Summary of interview w/ Executive Producer Jared Neuss

At the risk of repeating myself: as long as the game is quite profitable in its current state, for them there is no point in improving it significantly.
This is valid for all these large video game development studios which depend on their shareholders, financial profitability comes well before the quality of production.


Colour me surprised, it’s not like the playerbase have been saying this since ow2 released.

Thanks for the recap.

So pretty much the only confirmed thing we have is that they may or may not be rolling back more stuff to OW1.


:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

I will give them both at least some credit for asking/answering about countering. but it’s basically just admitted failure again with no answers as to why they even CONSIDERED this a possibility when asking literally anyone who played the game regularly who could have easily told them this is impossible without completely changing the game ESPECIALLY in 5v5 which makes it exponentially worse.

Oh yeah, that was totally the reason. No, just like everything else you did for OW2 you wanted to see how long you could get away with wringing out your playerbase before it started to catch up to you. Do you know how many of my friends opened OW2 to try it out only to find themselves locked out of the new heroes and never came back? Of course you don’t because you don’t listen to anything except from people who ask you softball questions with no follow up.

You mean…like the experimental tab that we already had in OW1, that you spent time fixing for OW2 then never used? Also, don’t we have a whole new comp system coming next season that we know absolutely nothing about?

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Yep like I said we’re never seeing anymore pve outside of the random event just like in OW1. Which imo is a good thing but still looks bad for them since that was the entire point of OW2

Demand doesn’t just improve randomly, you have to make it so people will actually use your systems not the other way around. Why not feature one of the 6v6 modes people have made for you since you’re too lazy? That will surely make it grow in popularity.

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Big ideas for a game that’s practically ancient at this point is all we have. We literally have way less of this stuff then we did in the past.

ps how stupid is it I have to reply to another user’s posts summarizing this stuff instead of Blizzard posting it.


Say what you will about the state of the game or whatever. You can’t deny this kind of clarity is exactly what we need. Reasoning behind the changes with examples as to why they did it. Talk of future changes that they feel could be good and acknowledgement that they will walk it back if it sucks. I think 2024 is looking real good.

To be positive, since the takeover by Microsoft, I have the impression that they are doing everything to clean Overwatch 2 of the consequences of Kotick’s short-term strategic choices and harmful decisions.
However, this cleaning will take time, and will not be done in a snap.
Before building something positively new, they will have to deconstruct all the negativity.
And it’s not going to be easy to do.

To be realistic, Blizzard ABK and Microsoft are dependent on their respective shareholders, and the masters who decide the future are the shareholders, not the players.
Kotick was only the zealous executor of their decisions.

why do i feel like it just got worse over time lmao

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im kind of interested in the media/cinematic part. will they make an anime series like cyberpunk did. i also wonder if they are gonna stray from the pixar style cinematics since yea costly and time consuming. would be a bummer but that mauga pve type cinematic with talon was cool although yea not like previous hero cinematics which were pixar

oh well, as long as it forwards lore aspects. anything lore related with overwatch and thats a video has my interest.

when it comes to reading tho i suck at that lol (comics-novels)… have to reread comics to catch up but yea i hate reading :wink: (short attention span)

also i hope for more pve story missions but he was vague or i dont know if that got answered. i for one love the story missions and i usually play it single player on the normal difficulty since possible (hardest difficulty with bots probably isnt a thing-havnt tried). wonder if they will make it more solo based in the future and improve the AI teammate aspect

Jared himself joined after ow2 launched and I’d wager most of the team is new too. It really shouldn’t be surprising

I love how he straight up admits that solo carrying is near impossible in this game even after all that nonsense about players having more “individual impact” that was used as marketing buzzword for OW2.


People with common sense: “This is P2W”

Blizzard defenders: “Noooooooooo you can unlock it for free, every game does it now, Blizzard needs BattlePass heroes for money, you just want everything for free, it doesn’t offer a competitive advantage” (yes, all real arguments people have used in favor of heroes in BattlePass)

Blizzard: “Yeah this is kinda P2W, we’re looking into changing it”

Common Blizzard defender L


So another words:

More lies. no efforts. all talk, more smoke and mirrors. And paying executives big paychecks vs reinvesting in better equipment and staffing wages. got it.

Leavers wouldn’t be a thing so much if they implemented player quality rating. im a nobody server host for a couple of steam games and even I can figure out how to make a system to build better matches than this company can.

All they want to spend that money on is their office :beer: for their board room.

" * 2023 - Going into 2023 the team’s plans were pretty chaotic, but they believe they found their rhythm and have a clearer direction going into 2024"

They said exactly the same thing but 2022-2023.
In the end it was nothing but a circus show.

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At least the circus is entertaining, this is more of a tragedy.

This is false positivity.
It is primarily intended for shareholders.
Everything is going well, we will make even more money next year having learned from our mistakes.
And if a few naive players still believe this kind of biased discourse, it’s still a win.

They said something about re-working the competitive system… but I think they were specifically referring to the system of “7 wins, 5 losses” or whatever it is now, I honestly don’t know.

Supposedly they’re reworking that, but as far as the match making itself, I’m not sure.

Didn’t he say they were doing (or thinking of doing?) a mmr reset? And then continually do it every year? That would essentially be a matchmaking change.

And yeah the 5 wins thing is a definite change. I also think they mentioned adding more ranks.

The stupidity is thinking more impact = I can solo carry every game.

That’s the black and white thinking too many people are at fault for doing.

Yes, but blizzard marketed it as if it is a good thing so ppl automatically think of it as ability to carry rather than having the team fall apart when one dies.

Can’t bring up the matchmaker since he has to shill hard for them in order to have the chance to do this Q&A. (Tbf he does anyway)

So basically a whole bunch of empty promises and glossing over failures, clearly this dev team will NEVER improve…