Supports should be able to have a chance against dps

Yeah, I’ve seen AOE bleed effects in games, so movement damages you, and hyper mobility would kill you real quickly in those cases.

I expect it will be hated, like any of those effects. It isn’t like we don’t have a bunch of stuff which could be used, but there isn’t anything which people wouldn’t yell over.

I personally lose a lot of fights against Moira’s. Damn auto-aim lifesteal.

Have you been in any game where Baptist is immortal, damage amping with an ult he builds in 50 seconds, and jumping up and down every 0.7 seconds or is that just a figment of our imagination

Or the last time blizzard tried something similar to your concept(brig).

Everyone says this buddy.

i mean putting aside the fact that they’ll scream at any effective counter because they’re unreasonable, having bleed effects or “bleed-like” effects tied to a field wouldn’t be as bad I think because they’ve got agency to not step in it or alternatively, can decide to take the risk/cost or not for the kill. Like I don’t think I’ve seen many complaints about ball’s minefield from the hypermobility players. Granted, they probs don’t see much of an issue since it’s an ult (not frequent) but still worth a shot.

The counter status (which is basically like genji’s deflect but instead of deflecting back the shot, you can instead give another action when proc’ed e.g. in battlerite it some characters teleport to where they select upon an enemy hitting their counter, or some pulls enemies to them, ir some knocks them away etc.) I think wouldn’t have as many complaints over I think because it promotes fast paced and dynamic combat in the same manner deflect does i.e. will they counter now and I have to wait that out, do I call their bluff?

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I dont get what this dude is saying, i can think of a way to kill someone as almost any support.

Brig- make flankers and squishies perish with almost your entire kit
Moira- Moira
Zen- Discord, M1
Lucio- cant kill but you can almost never die as lucio
Ana- Shockingly durable and able to 2 shot when comboed with a nano
Baptiste- Do i even need to say anything here? there is a reason he is my fav support.

Mercy- The 1 healer who cant do anything.

So… we’re talking about some sort of combination of elims, damage, and offensive assists?

  1. Their post was made 16 hours after OPs and 6 hours after my original comment. There is no way you guys were talking about a comment that happened 6 hours in the future when you said “People say it all the time”.
  2. Their account has 56 posts and isn’t even a month old. In these posts they talk about things that happened over a month ago. In case you haven’t noticed their account is a troll that has banned before.

For your one and only example, it’s pretty weak.

But full props for actually finding one, I genuinely didn’t think a comment like that existed.

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While I dont agree that any role is naturally easier than the others, Supports definitely do have many ways to deal with Dps in close-cornered situations.

And as much as I want Ying to be in this game… Paladins balance is a joke :sob:

I agree on tracer but doom does not need stuns to shut down at all but ok.

Because you as zen can roll over everyone with a brig or a mercy, and you have ton of value, flankers only value is you, if discord was 15% or 20% then maybe he could get an anti-dive ability, otherwise he just provides too much value, if supports could have self peel easily we would play in a ana/zen meta most probably, which isnt very fun to play against as tanks.

…and offensive teamplay, yeah, which is much harder to measure.

  1. People say it all the time. Someone said it and someone else agreed, soooo, there’s that example you wanted.
  2. Oh, ok, so apparently they didnt say it because you dont like their account?

Again, not my fault that you havent seen those comments - just because you haven’t seen something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Eskimos are real even if you’ve never met one.

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Io is the coolest support, Paladins dps are op

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I agree.

And she does a smart tracer knows how to bait out if and force bap to make mistakes.

In today’s state, there is nearly zero chance for most supports, but then an unreasonably high chance for 1-2 supports.

That said, I’d gladly accept this disadvantage if tanks/dps could not ever heal. Watching Roadhog heal through three players attacking him is absolutely ridiculous.

why that is a really dumb idea
sorry but certain tanks and DPS not being able to heal would just make heroes too needy on supports and would be a major nerfs to tanks since their abilities are meant to grant them high survivability
in the case of roadhog removing his breather almost ruins the hero
I know allot of people wonder why roadhog is a tank
well it isn’t only because they wanted him to have hp
his abilities fall under tank catagories aswell
Chainhook restricts enemy movement like tank abilities
Breather grants high survivability like tank abilities

More so, it happens often enough you only had to wait less than a day for the next one to show up.

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