Support is unplayable

The fact you don’t understand how staying with the team solve the problem, is the answer to the real problem.

Specially because you are searching a shield and not a team.

Really you only confirming all the things i’m saying, is a personal and team skill problems of some players.

Well, lets see how the patch goes on this upcoming Tuesday

Part of the problem, is that DPS are even MORE FUN than they were in OW1.
So getting Support to be equivalent to DPS in Fun/Popularity is even harder.


Explain and enlighten me please. I am willing to listen. With examples. If you think staying with the team solves all of this. All the problem supports are facing right now, and don’t give solution from Blizzard.

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if the sombra is good, they make anyone coming out of spawn feel the game is unplayable.


Really i should explain to you how to get cover with teammates?

You really not know how to get help from teammates?

This is the basis of any team based fps, if you don’t know them, there a real bigger problem.

Why you play a Competitive team oriented fps, if you don’t want to play with teammates?

Cod or battle royale seems more in line with the gameplay you want.

Overwatch 2 is aimed to a Competitive team based fps, Blizzard can’t change this anymore.

What if they ignore the communication you give? What makes you think us supports are mute? We will tell the team if there is an issue, problem is when they ignore you and still blame you for it. But hey, its a skill issue

Please explain further. Treat me like I’m an idiot and explain to me like I am 5.


The problem is i see many supports calling the team when they stay in bad positioning and far from the team.

This is a very common behaviour in quickplay and surely is the common behaviour in low rank.

A problem more evident in old players, caused by ow1 casual gameplay.

And in general majority of players have bad positioning skills.

A player can ask the team to come back to save him, only because he is too far.

And if the problem is the team don’t react, then they will be keeped in the rank they deserve.

And how, do tell, do we fix the problem of people not listening? Do you actually think that our bad positioning is the only reason? So basically you can just ignore your supports yell for help because if they get in trouble, its due to bad positioning

So I can ask them to help if I am too far? I thought you just said that we were too far from the team.

So other people not reacting is caused by us too cause we deserve it due to our rank?


Again all your talking if skill players issue in both the cases.

Nothing Blizzard need to resolve.

Or players play better or they will stay in the rank they deserve.

Ah yes. That explains it very clearly.

I wonder why Blizzard gives nerf/buff patches when its always a player skill issues though.

But nonetheless, incredible explanation. If you get bad teammates, your skill is the issue, not the matchmaking at all. Its the skills. Got it

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If you can’t understand the difference from balancing the game and change the game direction, we have a big problem.

First you will accept now Overwatch 2 is more skill based/competitive, better will be for you.

Supports are not over the “Switch to counter” mechanic mate, IDK why do you think this is weird. Guess what happens to the Sym that wants to play when theres an Echo+Pharah on the enemy team. Just the same. Go hitscan or go Home.

Personally, Brig/Moira are the defacto picks I make when my team is struggling to keep their own against the enemy team. If they are doing well I consider Mercy/Lucio to be apart of the anti-flanker strategy. Mercy is so far in the back with enough mobility to actually out do the flankers forcing them to use a large amount of time and resources to chase after Mercy. Lucio is sort of similar with self-healing, wall ride speed passive, speed boost, and boop. However, they are more stall tactics. Keep flankers busy enough to distract them while you you AoE heal andyour team murders the enemy team.

Even Kiriko now is insanely annoying to deal with as a flanker because teleporting through walls is immense safety a flanker can’t deal with and with wall climb being a passive you can actually escape a few flankers like sombra/tracer that have vertical mobility on a cooldown (or none).

Zen/Ana/Bap can win duels, but it requires skill to do it. Overall, I feel the roster has the tools to counter flanking as support.

5v5 sucks, I feel you.

I would recommend you cease playing the game as a whole, in order to make Blizzard feel it, and force their hand on either reverting back to 6v6 or adding a 6v6 classic mode to the game.


It’s almost as if we needed stuns and cc to balance flankers. Weird.


We really dont need it.

We really do.


Yeah, he doesnt seem to accept that everyone has a different skill level and the game is for everyone.

If queue times are anything to judge by, supports arent fun, so screaming “you dont understand game, play better, is skill problem” wont fix that in the slightest.


Only players have bad aim and bad positioning need stuns.

For cc Blizzard can surely add them, if they aren’t too much not skill like stuns.

The important is not reduce the skill ceiling blocking players from using his personal skills totally.