Suggestions for Mercy from someone with too much time on her 📝

Yep, I can definitely understand that. It’s nearly 2 seconds that shout “KILL ME OR LET ME UNDO YOUR WORK!!!”

Which is frustrating for both the mercy and her enemies.


I think it will be another rework and not a nerf to his current kit. Will the eeveea suggestions follow? I do not know, but I do not think.
Obviously always if the news is true …

Your name bugs me since it makes me switch to “Spanish mode” everytime I see it.

So in other words it took us all a while but my hopes were answered
Just as I said I’d hope the moment those nerfs were revealed on the PTR

I’d hoped that she was revealed still too strong and it would finally be evidence that this rework is bad at it’s very core.

Look, Mercy 1.0 was considered underpowered when put next to her competition because she had no mid fight potential compared to Ana.
Minor fixes to mass rez to avoid the most frustrating aspects and an E ability that could sort of keep up with Bio-nade is all we needed.

You must be fun at parties

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Pretty sure her statistically low ult usage has more to do with people being unsure about when to use it or too nervous to use it because of someone on the enemy team, i.e., Soldier, Widow, McCree. My impression has been that many players aren’t sure whether Valk will actually make a difference in a battle, or they’re waiting to see if Genji/Zarya/Mei (for example) is going to ult so they can heal a whole team through it. Also, being sniped mid-Valk because you’re fighting on open ground #feelsbadman.


Pretty much.

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This certain someone might actually be mercy, h ttps://

Maybe, though Reinhardt, Ana, McCree, Bastion are also all very good candidates (Jeff did mention it is from somebody with an older kit-and Rein has been having reported issues since late last year and they still haven’t been fixed)

I mean would it be nice if it was Mercy? Yes.

But I don’t think it will be sadly.

Omg senpai noticed me :heart_eyes:

Unfortunately this is the result of an Ultimate that’s main power is in its duration rather than in the moment, and its power is spread over multiple abilities, and passives. I would say that Valkyrie is the most complex Ultimate in the game since it is Mercy’s kit extended and can be liken to being another hero kit on top of a hero’s kit.

Thou this is why I say Valkyrie does too many things. I would say EeveeA’s proposal goes along the lines of Valkyrie needs pruning in what it does, so that what remains is more noticeable in its effects for the Mercy player to see and feel. It may be more noticeable for those not playing Mercy then those playing her in general which I believe leads to at least some of the discontent and heated discussions.

I’ll say this point… I believe that chained beams are powerful, but are not empowering to use in that they require significantly less thought in their use.

Resurrect being Mercy’s premier ability (since it is unique) is given freely as a cooldown really devaluates its use since it doesn’t show you that your play is good (when its earned you can better gauge that you’re playing well and feel accomplished, it also opens up the ability to be less oppressive in its use with a trade-off of it use being more limited, but your play can affect that limit.

Note: that there’s more to say about Resurrect than the healing beams, and that I would say relates to its importance to Mercy’s identity.


Please don’t make nanoboost even less relevant than it is right now…

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It doesn’t make Nano less relevant because the mechanic works differently. Right now Ana isn’t and hasn’t been in a great spot due to her own power issues.

But anyway this about Mercy not Ana…

If I’m not wrong Nano boost provides a 50% dmg bonus and Damage boost provides 30% dmg bonus. Doubling that would allow mercy to perform a 60%dmg bonus for 12 seconds. Sure nano has dmg reduction but how relevant is it compared to a twice as powerful healing beam ?

I would say as an addendum to EeveeA’s idea is to:

If Chained Beams removed (prefered for it would “enhance” Mercy’s beams without taking away the attention required in their use).

  • Make Damage Boost single target @ 40% (33% increased from current)
  • Make Healing single target @ 100 HPS (66% increased from current)

If Chained Beams are kept (provide variantion between the primary beams and the secondary beams to maintain the required attention on who is focused).

  • Make Primary targeted Damage Boost Beam 35%
  • Make Secondary Damage Boost Beams 27%
  • Make Primary targeted Healing Beam 80 HPS
  • Make Secondary Healing Beams 40 HPS

With these changes would provide variantion and/or more attention to beam use which would improve Valkyrie’s engagement and increase its skill ceiling. Meanwhile it should not upset balance since in many ways this would tunedown Valkyrie’s spread-out power, but not over-compensate that tunedown.

Nano Boost has fire-and-forget mechanics, allowing Ana to play normally while it is active. Mercy cannot while applying her damage boost.


That is why Valkyrie doesn’t compete with Nano Boost, and Supercharger since Valkyrie’s abilities require Sole Attention on one ability at a time while Nano Boost & Supercharger does not require Sole Attention.

Let’s define “Sole Attention”:

  • Sole Attention is a single ability that prevents all other abilities (activation and/or use) (including primary/secondary fire) during the ability’s duration. (Excluding the activation or use of movement abilities that do not apply effects on other heroes as they are akin to “better” walking).

Examples of Sole Attention abilities (which are many if not most abilities (primary/secondary included) and often are Ultimates):

  • Rip-Tire
  • Barrage
  • Death Blossum
  • Wraith Form
  • Sprint
  • Whole Hog
  • Metetor Strike
  • High Noon
  • Primal Rage
  • Coalescence
  • Transcendence
  • Amp It Up
  • Recall
  • Cryo-Freeze
  • Barrier Field
  • Charge
  • Healing Beam
  • Damage Boost Beam
  • Caduceus Blaster
  • Resurrect
  • etc.

Examples of Multi Attention abilities (which are many, but not as many):

  • Nano Boost (Ana can use her whole kit during its duration)
  • Valkyrie (as a whole [since it is all of Mercy’s Kit])
  • Supercharger (Orisa can use her whole kit during its duration)
  • Cross-Fade
  • Self-Destruct (Dva can use her primary fire while Self-Destruct is casting)
  • Defense Matrix (Dva can use Micro Missles)
  • Blizzard
  • Ice Wall
  • etc.
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Seriosly… The actually valkirie in boring and the ress have a iconic sense as ulti. 30 sec of cd is a regular time of an ulti.

Dont think only like professional videogamer, but like a fan, a player…

Valkirie is bad because in onli a buff of the normal skills… So boring. Is bettere an ability with an attinence with the word “valkirie”. A war shout? A fight time for self difense? (mercy have a problem in a survival self and actualy she’s a eternal healbot, obviusly than she have more picks forthe matches fin she don’t doing anything apart heale and boost and occasionally fight.

I dont want a ‘mercy warrior’ but if the use the word ‘valchirie’, I imagened a strong woman than fight and help her teammates with powerful, not with a buff of normal job, no? In

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Finally am able to post this here since my silence finally expired, but I want to say thank you Eevee for the awesome suggestions! I sincerely hope your iteration of her kit is put into the game in some shape or form. As other’s have suggested, we’ll most certainly benefit from a more rewarding resurrect system being put into place rather than the fixed cooldown (among other things), and I think this would be a nice solution to a more “Valkyrie-Friendly” kit. Fingers crossed on whether or not a dev sees this and responds.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Welcome back!

I concur to this sentiment (thou I lean towards a rework Resurrection Ultimate as I believe Valkyrie has too much in it to make impactful without it becoming overly oppressive).

Anyway, at least something would be an improvement to making Rez feel earned rather than given.