Surefour's thoughts on healing in OW

I see now

It’s not that you don’t understand what burst/sustain means

It’s that you’re meaninglessly comparing damage sources instead of the actual damage events.

Well, before you look even more stupid, I suggest you take a closer look at what the conversation is about because right now, with all due respect…

I’ll be straight up and tell you that it looks like you’re just talking about nothing.


This results in a cycle, we need more sustain because their is too much burst, and we need more burst because there is just too much sustain.

I agree with this.

And I’ll also throw in that singleshot burst is heavily favored over rapidfire or shotguns, when it comes to Armor.

I think we’d be better off with


  • Replaced with a flat 20% damage resistence.
  • This contributes towards the 50% damage reduction cap.

Old Armor calculations may have made sense way back when the game launched, and rapidfire damage was actually quite strong. But we’ve reached a point in the game where that has flipped, and rapidfire is too weak.

I agree but the person I replied to thinks that sustained damage and burst damage simply defines what kills quicker even though thats not true.

the truth is that soldier wasnt only strong in tank metas though. he was also strong in and against dive and his burst potential was nowhere near as high as tracer or genji (who he had near equal pickrate as).

That was only when his healing ability actually came in handy, which is also why that week Soldier was banned he was being used. Teams were running Brig+Zen as their healer combo for dive, due to hero bans. Soldier’s biotic field came in handy because it allowed them to focus their slow healing on the tanks and Soldier could heal himself without needing to break away from the dive or compete with Tracer for packs. You also saw teams occassionally spot healing with him.

Same as before when it was Lucio+Zen.

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if you aren’t aware, the person that I was originally replying to made it clear that they were referring to burst damage/sustained damage (from heroes), not just bursting down a target. by even mentioning ashe (a damage hero) it makes it clear that they are talking about the damage sources. if they said that they were talking about bursting down from target focus then I wouldn’t have gone on for as long.

True, but the main issue is the method of healing that has been given to us.

Brig AOE healing that doesnt not require LoS majority of the time.

Moira High Potential Healing that can be used as AOE and Pierces allies with a Heal on cooldown

Baptiste AoE Splash healing with a AOE on cooldown

While TF2 is fun, the balance is not what I would say good…

so the problem with soldier isnt “burst damage bad”, its that one of his abilities isnt useful in the current comp that has an abundance of healing?

It is both. He cannot compete with burst heroes, and the utility he offers is worthless because supports are gonna heal.

You can bring sustain heroes but they have to actually offer something unique to compete with burst


I would rather have AoE healing be balanced around Lucio and Single Target balanced around Mercy.

I would also like to point out that healing is not the only thing that contributes to “Effective HP”, which is something that is far more complex of an issue.

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I think Surefour forget things like Widow body shot killing 200HP heroes with mercy boost. Or after Widow got nerfed, McCree 2 tapping people from across the map to the point Widow couldn’t be played.

Burst has always been king in OW. People are just infinitely better now than in closed beta.


you just gave an example where the utility he offers wasn’t worthless and the cause of it wasn’t other dps heroes. he has been played (even in recent time) when widow, mccree, or ashe could have been played instead which is enough to show that there are scenarios where his kit outweighs the other ranged hitscan.

infinite movement cd is unique and so is team healing.

Wow a DPS pro wants healing nerfed what a shock.

Keeping tanks alive is already a chore, make it any harder and you might as well remove them.

If they hard nerf pretty much every DPS, then we can talk about reducing healing, until then, no.


I think you missed the part where he said he also wants dps nerfed

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Yeah I’m sure he means real impactful nerfs


If aoe healing was that impactful though that you basically lose if you don’t got aoe heals, Moira would be permanently meta instead of Ana, the single target healer who also can miss with her heals.

Even for aoe healers like brig, her armor pack is her most impactful heal despite it’s nerf, not her passive aoe aura. And it only ever starts to matter if your composition is made of brawly types and not comps that spread out more.


and im sure that you can read minds forum psychic #4

And that’s on period

I’ve had a couple ideas to change healing a bit. Hate me if you will but they ironically address some of what you’re talking about…even if they don’t solve it

I’ve always wondered what if Brigg was a tank that provided very small area healing like 3/2/1 Hog’s gas area on a cooldown

Maybe that’s just me being greedy wanting another melee tank though

Moira could easily just turn off the pierce and adjust the healing from there. Notice how Mei and Moira got some problems with their pierce from their beams

And Bap has always been a bit braindead with his shoot at the floor playstyle. Found it odd with projectiles like junk mines dealing split AoE and impact damage, his healing didn’t split the area and impact healing.

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Given S4’s history of borderline hysteria and yelling about anything that remotely counters him, I don’t need to read his mind to know what he means.


hes probably referring to the owl meta (as hes an owl pro) where ana is played less frequently than brig, bap, and lucio (all aoe healers).