Surefour talks with Devs on Upcoming Balance Changes

How would that bring back vanilla McCree? Back then, fan of the hammer did 70 damage per bullet with this buff it’ll bring the damage to 55.
As of now McCree can kill a 200 hp character with fan of the hammer, but I bet you’ll see a lot of people crying in the forums that they got killed by fan of the hammer after the buff even though he can kill them before the buff just as well.
This is more to make McCree a better sheild buster.


doesnt take 1.5-2 secs to take down rein shield

Im sure it wont be a sudden shift either of 3° - 1.25°, but instead be gradual over the course of his 300 bullets .
So spread may start to decrease after 2 secs but the max “1.25°” spread wont be until 8 secs of firing nonstop

I will lose my mind if they don’t go through with the spread change for Bastion.

She’s pretty balanced actually, so what is your point?


Oh my God that sounds great. Cree buff and doomfist nerfs. Heaven ! Only complaint it have is that FTH is quite hated already and with a buff it will be used even more ,personally I wished they would focus on something else than his fth ( 350 + h cree main ). Maybe a bit more HP or something…

I don’t understand FTH change. It does it’s job already, almost any nontank hero will die in fb+fth combo. Are you supposed to break barriers with it now or what? Anyway it’s not part of mccree problems

So I take it that means you as a prominent Bastion main, approve of the reverse spread idea?

Oh man, reverse recoil for Bastion? That seems cool.

Not sure if someone mentioned it already, but this sounds like it’s something specifically being changed so that he can deal with Doomfist better. Someone on r/competitiveoverwatch did the math and I’m too lazy to look it up, but basically even with full shields, Cree stunning and fthing Doomfist will now actually kill him.

I actually do feel like it fixes one of his problems, fan the hammer is often outclased and slightly inconsistent vs other abilities with similar uses, i feel like his roll is fine with the present cooldown, i think his flashbang is good as always and his primary isn’t bad at all, the only thing left that they could look into is his ultimate.

Ashe is fix of mccree problems. She does same job, but with mobility and without suicidal ultimate.


You should.
As a D.Va main it’s exausting.
We’ve got way way way too much changes. Give us a break and tweak others if you
D.Va is fine. Her counters are a bit stronger than before, not strong enough, but stronger and giving her a bit of a harder time.


I can’t disagree with you there, although i’m personally going to wait and see if she starts to replace him or not instead of jumping to conclusions, at least for now.

I’m not sure this is what he needs, hey it’s a buff, but he’ll keep his current weaknesses with this.
Besides FTH is useless outside of point blank. So that’ll rarely affect him and have the player think “man this buff was so useful”


Fth is currently not that useful.

It is not a come back to mcreedestructoroftanks tho…

best time i had in owerwatch back then

Bastion gets the first Hyperion Weapon?

Doomfists Rising Uppercut change seem fair, even as a Doomfist main.
Not sure about the SS damage changes as the Max damage was 120 and the values are provided with no point of reference.

McCree, He’ll be a better shieldbreaker with the FTH and Roll CD reduced.
Maybe he’ll be able to Fan Basty if caught outside of Sentry?

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Blizzard: “we felt Soldier:76 was lacking as a dps so we decided to give him a new ultimate. Tactical Visor is now a cooldown ability, and we changed his sprint to be the new ultimate. We will keep a close eye on him and make sure he never see the light of day again.”


Oh boy here we go.

The PTSD is coming back. 55 damage per shot now?
Why is this happening now? To kill a doomfist after getting flashed?

Man it seems … a bit off.


I used to main him back then :slight_smile: I stopped when he has been gutted and came to roadhog ^^

But yhea, he was pure monster…