Supports how do you do it?

Because people can also get hardstuck in other roles while having a higher rank on a second account? It’s not new.

Have you never heard of people buying new accounts for MMR resets?

It is not the same, DPS you will get to where you are meant to be, ALL of my accounts have DPS really close in SR to each other, but supports are all over the show.

That is a REAL problem, skill expression doesn’t correlate to won games as much in supporting, and that is a serious issue.

You can keep saying it isn’t the case, and that Blizzard has the support roster right, but, like, it just isn’t the case.

You should NOT have people with accounts 2-3 ENTIRE ranks above or below others, it shouldn’t happen, but that is NORMAL with supporting.

Surefour has said damage is the least useful role. Damage can’t do anything without your support/tank

This RIGHT HERE is it.

This person gets it, and it shouldn’t be like this.

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Yes, and if you read my later posts I went into that, you NEED support, but the choices OF that support matter less.

You need a support, and it even should be the right support, but, like, the choices the support makes in game doesn’t REALLY change the outcome unless you screw up.

So you end up with alts with wildly different SRs. Because so much of the match is out of your hands compared to when you DPS.

And that’s a bad thing? Do you need to be restricted to play bap and Mercy for supports to be fun? Breaking characters isn’t how you do it

No? The only one who is close to that case is Mercy, because she is so team dependent and she can be difficult to climb with. That’s about the only healer I can agree with to any extent of a lack of skill demonstration / SR gain and loss being tied closely to teams.

If this were the case, unranked to GM support editions wouldn’t exist. There wouldn’t be good plays that win games from healers.

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Okay, so let me get this straight.

You want Supports to basically feel as “impactful” as DPS.

Well, the only way that would be possible is if healing was made just as inconsistent and easily blocked as damage, which is something that I don’t think most of the forum Support-Mains would like.

There would need to be more mechanics like Biotic Grenade that denies healing, which is again, something that I don’t think a lot of people on the forums want considering this overprevalent idea of Supports being too weak.

Except this applies with every single role in Overwatch and isn’t exclusive to DPS.

A bad team can make a GREAT game be rendered pointless if your team doesn’t properly work together as a unit.

The only, and I mean ONLY reason why it seems like DPS has more impact is due to them having more visual representations for what they’re doing, whereas Tanks & Supports have a lot more intangibles to their game that can’t be correctly shown.


idk i hate it i wish i never picked mercy…

a little bit
as mercy your positioning determines how long you’re gonna live your target priority determines how much you’re gonna affect the fight and your awareness determines how good you are w/ your ult

i should just quote 1000 “fun has nothing to do w/ balance and fun is subjective” posts here


I like the skill ceilings and floors of the support class. The skill floors are usually super low, so I can swap between any of them and do passably. The skill ceilings; however, are usually pretty high so there is always room for improvement, and you are rewarded for the effort you put in.

But the largest reason I play support as of late is that, in my tanking and DPSing, I just plain can’t trust people to do the job right. I’ll see double main healer comps where I don’t see an ounce of healing, or a support not using their utilities to their maximum potential, if ever. I can’t remember the last time I saw a Mercy damage boost me as Ashe, or a Lucio speed me into the enemy team as Rein, and knowing how to do it myself I completely lose my mind seeing others not do it.

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As a person who’s been playing a lot of brig lately. Current brig is more fun than brig 1.0 because I don’t feel like I’m getting value from just being sort of involved. I have to be actually playing the video game


Looks like that is what I AM saying.

Their choices SHOULD matter, bads choices should lose you the game, good choices SHOULD win you the game.

But that would be mean the removal of A LOT of Support mechanics in this game and essentially reworking every Support into a DPS type hero because there’s only so many ways that you can heal vs. dole out damage.

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Oh tell me about it, I have 600 hours, and all of them is a waste.

Totally, it does, a little

It should do a LOT, but it doesn’t.

Yeah, I hope people find that waiting for games in the DPS queue fun, because it is subjective, and it is being driven by other roles amount of fun.

haha. got lot of hours on support. feel like support sr/mmr should be based on mostly performance (how much healing you did/how little deaths you had etc compared to your average and that of players on the chosen hero(es) at your tier).

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The sad reality is that support stats are mostly similar across all ranks, but healing average per 10 minutes is a little lower in lower ranks, and deaths per 10 Are usually higher and lower ranks because nobody knows how to protect their support herors from death below like diamond.
Deaths per 10 and heals per 10 are STRONGLY correlated.

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It doesn’t have to be like that, HEALING should be pretty direct, but most of the power in their kits should be NOT healing.

WHO you damage boost and when should make a huge difference for instance.

You can’t just put healing on a hero and call it a day, because healing is the most countered ability in the game.

ALL one shots totally counter it, you skill is completely removed from that equation, there is nothing you can do as a support to save someone.

Things like REALLY short term bubbles on low cooldown would require awareness and timing at a level which supports just don’t have now.

Thowing big buffs on your team mates at just the right time should be a big part of their thing.

People who are good at it will save their team mates a lot, they will tilt the battlefield STRONGLY for short but critical periods. it doesn’t mean turning them INTO DPS, but it give them the same skill requirements but in different areas.

I think what I am trying to say is

That is shouldn’t be healing which changes the outcome of the games. It should be a thing, but they should have NON healing powers which they support with as their primary way of doing this…

It isn’t about the healing.

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How do I do it? I sold my soul and I’m dead inside. That’s how.

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Totally, I can tell you that my Moira healing stats are VERY different at different ranks, but that is because people group up a LOT closer to each other at higher ranks, so healing effects more of them.

It isn’t ME driving the change.

I did too, but I didn’t know the terms until I started DPSing and saw the game from the other side.

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1200+hrs here

i’m sorry if i fail to feel empathic towards people who have been saying mercy is fine and what you want doesn’t matter for over a year