Suspended again for server issues

Yesterday my router rebooted, got suspended for 20 minutes. gave up on OW for the day.

Today, I joined a game and was instant disconnected about 1 minute into the game (it kicked me to the login screen). I am suspended again for 20 minutes. I quickly alt tabbed to make sure it wasn’t my internet connection. Youtube loaded fine.

I know I asked for harsher leaver penalties, but this is not the way to do it. I think it’s time to roll back the changes. I’m unable to play the game.


Lol. Good stop leaving games!


It wasn’t my fault today.


“Today”… so maybe you shouldn’t have left all those other times.


Interesting. Thanks!

Yesterday was 1 leave. 2 leaves should be a suspension but yesterday was the first leave and i got suspended yesterday. And today was Blizzard’s server’s fault. Blizzard admitted there’s a bug in leaver penalties.


Its an actual bug where a server crash yesterday is giving out season bans. Counting the one DC as multiple probably.


Why do I even bother. Moving on.

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You admitted to leaving a game. Not due to any bug. You should be banned for life.

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Whether faulty equipment or bad service, you made the conscience decision to attempt a game when it was apparent connections were spotty…twice.

Banned for life just because of one internet DC? Are you insane?


No. It was not apparent connection was spotty today. It wasn’t even spotty yesterday. Router rebooted from an auto-update. Not from a service failure.

Re-read what I wrote before replying next time.

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These harsh bans are pretty crazy but I get why they implemented them. If they are going to issue such harsh punishments then they at least need to be aware of the reason the player is kicked, at least if the issue is on Blizzard’s side.

If the player is punished for technical issues or willfully leaving then there should be some sort of refund if the player is kicked for server issues (which is happening more and more in ranked by the way).


Well, you got what you deserve.

And if you think there’s any way to penalize the leavers that wont effect you, there isn’t. The only way to reduce leavers in a beneficial way is to provide incentives to stay in the match/play the game.

And btw, this is what you looked like when you were promoting leaver bans:


Stop being ignorant, perhaps.


I’m not saying the suspension/ban was right or wrong, but I will say, you should have more control over your router and the updates.

[steps over the tire fire]

It’s a known bug. Since the update we’re seeing a lot of people getting kicked from servers and having penalties applied to them in instances where it really shouldn’t. Yesterday, for example, we saw someone get a full-on comp suspension because the system went haywire on them and booted them every time the queue popped.

I agree that these new penalties only work in a system where everyone’s hardware is infallible, which isn’t the case for either Blizzard or the end user. Penalties need to be a thing, but there does need to be ‘wiggle room’ for things like this to happen.

Have you reported this in the Bug section?

lol at thinking this is the only way to implement penalties.

You’re obviously trolling.

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