"Supports are too easy!"

You get a like from me.

You forgot to mention another challenge support face. Triage, which is determining who needs to be healed first, is an incredible skill that support face every game. Especially when your opponent has many aoe options, choosing who needs to be healed and by how much can make/break a team fight.


You wrote all that for nothing lmao

All are hella easy no matter what you say

Lucio is somewhat hard to be good at

Zen and Ana are difficult

Gold star, OP. No emoji. They are bane upon communication.

I hope a lot of people read this thread and gain some understanding from it. It’s sad the dudescopes and aimbros that regularly visit this forum will have it go right over their head.


I like how there’s a perfect example of this right above your post. Sigh.


I stopped reading here, there is an enormous gap on understanding fundamentals of the game. On the topic, ana/zen/lucio require lots of hours and have a certain degree of mechanical difficulty. Mercy does too with her mobility, but that’s something that bothers mostly players on high ranks. The two newer ones are not just easy, they are braindead mode, and Brigitte is an overpowered hero. Read what Jeff said when they introduced her and what they say on the support balance notes.

Arguably supports are one of the hardest classes to master in any game, I’d say that all 3 roles in this game are equally difficult.


Why would you respond to a post that you haven’t even read?

How? If it’s somehow not true that shooting the wall instead of your intended target causes no significant change in the game state, then you need to explain what I missed… but given your response so far and your admission that you didn’t even read the OP, my hope that you’re even interested in having a productive conversation instead of just pushing your own pre-formed opinion on others is low.


As far as mechanics go, as a support main most DPS feel easier to me.

1 Like

This has nothing to do with the topic but as I was reading through some DPS opinions on this thread, and it reminded me of the time our Zarya (who was a gm good for him) got extremely angry at me and my friend, because he (the gm zarya) had gold damage…and not me (mercy) or my lovely friend (ana)…this was quickplay at 5am and I still try to believe it could’ve been a joke but he was genuinely yelling at us over comms lol


Also, you will see a lot of players who spend 80% of their QP hours on high skill dps in QP but main supports in comp.

There are very few players who spend 80% of their QP hours on Mercy/Moira/Brigitte and dps in comp.

Actually it does.

When you peel for a support and you miss your shots while that Genji/Tracer doesn’t. What happens?

When you miss shots on opponents it puts less pressure on their supports. You miss your shots in a shootout and you get dead. It’s absolutely ignorant to say missed shots doesn’t change game state and to claim so shows a lack of understanding at the fundamentals.

What point are you trying to make in saying that more people play supports in comp than in QP? More people play supports in comp than in QP because playing 5 DPS in competitive is SR suicide and people actually care about winning. People that elect to be the supports for their comp teams then use QP to play the more entertaining class of heroes, because QP is more about fun than winning every game. I don’t see how any of that is relevant to how difficult supports are to play.

Missing shots literally does not change the game state. I’m a programmer, so forgive me for being so specific with my terminology. Nobody’s health bar moves when you miss. Getting hit does change the game state. If you don’t hit enough shots fast enough, you may be more likely to get hit… but only if you stay exposed instead of taking cover after noticing that you missed. That’s a completely different problem from missing shots, but let’s set our specific disagreements over wording aside and focus on the actual point.

The entire point of that part of my original post wasn’t that damage dealers can be completely incompetent and still win. They do need to hit their shots to succeed. The point was that damage dealers are not punished for missing shots on anywhere near the same level that supports are punished for missing heals.

It is difficult to play a damage hero, because the act of dealing damage itself is difficult. It is difficult to play a support hero, because making any mistakes as a healer is severely punishing to your entire team. As a damage dealer, you have many opportunities to do your job while you and your team are not under immediate threat. As a healer, the only time you can do your job is when your team is under immediate threat.

Hopefully that helps clear up our misunderstanding.


This is something I wish people understood more.


While the most important moments are usually where you shine, their is tons of chip damage moments where you have to keep people topped off incase they start pushing.

With bad healer I find myself running to health packs so I don’t get 1-shotted by some random projectile when we are holding the objective, good healers keep dps mind on the task so I don’t have to go “oh shoot, better go leave the defensive point to get topped off”

Heck, I sometime hate playing Orisa because I can’t get a dang heal as I stand on Point at 180 HP. Then all I hear is moans, Orisa why aren’t you on point? As I jog at the speed of molasses to the nearst large health pack.

Strangly, this only really happens with Orisa. The biggest effen char in the game

Lol, came here to complain, because i didnt get the irony, but yea looks like you got it xD

I stopped reading after the first couple sentences. First of all, barely anyone says all supports are easy to play. People really only say Mercy is easy to play. Also tanks like Reinhardt and Orisa get the same treatment.

Why take the time to reply if you can’t even be bothered to read the thing you’re replying to?


Because they’re lazy but also want to shove their opinion in the conversation.


Orion, I am so sorry that some people are too dense to understand your post and you have to keep clarifying. I will try to sum it up with as few words as possible.

Overwatch is designed so dealing damage is much higher than healing it. Because damage is higher, the skill to deliver damage is harder than healing damage. Thus, its mechanically easier to heal damage than deal it. Of course this isn’t black and white, because support heroes are still capable of dealing some damage to varying degrees. Support heroes that can deal relatively more damage cannot heal teammates effectively, and vice versa (e.g. Zen vs. Mercy).

Support heroes that can deliver consistent damage (i.e. Moira/brig) have a weakness to said damage (i.e. range). and have limitations on delivering heals. Moira’s heals are on a limited and precious resource. Brig needs to deal damage to heal, thus putting her in immediate danger.

Supports are mechanically easier than dps. If a Brig misses a Repair pack on a near death Rein, and instead gives it to a full health dps, the Rein will die. If a Widow misses a shot on the Mercy, they can duck under cover and try again after a few seconds.

Making mistakes as support is less forgiving than a mistake from the dps. I’m not saying both classes won’t/can’t be punished for their mistakes, just that dps can make many more and still contribute to winning a match.

All classes are difficult to play, but all for different reasons.


In this scenario, what is the rest of your team doing? They can be getting picks. The enemy team worked together to kill you, but your own DPS can be getting picks. Just because you die doesn’t mean your team will lose the fight.


You could have easily have just summed this entire section up with Overwatch is an team based FPS, why should they not be able to kill you.