Supports should be able to have a chance against dps

did you just not read what i said past the first line???

I havent played support in 12 seasons and i could prove this wrong right now in 5 hours if youd like :slight_smile:

Whoever has said that is out of their mind. Besides the point, supports should NEVER have an advantage over dps heroes. HOWEVER, they should and they STILL have a fighting chance against dps. Theres actually some supports that have favorable matchups over some dps which I’m not a fan of.

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Climbing on one role won’t prove anything because it’s in terms of comparison.

If you want, then go ahead, climb from silver into masters on all roles, and see how easy it is IN COMPARISON to the other roles.

its easier to climb on support than on DPS, because support does most DPS job better while doing their own job way too well, invalidating low elo DPS effort, as well as support having inherently easier heroes

its easiest to climb on tank because tank has more direct impact on if a game is won or lost, but you have to do more on tank to achieve that value than on support

I knew you’d fall for that

Allow me to explain: the difference between a support hero and a DPS hero is NOT their 1v1 potential. It’s their ability to ENGAGE and disengage at will and force their damage on the enemy team. For example, short range DPS heroes have gap closers, and long range DPS heroes are hitscan with long fall-off. Supports don’t have that, and if they do it’s traded off by low damage. It’s a huge misconception that if a support hero is 50/50 with DPS in duels it also means that they are just as good at DPSing as a DPS is.

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I find that if you play Ana and hit sleeps this may give you the upper edge, of course if you have smart team-mates you should not need to ever have to 1 v 1 a dps as a support.

If you can do that consistently on ana then you are not in a rank that has bad teammates anyway. At the very least you don’t belong in it.

Currently, i think that supports are strong enough against their DPS matchups at optimised levels.

Example, i can duel almost any damage hero as Lucio, fairly.

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Ok, come back to me when you do what I said.

I am sasying in a 1v1 scenario
I know that this is innacurate but in a 1v1 if the tracer can get to the bap then she should win the duel the majority of the time Or force out cooldowns such as lamp shiftt or even window.
ALSO yea bap can transition highground lowground much easier than tracer but she still should and does have an easier time killing bap than bap does her


while I understand what your saying
and your not wrong
my statement is still accurate allot of DPS are flankers (Tracer Genji Reaper Doomfist heck even Mcree in some scenarios) they have kits designed to win against supports which is what their designed to do
I do think that their are flankers who are too strong (tracer [have gotten called out for this allot but its my opinion and idrc if people disagree but ill still listen to what they say])
but at the end of the day it is the flanker’s job to take out supports
or the heroes job
supports are the first 2 targets by default since killing them stops healing to the enemy team.

this isn’t a DPS job
DPS have different roles but mainly they can fall into a few catagories:
Flankers include Reaper, Genji, Tracer etc
Support are heroes like Mei where their abilities can asist tanks in taking space or getting picks
Defence are heroes like Mcree who can shut down flankers such as Doom or Genji.
so while you like heroes like mei they shou

we all would but Blizzard likes giving dps 75% of the hero pool.

then don’t create heroes like Doomfist or tracer who need stuns to be shut down

well this is an ability that if you force out just by pressuring him then your doing your job.

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You need to stop narrowing your focus and saying DPS stuff like flankers are only designed to hit supports.

No one cares if a toothbrush was designed initially with teeth in mind. Its cheap. It has bristles. It has a stick. We use our brains and realize objects can have other uses. Hobbyists can use a tooth brush for cleaning printed circuit boards after soldering with isopropyl alcohol.

The same thing applies to other characters. Genji does damage regardless of who he hits. Maybe if I focus fire who other people on my team are focus firing we can kill things even if they are being healed. 3v1 is really hard to out heal.

I sure wish our tanks would pick Winston/Hammond instead to go contest people on high ground. Wait! I can do that with Pharah. I have concussion blast and can fly. Oh my goodness. My flanking is having a great positive effect hitting the enemy on the high ground like hitting that Hanzo. I’ve knocked so many tanks off high ground that have no mobility as Pharah as well and he just dies after faling straight into my team.

There are other targets in the game to hit. Flanking doesn’t have to be for supports only when we broaden our gaze and realize that flanking anything on any character is pretty good.

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So yeah, here’s your proof from a new post today - these happen all the time :slight_smile:


Well said. Hear hear.

Us supports aren’t here to exist for the sole enjoyment of others.

If it wasn’t for the addition of Moira and Brig shortly after Ana. I would have quit the support role. Playing Dive back then as a support was a nightmare.

True, supports are so over tuned in this game, Paladins has far more balanced supports.

Support is the easiest role.

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did you not read what I said?
I literally said some DPS are flankers and are built to pressure and kill supports

I had no Idea!
Genji still is a flanker and should be pressuring supports or someone on high ground since that is his job

this is just you being dumb.
yea a phara can contest high ground
so can ball
so can dva
so can monkey
all these heroes can do that
this has literally nothing to do with flankers or what Im saying

did you not read what I said
the Default target in any teamfight is always Supports since they keep their team running
Not all the time though
maybe they have grav or zarya is high charge so you focus them down
a flankers job by default is to flank and kill supports it is not their only job
though noone said it was

If you put any of paladins supports in OW, people would cry that it was OP as all hell.


theorycrafting because I thought of something interesting (maybe): what if we had a support that can deploy a mini mine field with selective effects. e.g.

  • if enemy uses mobility abilities in or out of the area they receive x damage
  • or if enemy shoots or using a damaging ability in the field, they x damage per shot/cast

alternatively implementing the panic debuff from battlerite? or even the counter status from battlerite tbh? :thinking:

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They do already though, every hero except zen has a way to get DPS off them. Zens only way is to kill them.