Survey about Supports

If you eliminate the people that like Mercy best from the data set Mercy is still the weakest response wise followed by Moira.

The response rate from players that like Mercy best is above the average but it’s only by a few points.

Some of that might be from disgruntled former Mercy mains or due to a rank disparity. I didn’t end up putting in questions for checking either of those.

Moira being up that high surprised me as outside of the top ranks I didn’t think that she was a poor performer.

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Dude, you’re missing the point by what feels like 500 miles, and I don’t think anything anyone says is going to get through the stubborn brick wall you’re putting up without the same effort we just went through over terminology. At this point, I’m too exhausted to bother. Good luck dealing with people telling you this over and over and over, maybe you can find some compromise with them.

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There are folks on these forums who have been riding the revert Mercy train for nearly two years now. If stubborn adherence to a given concept is the thing one is most concerned about, perhaps I am not (or shouldnt be) the prime target here?

Agreed. 100% Agreed.

Why does Mercy have her own survey and not the other supports ?


I’d presume that the other surveys about other heroes weren’t as popular. I certainly have seen others surveys for other heroes, though they tend to not be as common.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.