Support Play of the Game

Has anyone noticed an increase in support play of the games?

I’m not sure if it’s just me or if they’ve tweaked the play of the game system but I for one, as a DPS main, totally welcome this change and I think our amazing support mains definetely deserve the attention.

Good luck in your games guys :smiley:

Yeah, it’s been screwed up for about a week.

I don’t think it’s screwed. I wish it was like this from the beginning.

No, it’s definitely bad. Getting potg, when you know Dan well someone else deserved it is, well, to quote Binky Barnes, “This victory feels…hollow”.


Insert generic Junkra-…oh, now its generic Moira potg

I have also noticed an exceptionally large increase in healer POTG’s, which has led simultaneously to an exceptionally large increase in boring POTG’s. Well over 80% of all POTG’s appear to be healers now.

It’s not that healers do exceptionally boring things, it’s just that the POTG calculation right now is based solely on damage and thus isn’t effective at capturing the interesting things that healers do.

I’m all for a more balanced POTG system that gives more fairness to things other than DPS (because I accept that right now DPS gets all the glory) but we need to come up with a system that doesn’t focus on just damage then.

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