Suggestions for Mercy from someone with too much time on her 📝

Le bump.

You’re not getting away this easily, Blizzard.

sure thing i’m a bit late (i never visit the forums so i don’t know if it’s okay lol) but i totally agree and had similiar ideas in my mind, right now mercy is boring to play as and relies way too much on her team, with those changes she could feel more useful and rewarding (when i play her i just feel like a healing bot honestly, and i know that many people said that but that’s the truth, heal, damage boost and if there’s nobody focusing you and you have the time to do it and if you’re far enough from the enemy team, res.). I wish Blizzard would listen to you, and at least TRY those changes. (yes, this is my smurf, i have something like 70 hours in total of Mercy, even if they don’t sound many, i know what i’m talking about)

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i like this except for the rez meter. snipers are already good enough as is so if a sniper gets 1 pick at the beginning thats an instant snowball into a loss for the other team. not to mention this makes it pretty much impossible for mercys whos team mates arent getting chipped at, but rather bursted down, as she wont even have a chance to heal them and get her rez up before they die

I’m sorry Eevee but this idea has a ton of problems both on the fact that it borders on OP (look right now she is closer to OP then UP so we can’t do anything that’d be anything but a nerf if not just the same power but redistributed) but it also dosen’t address the problem of rez being a pain to use.

An alternate solution could be
Valk reduced to 8 seconds and chain beams removed
Main beam gaoes up to 140 HPS and 50% damage boost
The Ult key becomes Rez and has 2 charges during Valk that are instant

Rez is removed from her button key and is now replaced by something new
A list of possible abilities to tkae this spot
A CLeanse/Debuff immunity
A damage mitigation shield
Something that slows enemies.
A Burst Heal
An AOE burst of healing
Temporary Beam Augmentation
Or any wierd combination of the above


Yeah… still not getting away, Blizz.


So… should I repeat myself about disagreeing with Eevee’s ideas or… ?

Blizzard better talk with Eeveea about all this, she knows mercy the best

isnt gambler like the best mercy in the world tho

It’s been five days, already?

Jeff (or Geoff, doesn’t matter whoever replies), you can make it easier for everyone involved by engaging with us and discussing how/why this suggestion would, or would not, work. Staying silent won’t net you anything positive.

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I feel like a dead horse cus everytime this gets bumped I feel the need to go on about thow these ideas while maybe coming from a good place would not solve the problems being had pertaining to mercy for anyone, they are a net buff to a hero who is already climbing to the top of the support roster (or rather is at the top right next to Zen) and it still leaves us with a cast time non sense


I like how this is one of the only Mercy topics that wasn’t locked and thrown into the megadump, even though people like Titanium had similar, well constructed topics that got 404ed or locked. Really funny, could it be because this person is a streamer and not just a “normal” player? Hmm…

I love these ideas!!

Completely agree with everything this thread has to say.

I see you vaguetweeting. :eyes:

Yeeeeah. How about we don’t do that.

Too real. Mercy honestly feels like more of a regression on making her gameplay enjoyable than before they started this whole mess.

I hope they implement this part at least, because I feel like earnable rez would be the best solution to the whole “rez is op!1!” argument. And you’d have to actually be careful with who and where you rez since it would take time to get your rez back if you lost it on a reckless rez, so no more of those risky desperation rezzes.


I hate playing her or against her. She is sooooo boring. Just w m1 and shift. And for someone that loves support (anyone but mercy) I hate this sentence “can you mercy instead of [an actual fun hero]” or “not playing mercy is throwing” so in e the broken mercy with 4 rez es and 30 seconds mini trans, I have only pledged her in mystery heros. I hate her I played he on the 6 man rez time and it was more fun than now.

If the ult only lasted 6 to 8 seconds it dosne’t sound so bad

The healing would probably be fine if she didn’t have a Rez.

But the damage boost is crazytown.

Healing for an ult that’s STILL lower then what Moira’s ult can do while healing multiple targets, 60% might be a bit extreme but it’s not too far out of the park, f you’ve gotta back between healing and DPS 50% is more then fine.

As for rez, just connect it to the ult and call that the reason it takes twice as long to charge as Coalesance and boom problem solved