Summary of interview w/ Executive Producer Jared Neuss

If they have chance at implementing a ban system even if experimental they can’t have heroes also locked away.

I guess they figured it would keep the honest , honest but alas , how many honest gamers are there? if a trick is available to easy wins and free stomps they’ll take it.

Thanks for the summary. But after a year of lies and deception, i don’t believe anything and everything they said. Especially the one highlighted in bold.

summary: copium and stuff nobody cares about


Add “allegedly” to every one of these bullet-points, please.

This Jared guy is an absolute clown.

Also, they just dropped a $30.00 bundle with the amount of tickets the premium minipass is missing to get all the skins…in the middle of Christmas lmao.



At least user-friendly they MUST consider using Unreal Engine Blueprints format to allow us develop scripts.

For Each actions, to allow iterate in arrays without need manually access loop element. Loop Body to access current item in nested for-each, Loop Index to access current item index in nested for-each call.

For Each Global Variable(Global.Players);
	Small Message(Loop Body, Custom String("You are position #{0} in queue.", Add(Loop Index, 1), Null, Null));

For Each Player Variable(EventPlayer.Buffs);
	Destroy Effect(Loop Body);
	// destroy player buff

For Each Array(array value);
	// iterate over all ARRAY VALUES here.
	// same Loop Body and Loop Index will be available
  • Also pathfinding for dummy bots:

    • Victim.PathToMove = Get Walkable Path(Position Of(Victim), Position Of(Attacker)) return array of Vector points that is loaded from overwatch’s engine and navmesh system.
  • Multi (or 2D) Dimentional arrays for creating complex data types (such as structs, that special data to an player/globally)

  • Allow multiple rules begin executed in parallel.

  • Allow spawn/control pet entities (Bob, torb turret, sym turret)

    • Facing
    • Moving
    • Use input buttons (Fire, jump, etc. when available)
    • Change target
    • Self destroy playing animation
    • Self destroy instantly
  • Replace subroutines with functions where:

    • Allow functions to get/set data in Local variables inside that function.
    • A function can call itself recursively (too many calls will raise server crash due Stack overflow excepion)
    • A function can be a Void Function (does not return Value or in case of Overwatch, returns Null) or even return a Value.
    • Function can have arguments
  • Allow tracking projectiles created with Create Projectile and Create Homing Projectile actions, declare new value Current Projectile ID and propagate when its damage someone so we can call in Damage Received Event Current Projectile ID == MyProjectileID

Syntax of function:

// declaration:

  0: CalcNodeDist(sourceNode, destNode);

// implementation:

rule "Calculate Node distance"
		// Calc stuff.
		// use value Local to access local variables (instead of Global to access global variables)
		Local.minVecSrc = stuff...
		Local.minVecSrc = stuff...

		// Return an value from function
		Return Value(DistanceBetween(srcNode, destNode));

               //  other Return below this, will have no effect.
		// sample: Return an array from function
		Return Value(Array(1, 2, 3))
		// Return no value or reuse Abort action.

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QP is supposed to be the casual mode, not arcade, so glad shills and this moronic fool would rather tell everybody to f off than to accept that they made a genuinely garbage product. Jared needs to be fired.

Nah, QP and comp are the same thing and are being treated as such. I honestly stopped listening to these statements made by any part of the OW staff. Time is better spent doing something romantic like holding hands and jumping off a bridge.

Yea, that grand delusion the devs and shills have will keep this game dead forever. Hope its worth, finding the nearest cliff now.

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Yeah this is about how I feel with it.

From the player side Blizzard never does anything to feature any workshop modes, the “while you wait” feature made it so that braindead spam modes like “11 kids 1 dad” and “gun game no CD” always flood the browser, and you can’t get any exp or other metaprogression in custom games. It really just feels like they’re doing everything in their power to drive people away from it

Then on the creator side, they found the perfect blend of a system where the UI and features are incredibly tedious for someone with technical knowledge to use while still being impossible for anyone without prior experience to get any use out of


I dislike these gamemodes, i tried recreate my xmas gamemode like uprising from archives. Flopped completely, nobody played :clown_face: because people just like these spamming modes.

Tried also create an workshop version of Battle of Beasts, flopped too.

Tried create an Bounty Hunter gamemode but with multiple hunters and some cool effects, flopped too.

I don’t know why people dislike play decent gamemode

man i sure do love update sized updates… i wish i have more reason to keep playing ow2, lately ive been feeling satisfied with my performance in all roles and have been taking a break