothing and if several people report you, you’ll get banned just like that. I have experienced that several times as a Sym main, especially on EU servers where people report you the moment you pick a non-meta hero. I also got the same answer from the support team which was. “I suggest you to communicate better with your team, your ban is justified.” So I’m basically getting banned for playing a character I love. Please, please, either improve this report system somehow or make some kind of a penalty happen for false reporting so people would stop (ab)using the system as long as it’s not truly neccessary.



While I understand the prominent problem of false positives, we are in the Era of Data Science and Cloud. Have you considered to publish dump data - which do not violate privacy - and organise competitions on developing ban system and competitive convolution algorithms? It’s a really interesting topic scientifically, if you like video games; competitions could take place in Kaggle or a network like this.

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AKA, it’s not reportable. However, it’s obviously frowned upon by the majority of the Competitive Community.

So again we get this non-answer. Blizzard keeps trying to have their cake and eat it too, because one-tricks buy loot boxes too right?

You can’t encourage team play in a team based game but then turn around and say it’s OK to Hero squat in a Competitive Mode. It’s one or the other. This is why people keep creating these threads and you have implemented band-aid “fixes” like Avoid As Teammate.

You guys really need to implement better IN-GAME tools that allow people to form teams of like-minded individuals and do not punish people for grouping up like you currently do with 6 stacks. If people don’t want to group with one-tricks, they should not have to. In turn, I’m sure one-tricks would rather not be grouped with players that don’t want them on their team.

I’m not a game Dev but the solution really doesn’t seem like rocket science to me. I don’t understand why it’s taken this long to implement.


No offense but that sounds like a ‘copy and paste’ fob off answer to me. It would be nice to get something concrete, even though I’m not a one trick, as it appears players are getting suspended for one tricking and getting nowhere with appealing. Unfortunately that kinda reminds me of the ‘copy and paste’ thread post on the Mercy megathread too (or megavoid). What are those appealing supposed to do, paste a URL to this thread pointing out that one tricking is allowed when appealing?


Players are getting suspended for one tricking badly. Nobody cares if you’re a god-tier Symmetra one trick that can carry the game. They care if everyone else is trying their hardest and you’re just sitting there feeding ultimates because it’s impossible to work around you.

I agree, there’s no arguing that if someone is performing badly on a one trick hero then they should switch and be able to adapt based on the situation (e.g. getting countered). However, there’s an unknown line as to what is bannable and not bannable regarding one tricking. I don’t want to report someone who’s performing badly as a one trick if that is actually constituting being a false report, but if it isn’t a false report then I’ll happily do so. So I’m from the other side who’s not a one trick but wants to know if it’s truly reportable. Hope that makes sense :slight_smile:.

Honestly, if there was a minimum message length to accompany reports I feel it would cut down on ones used by man-babies to attack other comp players.

If you can’t add an actual coherent message the length of a tweet at least to a report its not likely to be a reportable matter and then at least you’d be able to separate whitenoise reports when someone is spamming more or less the same junk against everyone and those that detail exactly what the person did.

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sounds like poor teamwork and a deserved report


It IS possible for the majority of the competitive community to be wrong, you know.


I submitted an appeal and was told I would be guilty of GM abuse if I continued.

I was reported for “inactivity” and “putting turrets in spawn” and “feeding” simply because I was playing Torbjorn. None of those accusations were true. They were made up from whole cloth.

  • Support told me they did not review any video evidence
  • The only time I put a turret in spawn is at the door before a match starts
  • They only time I am inactive is when I have to wait for the team to respawn, otherwise…
  • … I am reported as “feeding” when the rest of the team dies and I am killed.

At the time these fake reports were filed, I had a 60% win rate with Torbjorn at 300 games and was in the top 95 percentile. I was reported pre-emptively by 4 stacks who were tilting in the spawn room.

I don’t use voice chat and there is no OW text chat in game on console. I received 6 aggressive expletive-laden DMs a night during this period and reported them to MS, but Blizz support didn’t want to see them.

In short… organized tilting groups caused me to lose my love of the game. As far as I can tell, the “false reporting” detection system fails entirely if a whole group blames one person for hero choice, which is exactly what you said they could not report for.

Saying that hero choice is not reportable can not be retconned or excused by saying “how effective is the hero” especially when the rest of the team is failing just as much as you are.

It was really rotten and the whole support culture of “oh, uh, well, if you didn’t actually do this, you probably did something else wrong in the past” is terrible.


Oh right, right…it’s everyone else that’s the problem.

rolls eyes