Summary of interview w/ Executive Producer Jared Neuss

For multiple reasons i don’t believe a word this guy or Aaron says. It’s all just that… bunch of word that don’t really have much depth and honesty. They are all driven by $$$ and profit.


no word on matchmaker
no word on one sided matches, stomp or be stomp
I don’t know if 2024 will be better
worse impossible, he’s already at the bottom, better, we’ll see


I have zero confidence in JN. They lied in the past and showed no improvements. The incompetence is killing the game and I’d see them replaced then continue with their incompetence.

So basically still greedy and worthless.

Still nothing about reducing hard countering and rock paper scissors for tanks. Sigh. They will never have the priorities we want.

I’m honestly unsure, but it’s one thing I’m actually looking forward to in this game.

I’ve been playing it for so many years now I figure it’s time to try my hand at comp. I’ve put in the time lol

He brought up mythic skin complaints, the event battle pass criticisms, heroes in the battle pass and how the team said people one trick when that’s not the case, the seeming decrease of pve attention. Did he hold Jared at gunpoint to answer no ofc not but it’s not like he gave Jared an easy time either. Smh

thanks for this topic

“every mythic skin is unique” became “we set the bar too high with the Genji skin”, then.

What I didn’t like about this part is mentioning voice modulation as a particular technology of mythic skins, but… in reality it’s not like that: D.Va herself since OW1 has always had voice modulation between when she’s inside or outside from Mech. And the same goes for Ramattra, when he switches to Nemesis form. And I don’t like that it is now used as an extra difficulty for the development of mythical skins, since once the technological characteristic has been applied, everything else passes through the set filter, I don’t re-create the synthesizer that applies it from scratch. You only change the setting, but not the technology you rely on the skin, it is not such an invasive technical side in the development once the desired tone of voice has been decided.

People have complained (in my opinion with some reason) because it is sold as “premium” something that is in any case incomplete, unless you buy the bundles that include the remaining tickets (or at least that’s what the previews suggest). ). And this annoys people because it is an alternative way to get around the obvious problem of bundles which always offer inappropriate offers to the community, knowing that they are inflated by content that is of no interest to anyone (like that of Mercy zombie which cost significantly less from gallery instead of the shop);

I guess they are considering this along with the famous “hero ban”. but in my opinion they have to consider it from the point of view of player training: how does a new gamer learn Overwatch from scratch? usually this role goes to the story campaign… we know how it ended, so in my opinion they should focus more on the first approach for players who are interested in the game without being cannon fodder.

It seems like a bit of an admission to me of how useful the PTR or at least the experimental board really was. which in my opinion makes sense, it helps a lot in preventing unpleasant bugs or risky balancing.

curious how unfortunately I didn’t mention the PVE as a failure.

I only half agree: the game still had a shameful relaunch with the name “2” and an even more incisive delay on the lore that everyone was waiting for with season 6, with PVE still not having any coming soons, which is not a good sign.

a little too long to experiment… we understand that there are some regrets within the development team.

I almost completely disagree on this, the collaboration with the workshops on that occasion was inadequate in my opinion. :person_gesturing_no: The workshopper had given the basics on how to behave within the mode, but the developers did not do any type of technical polishing, and this made what was technically the cover mode of season 5 terribly amateurish.

if they want to propose workshop-arcade collaborations again, they must also put their technological contribution to support the idea of the workshopper who builds the game base.

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He brought up some uncomfortable topics especially at the start. Even stated that he was personally unhappy about things.

There is going to be a balance for content creators obviously between what to ask and how hard to push. Push too hard and you risk getting blacklisted in the worst case, or more likely get less attention. Creating content is still his career and way to make money, so yeah he is going to be a bit safe on things. If you go in expecting him to hold Jarred by the nuts for answers, you have the wrong expectations.

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ban all ximmers pleaaaaaaaaaaase
master to top500 console will lose half the ladder population lmao, but we need to ban them, they everywhere

While I personally would not mind this. I do think it is something that can be hard to do for a multitude of reasons.

First being, how liberal can they be in their bans and reasoning for bans on the consoles.
I don’t know the terms but I can see Sony or Microsoft having some provision in place that might protect them in some way.

Second is accurately detecting them. False positives in a banning system is the worst thing to have. Which according to some people is already a problem they have with bans, don’t want to make it even worse.

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i agree, its a third party device, but its a real problem to have mouse and keyboard player with aim assist in a console lobby…
around master2 and more, theres a xim in every game, its a real problem

getting rolled by a mouse and keyboard pc, or native, i wouldnt care, but here its cheating, they have script to have no recoil on soldier and more

Once more I agree. But just wanted to highlight some potential difficulty. It is an important subject to break down on. Ideally I would love to see a harder stance from platforms themselves on such devices. Instead of having game developers themselves have to combat it individually.

Feel like detecting these things on the hardware level itself would be so much easier. But that would require the platform owners from taking a hard stance which they don’t seem to be wanting to do.

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xbox did something on 12 november, but it didnt counter xims sadly, they trying

Nothing about dealing with the cheating epidemic hmm? figures.

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and the smurfing too.

Agree, I remember when they announced it was going to be F2P and then realized they are making the game smurf friendly. Nobody actually believed me when I said that. Requiring a SMS phone is easy to get around so I’m pretty sure this still holds true.

Perhaps but tbh I don’t think it’s really any worse than it was in ow1. I haven’t noticed it. People get boosted to higher ranks so fast

Having heroes in the BP is so lame. Thank god it’s finally changing.

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Counter Strike used this method of “control” decades ago, long before Overwatch 2, it never stopped the game from being filled to the brim with cheaters and smurfs, those who thought it was going to be different with Overwatch 2 didn’t understand anything.

What were they expecting when the methods of circumventing the OW2’s defense matrix had been known and practiced for years?