Supports are huge sitting ducks... More than ever

Supp was heavily overbuffed in OW1 from a defensive standpoint

With 2 tanks it was just disgustingly easy to protect yourself in most scenarios especially if you played with your other support

I think the main problem right now is no one is synergising like we used to and also supps just go do their own thing more than ever cause the game is formatted around movement now and less about synergy

If they’re complaining about being exposed on supports, I doubt they will like the supports on Gundam Evolution. They actually have to be mobile move around and shoot.

Her personal survivability is good, but what exactly is Mercy supposed to do if her enemies do the sensible thing of going after any other squishy on the team? Brigitte worked as a Dive counter because she was tough and had CC so they couldn’t kill her or ignore her.

If you’re talking about Mercy playing in Dive
 just no. Dive wants a lot of up front damage so their all in knockout punch lands and they can start snowballing. Mercy is actually the worst hero in the game at adding damage to her team, so she’s got no business being in it.


That’s the thing about dive, it’s mobile heroes, they’re all evasive.

Yes, she was the most broken hero ever introduced to this game to the point where she deleted damage heroes for a year. Yeah, that wasn’t worth it.

Go watch dive meta gameplay circa late 2017-early 2018, the “moth” was a must pick.

You are describing rush/deathball, which is what we’re currently in.

She can give anybody on her team 30% more damage with no cooldown, I wouldn’t say that. She just provides no value in rush.

Example VOD

That is not the issue. The issue is: there is no balance. Supps don’t have means to counter any threat in OW2 and one less tank in the team to give peel, should’ve mean more resources, not less.


Depends on what it is I’m facing and using, I can fight back on certain supports or run away. It’s not that black and white. I don’t always need a tank to protect me, a dps can do that too if I’m getting flanked or swarmed, or I make sure I dive with or stick with my team. Easier with some heroes than others I suppose.

Even the top supports in the world are complaining about this changes and lack of care for the role. I searched through this forum and communities I follow and I don’t see a single support player happy. Most of the people that want the support players to shut up doesn’t play the role and got what they want: overpowered tanks/dps and useless healbots, easy kills to charge their ults.


You can tell the changes are working because the wait times are going down


At the expense of dealing zero damage on her own. There are targets where that trade off makes sense, but they aren’t any of the usual cast of Dive.

On the flip side, Zen can give +25% damage to everyone including himself while wielding the highest DPS gun among supports. Lucio sports a very welcome speed boost to help the low range dive heroes get to and stay in range and can shoot his 80 dps gun while doing it which will usuallyadd more raw damage than Mercy’s damage boost. In the history of Dive, Mercy’s never been in it because those two have far better offensive presence.

 that was going to happen sooner or later due to how messed up high level OW’s meta was. Brigitte was just the unlucky one who caused it.

That wasn’t dive. That was Moth. Moth just meant Mercy had to be played because she was broken. Lots of different teams were played with Moth Mercy.


So you are saying that the support has to run all the game? Such fun is this gameplay, right? Be powerless for others to feel satisfied with their op/broken heroes bc they can easily kill you without a big resistance, should be really a thing to play for.

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I didn’t say that, I wouldn’t take the arguments to the extreme. Sometimes I’m on the offensive with support x_x it depends on the situation but they’re obviously not dps classes. It really depends on what your goal is with the role, do you want them to be more dps oriented and fight back (and not just fight back, but fight overall)? The game could go that way but I don’t think that is the main intention for the devs with a support role.

hold on in q will update

No it hasn’t lol, especially not now with Winston.

No, she’s not.

She may have been picked in dive, but so was zen(pre brig) for his discord. That doesn’t stop them from being miserable to play and being dive fodder. They ARE the heroes who get dove during a dive meta when they show up.

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16-1-1 in queue time in the first hour. RN looking like 12-1-1. Game’s gonna be fun for sure.

I don’t think the GDs really know what a support is in OW2 atm. I say this because the gameplay changed, it is more aggro, but the support role was left behind, in old times, without means to be more aggro, survive or even heal- we have one less to heal, but we have less cover as well and more squishes exposed to damage of a all-side flanking. The supps are powerless even to do their initial jobs.
Never saw so many, so many team kills as it is now. It’s spawn simulator. It’s frustrating as hell. The “new” passive to regen is useless most of the time and specially in heroes like Zen and Mercy. So, we didn’t gain nothing from the transition like the other roles. We have the poorest roster with just one new addition that got nerfed now. Ana got 1 less second in her sleep cd and this is so infuriating, bc it means she got nothing and she is still unplayable in all Push modes and other super open maps where she is a sitting duck for the new DF that is going back to his broken op old format when he should be deleted from this game or suffer a master rework to be a real tank instead of a fat dps.
Dude, I’m tired. Really, I’m tired. So many things I see wrong and I overlooked them to still play for love, but I can’t anymore. I’m angry, disappointed and I don’t have even energy to even think about it anymore. I’m at hell’s door bc I literally lost all the remaining hope I had for this game.
I don’t have even the energy to type anymore. This will be my last comment.

Don’t forget, 1 less second on sleep CD for Ana so you can miss the hyper-mobile flankers more often every game. Awesome!

The bottleneck in the DPS and TANK roles is out of control, will reach such a point, that the damage will be irreparable, then the devs will start to wake up, but it will be late and the game will be dying.

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why is it that low elo supports think they are sitting ducks when they have dmg that matches dps heroes with unique abilitys that can either kill the flanker and/or prevent death?

my tip for all supports. stop playing victim and start fragging the flankers. high elo supports do not fear flankers.

a potential doomfist meta on the otherhand
jury’s still out on that one.

Ok, this will be the last, bc some folks are clueless. I’m GM, I don’t think this is low elo. But maybe for you it is? Are you top 500? So how about you say that to the number 1 support in his twitch live and hear the due answer?

i dont want to sound rude when i say this but.


i could maybe see you as a mercy main, because mercy players always play victim. or an ana 1 trick that gets spam avoided because people wanted a kiriko.

but otherwise nothing you say makes any sense.

if you are GM you sound boosted af. because no high elo support worth anything has complained about flankers since like 2016.

the only people who have EVER complained about flankers like tracer in high elo were the zens and mercy’s otp’s. (ana main’s did sometimes)

you should know better then anyone that supports can easily fight back against flankers.

the only heroes that a support fears would be a dive tank since they cant do anything to them besides teleport/sleep and pray.

but kiriko still can teleport and dodge dmg, so if you are a REAL gm support then you’d just play mercy, lucio or kiriko and avoid the dive entirely.

which is why i say


edit: just to be clear, i understand doomfist will potentially put alot of pressure on support but the game is designed with counter picking as being a key feature and the role has heroes that work well in dive meta’s. the role that should be the most mad is tank because they have an illusion of tank variety in meta when its really just paper-rock-sissor’s. ml7 is mad they did nothing to make support more fun too play more then anything else and is insulted by the terrible “buffs” they pushed out to mercy and ana. ml meme’s all the time, hes well aware that hes just gonna be locking kiriko either way. but they should of done more to make support fun but again that doesnt mean they are sitting ducks. it means the role only has 3 viable heroes which is a no-no and its unfair for support mains.