Surefour talks with Devs on Upcoming Balance Changes

The Mccree changes are not good:

1.- That will bring back the vanilla Mccree. The one was flanking stun you and right click you.

2.- I would prefer a pistol damage increase 70 to 80 without affecting hammer at all


I’d rather FtH get replaced but I’m ok with this for now, totally knew there would be a day where learning the recoil pattern would be helpful

McCree and Bastion buffs are neat, but there is a hero that is more useless than both of them. Give Soldier 76 a real ultimate, Blizzard.


I think they’re going to have to change bastion’s transformation speed if they want the buffs to have a significant impact. Otherwise
I don’t think they’ll do much.

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Triple tank and double sniper did not feature her much at all.

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I should’ve started wanting to play Doomfist a little earlier. Oh well, I guess I’ll try him tonight

Triple Tank was during the 400 armor D.Va days. Even after that nerf she was extremely prominent in Korea and her usage was rapidly increasing in the West.

Double Sniper is better described as the 3-2-1 meta, with three tanks, two dps (snipers) and one support (Mercy).

The three tanks were almost always Orisa, D.Va, and Roadhog.

Even if teams were playing double sniper with two supports, they were almost always running Winston D.Va or occasionally Orisa D.Va with that.

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I can tell you why:
People would rather complain about a hero until they get nerfed instead of actually taking the time to learn how to play around/counter and adapt to a hero being viable.


I made an entire account just to learn how to play doomfist and counter him cus of how high his skill gap is. He’s a 3 Star diffuclty and has been f tier in all ranks forever until recent and he’s still not even b teir besides master and gm. Why not need brig? 1 Star diffuculty and created a new meta for pros. Doomfist is hard to master and many meta heroes counter him like sombra and brig


So if you’re going to cite “Season 2,” that implies you’re talking about ladder, and then you start citing stuff only going on in the pro scene. Are you under the impression this usage is a straight 1:1 comparison or something?


Bastion’s problem is his character size in general. He’s the size of Roadhog in recon mode. Shrink his model 25-33% and he’s viable. Will be interesting to see how these changes play out though.

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Season 2 is a timeframe. Do you want me to simply say “over two years” instead?

I’m really hoping they go through with these Sentry mode changes. The Recon change is nice, but Sentry is the one in need of the most changes. I’m also hoping that they’ll be meaningful changes, and not just “Goes from 3° to 2.9° in 8 seconds of fire”

I’m really hoping for something like “Goes from 3° to 1.25° (Hammond’s starting spread) after 1.5-2 seconds”. If you know that a Bastion has been shooting for 2 seconds, and you still walk out in front of it, you deserved that death

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Yes, because it’s less confusing. If you use references to ladder, people are gonna think of their own experiences with ladder, and the ladder stats.

You shouldn’t conflate the two.

I been asking for this, but for Sombra for the longest time.

Sombra was a pretty good counter to him. but nobody wants to play her and think mcree or brig is enough of a counter.

Also the fan the hammer buff i think was meant to help with the 3 tank 3 support meta but it’s just gonna bury Hammond further. CC and Damage. Totally kills his playstyle.

Remember that he is supposed to win close range duels, that was his point initially.

I also welcome the no loss of air control from DF, it seemed so forced and stupid as is

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Sombra is borderline op

Wait Is this confirmed to be the next ptr patch notes?

Have you played in lower ranks
 Doomfist can ruin people in lower ranks. to the point that on that alone he needed to be changed.