Supports are still boring to play

They buffed supports so much that majority of them are considered op by many influencers, when I play any of them it completely feels brain dead that I can 2 tap 200 hp heroes like cassidy with the same damage as him while also having regen, faster movement, smaller hit box, immortality, and more immortality teleport.

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This doesn’t matter. Influencers whine about all the roles being OP, depends on which one.

You aren’t doing this unless you land all headshots, which you aren’t.

Not even true, lol.

Most of the supports have reasonable hitboxes.


‘‘influencers’’ - actual cringe. Who cares what they think. Also supports are find, 5v5 is the prob.


Lul wut, you clearly don’t even read.

It’s the same exact thing on cassidy being projectiles is the difference.

You must be high, kiriko having a smaller hit box, and moves faster than cassidy, while also having suzu is wrong lmfao.

They move at the same rate of speed. The only support who can move faster than any DPS is Lucio, who can’t 2 tap anything.


I mean it’s fun when you can do other things than healing to help the team out. Maybe support isn’t for you. :person_shrugging:


Baptiste has a bigger hitbox than cassidy (slightly), Zen has a wide hitbox, Lifeweaver has a tank hitbox, Mercy has a Widow hitbox (bigger if she is using GA, ironically but DPS never shoot her so you wouldn’t know that), Brig has a huge hitbox as well, Moira has a tall hitbox.

Only Ana/Kirko/Lucio got weird hitboxes.

Let me know when Kiriko can body shot/grenade to kill any 200HP target. Oh wait…
And they move the same speed my dude.


DPS heroes are still boring to play.

They removed a tank and didnt nerf one shots that the majority of them are considered OP by most players, when I play them I completely feel brain dead that I can one tap most heroes that arent tanks while also having mobility and secondary abilities.


Wait, which support hero can two-tap Cassidy?

I guess the only ones would be two headshots from Kiriko or a fully charged volley from Zen, but man those are projectiles - Cassidy has an easier time hitting those.


Let me know when you actual reasons why you are putting up the hitboxes of heros that isn’t convoluted to the arguement.

Also let me know what dps can 2 shot cassidy while also having self healing and squad immortality and ally swift step and wall climb. Oh wait…

How are they convoluted? Your claim was that most supports have tiny hitboxes. They pointed out supp hitboxes are by and large the same size and sometimes larger. Your example of Kiriko is not at all comparable since she can only get 2 taps in with a lot more mechanical skill than Cass requires with projectile weapons and a slower fire rate. Suzu can be and is a problem, but the problem it has is not the one you’re presenting.


So what you are saying is that kiriko can 2 tap so every support is op


Must be masters then, eh?

The opinions of e-celebrities are meaningless.


Where is this “most supports have tiny hitbox” I am talking about, kiriko has no fall off range it requires way less skill to snipe a cassidy from widowmaker range with your kunais while also having suzu and swift step and regen.

The support role has been broken since OW launched. The only way to fix it is to essentially get rid of the role which I would not advocate for and this is unlikely to happen. It is wild that idiots here seem to think it is acceptable to do literally everything on one role but the other 2 roles are the bane of everyone’s existence somehow for just doing damage. It’s like you people can’t handle PVP games and dying or something.


“Influencers”… the people that talk down to you and shît on your gameplay.

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Support will always be boring to play because half the people that play it want interactive game play and ways to support outside of healing and the other half of people that play support eat paste and only want to hold left click to get free wins by heal botting.

There is not good middle ground.


Only two supports can two tap and they’re both projectile which don’t compare to hitscan. Virtually all of the heroes move at the same speed except a few exceptions, none of which are supports, and then Lucio whose speed is his entire kit. What are you talking about. This is probably just another rant post because you kept getting diffed by a support.


Dunno man, farming dps on Kiriko/Zen is pretty damn fun I’d say, a lot more fun than x1 body shot + mag nade cass “combo” lol