(Super) Global healing debuff in OW2?

I will concede that one point that they will use the “omg pros can’t balance the gaem!!1” argument but the outcry would’ve been the same. These forums…are predictable if nothing else… :wink:

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Imagine trying to help your other support who gets attacked.

Naah, you’ll just do less healing because lmao combat, so they’ll just have to give up and die.

They literally made it impossible to peel for anybody. You won’t be able to help your second support anymore, because your in combat healing is going to be garbage.

So, who wants to go against invisible sombra hacking you for free and doing 50% increased damage?


I don’t even want dps supports, I want actual supports with healing and utility. Lots of supports mains are gonna leave


Acknowledging that the devs have not officially revealed any of the finalised changes for the supports does not make one a fanboy, nor is it “toxic positivity”

Anything can still change, but Jesus, I’m getting more and more scared of OW2 by the day.

I really hope Blizzard listens to the feedback they’re getting.


If that in combat healing debuff goes through I’ll quit the game.


For real. I hope they take their sweet time with it. I’m almost certain I don’t ever wanna see it at this point. Went from hype to dread real quick.


I keep huffing away at copium, trying really, really, hard to be open-minded and optimistic. But it’s getting hard, we’ve seen a whole lot of bad in terms of Supports and Tanks and little to nothing good.

And like, I lean towards DPS, I still don’t want the game OW2 is looking to be. There’s already incredibly strong competition in that genre, and frankly, I doubt Blizzard can contend.


also the in combat heal debuff can reach up to 75% as the game goes on

That’s my fear at this point too. Drastically altering the identity of their game so that it’s more in line with its competition. Problem is, their competition have established footholds and loyal players, and I don’t think OW2 is gonna garner as many long term players as they’re hoping for, while simultaneously alienating and turning off a large amount of their own existing loyal playerbase. They’re going all in on this gamble and we, the ones who’ve been here from year one, have no say on that risk they’re taking.


I agree.
The game is dead for me if they choose to make all supports feel garbage.


Not sure how fine D.Va will be with the information we have right now. She still has her critbox dead center, her only way of protecting herself (Matrix) has been reduced which means she has to face tank a lot more damage. Damage overall has been buffed and at the same time the healing has gone down.

So as of right now this sounds a lot like D.Va is gonna be a Suicide Bomber. She goes in and tries to get as much damage in as possible before she gets killed. There is no way to get close enough to do meaningful damage and get out alive if there isn’t another change in there like reduced CD on Boosters.


That would absolutely make me drop the game. And I have no intention on doing so yet.

The ONLY reason I bought OW was because it was an fps game that didn’t force players to engage in traditional fps mechanics.

And to make Mercy, the canonical pacifist, balanced only by having her go full on McCree, is a VERY concerning thought.

If I wanted to do damage, I’d play damage. But I like the support role because it can support.


I mean I understand that they are trying to cater to dps players with theses changes and want them to play support but I dont play support to be a worse DPS.

I dont mind dealing DMG but I dont pick Mercy for that and it feels as if they want her to dps more, too.


I personally won’t leave, instead I’ll hop over to DPS because apparently that’s where all the impactful and powerful changes are going.

Screw the queue times, I can’t believe the devs think -1 tank in 5v5 will supplement the way they keep giving the DPS role (a role larger than the other 2 combined) even more of the focus.


Thats what Im gonna do as well, as someone who plays almost strictly tank and flex q in qp and ranked, Im going to play strictly dps.

Even if tanks and supports will still be “ok”, why would I play them? They receive nothing new of interest (oh cool i can cancel and shoot another weakened firestrike, no your x6 dmg idea doesnt work Yin), they’re overall nerfed and worst is they feel just wrong.

Meanwhile I can play dps which is buffed, fastest paced, has more cooler and exciting new things, and either way if every role is going towards damage oriented, I’ll just play the main damage role.

It doesnt even matter if balance will be somehow fine, because when u make a NEW GAME, the hype will gravitate towards the NEW THINGS in it. Nerfs wont gravitate anyone towards tanks and supports, buffs and reworks will gravitate a lot more towards dps. Its pretty simple that even if healing is somehow op rn in ow2, marketing your whole support class in a new game by “Look and behold! We heavily nerfed their healing in every aspect possible!” wont attract people.


True, but global nerf to healing needs global nerf to dmg to work imo. They need to work with each other to balance it out.


that’s horrible!!! dps gonna be more toxic becoze of that! I hope it’s not true!

just image shoot all amo, spray all you have, do everything to heal and its just a little bit.
Support players we doomed


If healing is over-tuned across all supports then a global nerf without a compensatory buff makes sense.

You’re just repeating the whole ‘every nerf needs a buff’ rhetoric, that’s not how balance works. :rofl: :upside_down_face: :thinking:

This is gonna be great. No more pocketed boosters steamrolling low elo lobbies.