"Supports are too easy!"

Brig is a tank. She has the exact same basic ability template as Rein, similar effective total health (to non-burst damage anyway), and the same general rules of engagement. She just has healing and better peel at the cost of damage and range.

Admittedly, this depends a lot on how you define “support”. Half the healers have some zoning, but the best zoning kits are in the Damage part of the roster. In Overwatch, Support means a hero with at least two healing abilities, and at least one of which cannot be cooldown bound. That’s either more narrow or more broad, depending upon perspective, compared to a MOBA, for example.

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“Bridgette has breached the choke point!, everyone run away quickly to the high ground!”

I don’t believe it would.

There’s no evidence to suggest that Widowmaker would have dropped out of the meta. She was quite comfortable despite Dive fielding all her best counters on paper.

Hanzo absolutely would have been meta. Really the only threat to Widowmakers place would have been Hanzo replacing her and running Hanzo/Tracer.

Mercy is basically mandatory to due Sniper synergies and being OP.

Zen is basically mandatory due to Mercy synergies and being pretty OP himself.

Realistically the only slots that would have changed would have been the Dive Tanks, and even then I’d argue that due to Zarya’s synegy with Hanzo and Reinhardt’s synergy with Zarya, we’d still see basically the same comp we currently do.

A huge part of Hanzo’s strength was that he could win every fight with Grav+Dragons+Damage Boost, and that strategy wouldn’t have been nearly effective without a Reinhardt or Zarya to ensure the combo works effectively.

Nobody said this.

It doesnt take that long. If you can’t kill Brigitte fast on high ground, then you just suck.

You should be on it already.

You’re being obtuse

Bridgette is a suport/tank who also does a lot of damage. The only thing she’s “bad” at is killing people standing very far away which isn’t really and issue because she is neither immobile nor squishy

No, the guy who told you to let the enemy team nearly capture the point before putting yourself at risk is a Masters player and OWL viewer telling you in all honesty that it’s a legitimate strategy. If you stay on the high ground, you get to shoot them for free for several seconds without any penalties on the scoreboard.

Obviously in overtime this wouldn’t be a good idea, but during normal gameplay, it is. If you run in to be the first one to contest the objective as a 200hp hero, you’re going to die. You’d just be feeding yourself to the enemy. Instead, you kill 1-2 enemies first, and then your tanks jump on the point just before the objective flips.

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Tracer/genji would have actualy been played and influenced the meta alot, hanzo and widow would have had a smaller impact due to them but bridgette makes them not viable.

Okay, then let me ask this. What is Rein bad at compared to Brig?

Support are still easy to play mate.

That’s the exact thing why support are easy to play. You CAN’T miss heals. You can’t miss heals with Lucio, Zen, Moira, Brigitte, Mercy. Even Ana, the one who actually can miss heals, has forgiving hitboxes for teammates and a 50-60% accuracy with her is MORE than decent.

The whole basis of this argument was flawed to begin with.

If everyone is already standing on the high ground all the time then why did bridgette become such a must pick in the first place? The truth is that you arnt “always standing on the high ground” because important things like the objective are not on said high ground

Widowmaker was already the second most picked DPS in Dive, after Tracer.

Like I said, if all the theoretical counters to Widowmaker, which entirely resided in Dive, couldn’t knock her out of the meta, what reasoning would you have that Dive would stop Double Sniper when Hanzo is even more effective at not dying to Dive than Widow is?

Healing people and killing people. Because he is a tank who does his job as a tank and doesn’t also easily kill people who come near him and heal his teamates at the same time

If you are really good at Widowmaker you are going to be able to play her in almost any meta. I’m talking about the game in general not just the highest echelon of overwatch.

Because high ground doesn’t help you against Winston and Dva.

But it helps you a lot against immobile heroes like Rein, hitscan and Brigitte.

Brigitte dominates low ranks because players down here are bad at using things like high ground.

The community’s perception? Or the vocal community’s perception? Very different things. There always have been multiple ways to shut down a nano target.

Yeah, no they don’t. Wish people would stop taking stats out of context. Firstly, the difference in Winrate between Mercy and Zen is negligible, not 2%. Secondly, characters with a high pick rate tend to have a lower win rate.

And even at that, the winrate of a top-meta pick doesn’t really mean much, considering, very frequently it’s a mirror-match so when one wins, another loses.

Uhh… No. Let’s look at all of the things that Rez countered that Trans doesn’t:
Dva Bomb kills, Nano-blade, Junkrat, MeteoStrike, Rein’s Charge, Sniper Headshots, Config:Tank, Pulse Bomb, Rocket Punch, Dead-Eye. There are a few other one-shots, but they are way less reliable and common.

Again, no. Discord is no where near as Strong as Valk dmg boost. Valk dmg boost boosts the whole team vs whoever they’re shooting at. Discord specifies a target and has to manually be reapplied for each target. No to mention that you have to stay in LoS of them.

Yeah, which makes up for his non-existent self-sustain, lack of mobility, perfectly rounded hitbox and his ground breaking 30hp/s heals.

I don’t think she’s OP, but I think the Support category sucks. Very little reason to pick a main healer over Mercy, very little reason to pick a secondary healer over Zen. But that’s not just Mercy’s fault.

So there is a Winston/d.va on the high ground and a bridgette on the low ground.

What do?

The vocal minority argument doesn’t work because no one has real statistical data,

And no, even on pro level, Ana was considered the only counter to Ana,

Okay. So I would say Rein is significantly better at killing people than Brig. He does a lot more damage, has more range, and AoE. Rein’s ability to mitigate damage for the team is similar - better barrier, but no healing.

I think your expectations for “supports” are a bit off the mark.

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That’s absolutely not true. Lucio misses heals by not having his aura in the right position to cover the ally who needs healing. Zen misses heals by making bad decisions with his heal target (triage failure) or by developing tunnel vision while he’s doing damage. Moira misses heals by missing her spray and orbs, by having poor positioning, triage failure, tunnel vision, and by running out of energy when she fails to manage her resources properly. Brigitte misses heals by tunnel vision, having poor reaction time, or by triage failure. Mercy misses heals mostly due to triage failure, positioning and dying early. Ana misses heals by missing her shots, triage failure, and positioning.

“Missing” a heal doesn’t mean physically missing the target with a projectile. I’m sure there have been plenty of times when you’ve been low health and a healer failed to heal you in time before you died. That is what I mean by missing heals.