Suggestions for Mercy from someone with too much time on her šŸ“

Iā€™m pretty sure they donā€™t want to implement a charge system. For whatever reason that might be we will never know. So instead of locking her Resurrect behind a cooldown ability they need to just move it back to her ultimate. We all agree that Resurrect needs to be earned again not given.


I like the ideas but if rez is gonna still have a cast time as a side ability then I donā€™t want it at all. There should be no penalty for using something that makes mercy mercy. Thatā€™s like saying Lucio as to charge a boop or Sombra has to stop moving completely to pull off a hack. Just no. I personally want a revert to mercy 1.0 and make it where she needs line of sight to most of the fallen allies to pull off a rez. And make valk a 5 seconds side ability where she clicks jump twice and she gets enhanced beam length but no chain healing but still free flight and enhanced GA and no constant healing imo. And of course her ult give her invulnerability while rezzing


I would rather a Rework of the Resurrection Ultimate and a trimmed down Valkyrie on ā€œEā€. I think the old Rez had issues in terms of it not aiding living teammates.


I already posted this on the official feedback thread, but Iā€™ll post it here as well. My thoughts are very similar to what EeveeA says, but I donā€™t like the idea of Resurrection being an ā€˜earnedā€™ ability. The only ability a hero should have to earn is their ultimate. Reaper had an earned ability in his first passive, and it really put him in a bad position, in that if he couldnā€™t get kills, or his team couldnā€™t, then he couldnā€™t take advantage of his passive. Torbjorn has the same problem with his armor packs, in that if you canā€™t build up enough scrap, then a core part of Torbjornā€™s kit becomes almost useless. I donā€™t want Resurrection to be a feast or famine ability, and I sincerely hope that they remove the earned aspect of armor kits from Torbjorn in his upcoming rework.

This being said, I donā€™t want Mercy to be more powerful, I just want her to be more engaging to play. As of now, her ultimate doesnā€™t feel very powerful and resurrection just feels punishing. This is what I would like:

Increase the Ultimate charge cost by 25% (from 1925 to 2406)
Make it so that Resurrection grants ultimate charge on a successful cast
( Iā€™m thinking 300 Ult charge which would be 12.5% )
Reduce Resurrectionā€™s cast time by either 50% or 1 second
and finally, have the cooldown reset on death.

These changes would make Mercy feel much more rewarding without necessarily making her more powerful. Most of her power still comes from her ultimate, but this way a more skilled Mercy player can charge it quicker getting a successful Resurrection and Valkyrie itself would feel much more impactful with a quicker resurrection.

The cooldown not resetting on death is something that Iā€™ve intensely disliked since Valkyrie was first released into the game. If Blizzard says that they believe Ressurection can be balanced as a regular ability, then it needs to be treated as such.


The suggestions here seem good, though I have concerns. I am unsure about having rez as an earned ability. While that would be balanced, I can see there being situations where that would make playing as mercy far more frustrating than it currently is. A lot of players play her for both the strong heals and the rez potential. If you are getting focused hard, that would be good counterplay except that would feel overly punish to Mercy.

I would suggest that if such an ability were to exist, she should gain small amounts of charge passively similar to Torbjorn. This would make it more similar to other charged abilities, still rewards the Mercy for playing well, and doesnā€™t overly punish her.

My only other concern was Valk. I see a lot of feedback that people donā€™t find it very fun, though I am not sure what to do with it / change instead. Thst said, your suggestions sounded pretty solid.

Thanks for the thread, hope the feedback is helpful.

Does anyone know why this thread hasnā€™t been moved to the Megathread yet? Is it because EeveeA is a public figure? While I donā€™t particularly like the Megathread, I would find it very concerning if they arenā€™t being consistent in what they put in it.


I was also curious after just stumbling upon this thread.

They wonā€™t be consistent when it comes to public figures still happy this hasnā€™t been absorbed though

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Definitely ideas I could get behind.

For her E ability, Iā€™d say she swaps between modes of chain healing and single target. In Chain healing mode, she only heals and damage boosts half of her normal amount, for her patient and all other patients her beams attach to.

I wonder who you play

Barely any time on Mercy in competitive, not even quick play, how are you able to make a fair assessment when you havenā€™t played as her for several hours? Yeah sheā€™s ā€˜goodā€™ to play against, if thatā€™s what you meanā€¦ but sheā€™s not fun or potentially impacting to play as.


Echo-chambers are scary scary things for Blizzard.

After all a it was an echo-chamber that got Mercy reworked in the first place. With the popular public figures being noted as Seagull and xQc.

