"Supports are too easy!"

This mindset would be fine in comp but if your complaining about this in qp then you need to chill out

Also til having fun in a video game is selfish

You know… I never really stopped to think about that aspect. It wasn’t just about the successful play. There was something incredibly gratifying about the realization of just how stupid your team was before they got killed, briefly taking cover, and then coming back in for the huge res. It wasn’t just a high risk high reward maneuver trying to make it to the center of the corpses as the last one standing. It also made you feel, in that moment, like the only smart one on your team.

It’s the only time I ever had the freedom to laugh at my teammates’ antics without the crushing feeling of helplessness that otherwise comes with watching them die.

It really did make the game fun.

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What? She doesn’t need to catch them. Overwatch isn’t a racing game, they go to her because they need to dive into them enemy team where she is waiting for them with a sheild bash and a whip shot.

Brigitte can’t be everywhere at the same time. There is always somewhere Tracer and Genji can be where they can deal damage safely.

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The enemy teams back line is only in one place. Unless they have horrible positioning , bridgette will be there

And Tracer can still deal full damage from just outside Brigitte’s range.

Or, crazy idea, Tracer could wait for her friendly Ana to drop a grenade on someone, ignore the supports while they can’t heal, and shoot the team’s focus target instead of trying to YOLO hard carry all by herself.

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This post is too long
Mercy is literally clicking two buttons and having good positioning, which anyone can do.

Moira is actual point and click with positioning

Ana is the only support that takes a moderate amount of skill to play, as you need a decent aim, good positioning, and god-tier flicks.

Lucio is only good if you can DPS as him, and you just ride on walls for more than half the game

Zen is a carry support, he can heal and do massive DPS, takes some practice but is easily “masterable” in a week.

Mercy can be played with a controller on PC and nothing would change skill wise
Moira can be played with half of your brain working
Lucio is only suitable for smurfs
Ana is only suitable in GM+
Zen is a carry support

Notice how I didnt mention Brigitte. Sorry I don’t include “Support Tanks.” Oh sorry Blizz shes a support tank not a support? MY BAD DUDE LOOOL MY BAD.
Yeah every support except lucio ana and zen (to an extent) is actual brain dead skill. You don’t need any game sense practically.

Aye, but you need to go back and read it anyway.

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Except that ana nading the target doesn’t stop bridgette from being able to kill them. While tracer mabey can attack from “outside” her range bridgette is not Imobile and tracer being hit with the stun is a death sentence, also don’t forget genji and the fact that he rely’s on both dashing and quick melee ing as part of his combo to kill people

I read most of it; 90% of the post is repetitive and literally useless. If I cut out all the parts this post didn’t need from a grammatical standpoint, it’d be maybe two paragraphs.

If that post had been able to fit into 2 paragraphs, I sure as hell wouldn’t have spent 13 on it.


You said Brigitte is protecting the supports in the back line. I’m saying nade the front line and kill them instead, playing your Genji/Tracer far away from the Brigitte.

I’m starting to think it doesn’t matter what anyone says to you, you’re always going to find some new excuse to disagree whether it’s valid or not.


When I see Brig, I go Soldier or Pharah and I have no trouble against her.

She is really weak to long range attacks.

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I mean…I’m an upcoming english major… Your post is informative as heck, but you basically repeat yourself over and over again. It’s still informative, just a bit overly stretched out.

Not to sound preppy or douchy. Just being honest O.o

Meh I missed some key-points in your post.

You wrote it practically in MLA, and it’s actually amazingly written. You cited scenarios and everything lol. (To be honest I didnt see half of it till it loaded im sorry lol)

I’m a graduate of a Computer Science major. It certainly wasn’t creative writing, but effective communication was part of the curriculum and exacting attention to details and syntax is a requirement both for human and computer languages. My writing does tend to be verbose, but I honestly can’t take you seriously when you say that all of those ideas can be accurately condensed into two paragraphs.

You’ve edited your response as I type this post, so hopefully it’s still relevant by the time I submit it.

I’m glad you’ve seen what you missed, but if you really think you can cut that content down into a more manageable size without sacrificing the details I’m all for watching you give it a try.

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What are your teammates doing? If I see a Mercy flying to her teammates, I switch targets and kill her. I call out “Mercy healing tanks, kill her”.

You speak as if its a 1v6 game.

If you don’t agree with everyone’s advice, just say you think they’re wrong. Now your just trolling with asinine and hypothetical situations.


Not at all lol. Your post is amazingly informative and quite structured in a readable way. I just wish my laptop loaded the whole thing to not make me look so dull. #WaitForThePageToLoad

But genji/tracer don’t care about the back line.

Genji/tracer are flankers, their job is to go into the back line and kill the enemy support (or dps). They can’t really do that with bridgette around. Just standing far away and shooting is not what flankers do and if a hero forces you to do that as a flanker then there is not point in playing them, you might as well switch to a normal dps. That’s the problem, why even play genji/tracer in the first place if you will easily get shut down by bridgette and have to switch, wasting ultimate charge.

Maybe I should invest time learning about the forum code required to make expandable sub-sections, but I’m not sure that would help or just make people more likely to skip things instead of click on them.

Mercy wasn’t the issue in this example, your focusing her for no reason. I just pulled a random healer out of my a** and put it in there.