Supports should be able to have a chance against dps

Not my fault you dont pay attention :slight_smile:

Also, i said you win because i couldnt be bothered getting into a hypothetical arguement about who does more damage between Zen and Sombra, when its impossible to actually measure either way. If you’re talking kill potential, Sombra is WAY more powerful than Zen.

Right there is the problem. You can’t make her work long term. They couldn’t at the start of the game, and they can’t now.

I only hope OW2 brings a rework.


A well timed offensive ult can pull a team to pieces allowing complete and near instant wipes. A hack can turn an enemy into a free kill.

Damage isnt the same as kill potential.

That was pretty much the reason why GOATS existed. DPS and supports were (and still are to a certain extent) just DPS with way more utility.

I’d happily swap guns with Zen when I Sombra it up, but I am sure the Zen players would hate it.

I mean, sure on Paper she is stronger, but, no falloff, and pin point accuracy?

I’d take that trade in a heartbeat.

If nothing else, Zen’s gun puts you at a WAY safer range. Also decloaking WAY back behind the enemy and putting a right click in their backs would be pretty damn scary for people.

Mostly it would be about the safety of range.

Which isn’t really either of your points…

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[cries in shieldmaiden] :sob:

I’d rather have Sombra guns against the flankers so we can all spray and pray together.

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No, but TTK is. TTK is literally the fastest time a hero can potentially kill another hero.

Unless you are saying ‘kill potential’ to mean elims? In which case… yeah I guess Sombra gets more elims than Zen, but that would open a whole new can of worms: Moira.

TTK is time to kill. Kill potential isnt TTK.

Lets put it this way - if you gave Moira EMP, would she have more or less kill potential?

Dude, i get it - you dont like supports, you think they’re overpowered and sombra’s underpowered. You’re gonna compare every heroes abilities in completely out of context situations to try and prove your point. I’ve danced this dance before and its just dull.

You cant compare damage numbers and individual stats or skills in the hope of “proving” that one specific part of a hero makes them better than another. You need to take EVERYTHING into account - weapon, mobility, abilities, ultimates, role, all that stuff.


This seems to be the way that a lot of players engage Zarya as well: player attacks Zarya without knowing bubble cooldown status and then complains that there is no way to counter it because shooting will give her charge and not shooting will let her beam you for free for 2 seconds.

Too many players simply think they’re going to frag out and don’t extend their strategy beyond “I will attack whoever I see.” The decision to engage/disengage is often as important as hitting your shots.


Honestly you can’t rely on team mates until your in the higher ranks, because in the lower ranks no one will come to help peel for you. There are times I was right in the middle of my team, but they still did not stop the flanker from killing me. The dps are usually focused on the front line or looking to flank.

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Then what is kill potential? I am unfamiliar with the term ‘kill potential’ in the way you are using it, so if you could please explain what this term is and why Sombra has more of it than Zen, I’m all ears.

That would be quite odd considering I am a support main :thinking:.

Depends on the support. Are Baptiste and Zen overpowered? In my opinion, yes. Are Brig and Moira overpowered? In my opinion, no.

Isn’t she though? Don’t get me wrong, I would be super mad if she got buffed, but that’s because I hate her character, not because she’s strong.

Correct and I’m pretty sure that’s reflected in the game. Every support has the ability to do damage and most of them have evade/escape abilities. Sure, some are better at 1v1-ing than others, but that just gives variety to the role.

I haven’t seen anyone saying supports should be free kills for DPS, but I fully believe that some people on this forum would have lol

Like a lot of the newer Overwatch characters (not from the original roster), the line between overpowered and underpowered is very small. Mostly due to design issues.

She is purposely kept low because the high tiers don’t want to deal with her design.

Potential to kill stuff - it doesnt mean elims, it’s more about how offensively capable you are of turning a fight through direct offensive action.

As for sombra - she had her meta a while back - she could again. She could possibly use a buff, but i’m not entirely sure how.

no it really isnt, most players in high elo know that support is by far the strongest role

tank has the most impact on deciding if a game is won or loss
DPS does VERY little unless they play widow ashe or echo, even characters like tracer are shut down too easily
support is able to do both their job and DPS job simultaneously, making it VERY easy to solo carry games up to at least diamond, even higher if you’re ACTUALLY decent at the role. If you’re stuck in your rating as support, your natural SR is probably 200SR lower at least

What you said about high rank literally has 0 relevance to the conversation because we were talking about climbing from low rank as support - which is literally the hardest role to climb out of low rank, and that has been pretty much universally agreed on by pros themselves lol

Generalized by the nature of their kit, DPS usually have the drop on Sup…however, if you don’t think that most of the supports can win most 1v1s you clearly don’t play enough high SR Sup. The Sup role is the most overpowered role in the game. It really seems like Blizz intended that to draw more players to play Sup -which traditionally is not a popular role-…Just about every Sup can win a majority of 1v1s, or at least survive them.

The weakest Sup to DPS is probably Ana, but that has not affected her pickrate since release at all, so that goes to show how strong she is. Remember; the more able a support is to survive (or win) 1v1s on their own, the less their kit should give to their team; if they have it both ways, then you have a Brig 1.0 issue again.

Lucio is a good example I think. Well balanced with his team, super high survivability -depending on the individual player’s ability, and can win a lot of 1v1s. In fact, for a competent Lucio, there really are only five or six heros he should not dive or initiate a fight with. Everyone else is fair game; Lucio can at the very least deny them resources, force them to use resources, or flat out kill them while not really denying his own team anything, as the aura’s range and fall-off is lenient enough to allow Lucio to take short flanks on and off. (This is the ‘Reddit Lucio’ people really seem to detest and meme, but is a very viable and imo high-skill intended way to play the hero. Of course there is a difference between Reddit’ing and straight feeding…)

So just because you can’t survive on these heros, or it’s not easy to do at low SR, does not mean they’re not able to win their 1v1s.

because one character only deals damage (only soldier 76 is the exception), and the other heals and deals damage.