"Supports are too easy!"

I’ve only ever died to a Brigitte as Reaper if I seriously screwed up.

Please take me to the magical realm where briggete can never get close enough to someone to melle them.

What? Zoning is the tanks job and not only does she zone, she does it better than some tanks. She’s not really bad at anything except “range” it’s pretty insane.

You’re not going to make it to your spawn with Dive heroes sticking to you like glue, that’s a silly argument when Dive heroes have among the shortest TTK’s in the game outside OHK’s.

Area denial is the vast majority of her strength. If you deny that aspect of her kit, then at the end of the day, she’s a less consistent Lucio with a worse ult and no speed boost, and as anyone can tell you, Lucio is struggling to compete against the other supports these days.

The game is based around picks. You don’t need to stand around forever, just until the fight flows in your favour and the momentum will surpass any advantage Brig has even when in her element.

If the entire enemy team is sitting on the payload, do you bumrush them to stall it for a couple meters while you inevitably die?

Would you bumrush a pocketed Bastion sitting on the payload? Or a high energy Zarya?

Of course not. You’re ignoring the basic strategy of the game which is to never engage unless you either absolutely have to, or you have an advantage.


So… i should just let her push? What a great hero.

No wait let me edit this I read the post wrong

Ok I read it and you were just replying to my dumb joke and “just don’t play flankers lol brigg is allowed to no skill counter them”

I mean, it’s a pretty big disadvantage in a Sniper meta, which is why consistently only Lucio and Moira are picked less than her in high ranks, and Lucio in low ranks.

And you know why it is a sniper meta?

Because briggete has insane zoning.

Sure. It’s called “High Ground”.

Yes, that map where the objective I need to touch to win the game is always on a higher ground than bridgette is, I love that map.

Actually… in some cases, yes. Watch the pros. It’s a fairly common strategy to set up on high ground and just kill the enemy from safety while they capture an objective. As the defending team, you don’t need to stop all capture progress, you just need to stop them from getting the last tick. There is time to score some eliminations before you put yourself at risk, and if you aren’t a tank, it’s not your job to stand on the point in the first place.


You win the team fight first, THEN take the point.
Unless you’re in OT or Sudden Death, winning the fight is more important than contesting.

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It’s more to do with Hanzo’s rework and Mercy’s inherent synergies than Brigitte.

Widowmaker was VERY strong even before Brig was released, and Brig definitely made her stronger by indirectly nerfing Dive, but Hanzo, Mercy and Widowmaker are all so strong together that it’s hard to imagine Dive knocking them off their perch, even at high ranks.

Ah yes, let the enemy team almost win so they get cocky and then destroy them when they arnt expecting it. Excellent strategy.

Now you’re just trolling.

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But what if I’m defending? If they engage then bridgette is range? Should I just let her onto the point because she is really cool and allowed to do that?

I think they guy who told me to let the enemy team capture the point is the one trolling

You don’t need to let them almost win.

But think about it this way. When you’re playing on any non-KOTH map, how often do you sit directly on the objective as a defender?

You don’t do it on Route 66, you camp the Gas Station and only drop down once they’ve pushed around the corner.

You don’t do it on Eichenwald, you hold at the choke.

You don’t do it on Hanamura, you hold the gates and the high ground.

Think of the go-to strategies for almost every map as a defender. You almost never contest the objective unless you absolutely have to, since defending NEAR the objective gives you a significant terrain advantage.


Well it’s a combination of different characters but the meta would be alot different if no for bridgette

Shoot them from high ground.

Stop asking silly questions trying to be funny.

By defending the objective I don’t mean spawn camping them. This guy wants me to let brigg push until she’s almost captured it and THEN attack her.