Now think about it.

If a prominent Mercy player gets moved to the Megathread and basically ignore, just image the backlash from all the other Mercy players.

Hell I play Mercy from time to time (slowly becoming my 3rd most player healer) and if she {Eeveea} says to ā€œignore Mercyā€ I would stop since it gives off that, yeah Blizzard does not care about Supports and their characters.

Iā€™m glad it hasnā€™t been moved. It gives me hope that maybe Mercy can get a look at.

But not until;

Dive Dwindles

Hanzoā€™s Reworks are completed

The general fixes to Genjiā€™s deflect are completed

Seeing how the Lucio changes go

ADD: See how Brigette handles in Comp

Symmā€™s rework is done

Torbs rework is done

The ā€œcertain someoneā€ they alluded to revealed and has whatever needs to be done for them

If they are to release a new hero (Iā€™ve heard rumors that 28 is to be out by end of summer)

And if Doomfist or Sombra need the attention BEFORE possibly reworking Mercy again.

(In all honestyā€¦sheā€™s needs a rework, if the nerfs were to make her not be a ā€œmust pickā€ OWL didnā€™t get that memo from what Iā€™ve seen of it.)


You could make it so that Valk on ā€œEā€ cancels upon activation of ā€œQā€ then Mercy would not have free movement during said cast-time. With the cast-time and cancellation of ā€œEā€ Valk, this would mean that full team Rez attempts should usually fail.

Next the Ultimate charge would be increased further from the current charge requirement of 1925 points to lets say 4525 points (the old Ultimate was 1625 for comparison), so shutting down a Mercy Ultimate would mean you may not see another the entire round. The numbers work out like thisā€¦

4 Ultimate Charge for Every 5 Healing Done = a 0.8 Ultimate Charge Rate per 1 healing.

60 HPS x 0.8 = 48 Ult Charge Per Second

it would take Mercy 1 min 34 sec of healing to gain her Ultimate (up from the current 40 seconds or the old 33.8 seconds).

This way Rez wonā€™t happen often and risky Rezzes have bigger pay off to shutting down the Ultimate.

I think its fairly punishing already, yet too cheap. I get Rezzes off frequently and see others as well. As it stands if you punish a Mercyā€™s Rez then by the time they are back from spawn Rez will usually be off cooldown. Considering the power of the ability it should have a much greater cost.

Would it make the ability even more punishing and restricted, sure. However, that i think is fine. Make it more punishing, so as to lessen its use.

ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ :cry: :cry: :cry:

Iā€™m sorryā€¦ :cry: ā€¦ I hate what Rez has become. It feels, so unrewarding to use. It feels like its more test of everyone elseā€™s abilities, once ā€œEā€ is pressed you donā€™t control much of what happens in that 1.75 seconds.


Itā€™s EeveeA? Iā€™m starstruck. <3
I like your proposed changes, but Iā€™m wondering: would rez still give you that slowdown?

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Seriously, balance it with no cast time involved whether that means connecting it solely to Valkyrie or doubling Eeveeā€™s proposed charge rate.

I made some calculations about sup ult usage per game. So according to stats from overbuff
moira uses 9.14
zen uses 8.63
ana uses 7.02
lucio uses 6.67
mercy uses 6.07 ults per game. As you can see mercy is the slowest when it comes to getting ult. Why would you nerf it even further. If anything it needs a buff.


I donā€™t know if itā€™s genuine but we discussed it a little on the Mercy megavoid, in case some people havenā€™t seen this yet.

Assuming itā€™s genuine, basically it talks about how Blizzard is unsatisfied with where Mercy currently is and to expect changes soon. As I say, I donā€™t know if itā€™s genuine but if it is then I honestly expect more nerfs to be on the way if Jeff is going to go by ā€˜pick rateā€™ again. But, who knows, perhaps theyā€™re considering EeveeAā€™s suggested changes. Maybe this thread has motivated them?


I understand your point. But I think for a lot of Mercys, part of the problem with the rez is that it already is too punishing. Death can be a steep punishment (duh), and as the OP noted itā€™s the only ability when you respawn that still will not be off CD if you died mid cast.

Iā€™m not sure if I agree with the idea of making the ability with the highest punishment / payoff potential to be even more punishing. Iā€™m worried that will make her less fun for people than she already is, as the line between feeling skilled and unfairly difficult to use can be thin for a lot of players.

Iā€™m not sure what the correct solution is, unfortunately.


I feel punished for having the ability in her kit at all, yet aggravated by its use against me by the opposing Mercy, yet I feel bad every time I kill them Rezzing or see them killed.