"Supports are too easy!"

She was good for about a week when people hadn’t adapted to her and played Dive into her, but people learning how to play against her, and Hanzo dropping in comp a few days after she did made her pick-rate drop like a rock.

I mean that’s not true at all. Widowmaker was barely played until Mercy was reworked simply because she was too easy to punish.

Tracer and Genji were far better, because while they don’t have the potential to kill 6 people in as many seconds, they also didn’t get punished nearly as hard if they couldn’t play perfectly.

All roles are difficult.

DPS are expected to hit nearly every shot.

Tanks are expected to do all kind of damage deflecting.

Supports are expected to heal, heal, heal.

Pick your poison — it’s difficult no matter which way you go!

Kill the tanks that have no sustain,

Brigitte’s crappy Armor won’t save them and she can’t hit anyone to start Inspire.

Then you kill HER.

I’m no developer, but judging an entire community’s perception by that of the top 0.0001% of the playerbase seems like a bad idea to me.

Nor do you need it when talking about perception.

If supports are so easy to play, then why don’t DPS mains play one for like… one match?

Pro play is mimicked on ladder.

For example, pros invented Pharmercy, but it works in low ranks fine. Same was true of Nanorein.

Yout do when you’re making distinctions between “vocal” and otherwise.

But watch out, they have three more teamates. Here comes mercy, flying up the heal the tanks and rez them, BOOM a sniper shot narrowly misses you as Widow Lines up her next shot, you hear some Japanese and hanzo runs up the wall, storm arrow ready.

what do?

That’s just a bad healer. If he can’t do the most basic skill of a healer right, target prioritisation, they are just bad.

The rest of the examples are limitations ingrained into the design of the heroes, so there are different healers for different situations the same way you need different DPS for different situations.

Anyway, i see absolutely no problem in healing being easy. That should be the norm actually. It is a design choice that i agree with.

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Because we want to have fun. Not have the game be easy.

I skimmed it. Waste of your time. The people capable of understanding what you have laid out here, already know what you’re saying. The other people… don’t read.


And how would DPS mains know that supports aren’t fun to play if they never play them, yet constantly demand that everyone else switch? This is a TEAM based game where composition is key, yet every match is plagued with 3+ DPS mains who refuse to play properly and would rather throw matches and waste everyone’s time then to pick a support for even one bleeding match.

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The entire point of my post was that healers have room to be bad, with the addition that when they screw up, it hurts the team more than a similar mistake from a damage dealer. It’s easier to apply healing to allies than it is to apply damage to enemies, so it’s reasonable to expect healers to make fewer mistakes than damage dealers. However, the level of punishment that the team receives for a healer screwup is so much more severe, that playing a healer is still just as difficult as any other position due to the level of constant perfection that healing requires.

Healing is easy, but playing a support is not.


That Mercy got herself killed doing that.

Good thing we have a shield tank on high ground she can’t shoot through or above.

Hanzo doesnt speak Japanese while climbimg a wall.

Shoot him while he takes the time to climb the wall and is defenseless. Or ignore him and kill his tanks and Mercy since he and Widow can’t break shields faster than you can kill them.

You are really reaching for things to complain about.

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It’s very unlikely that the dps main has never ever played a support, they would have played support and realised “this isn’t very fun, dps is more fun and I play video games to have fun” so they become a dps main and have fun.

The difficulty of playing Support is in direct correlation to the intelligence of the rest of the team.
The stupider your teammates are in their character picks and playstyle, the harder it becomes to play support.

Consequently, Playing support is the hardest role in the game.

Mercy is the easiest support to play, not because she’s mechanically easy to play - but because she can Rez people.
You can’t HEAL stupidity, but you can revive it.


That used to be true. Nowadays, depending on the level of stupid, you may not even be able to revive it because you’ll get killed during the cast time.

While you spent time doing that bridgette has made her way onto the high ground and in range! Wahh wahh you lose

truth be told I kinda forgot what i was arguing about, I got confused with so many people replying to me.

While I don’t think bridgette is unbeatable she is too good at too many things and should be weaker.

Also her hard countering genji/tracer with no skill as a support is just… who came up with that?

So, what your saying is… It’s okay to play like a potato, and when there’s already 4 DPS and 1 tank on the team, it’s okay to pick DPS number 5 in lieu of a much needed support? Can you give me your battle tag so that I can specify to the game that I should never be grouped with you? Because the less of your entitled kind that I have to play with; who think its okay to continue to ruin everyone else’s fun because your not having fun are the kind of players I am long tired of having to play with. Being able to avoid just one would be great.

I miss old Rez.
Not only were you invulnerable during the cast time - but it was very cathartic in leaving your entire team to die.

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She doesn’t hard counter Genji or Tracer, because she can’t catch them unless they let her. She can zone them out though, which does make her a soft counter.

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