Suggestions for Mercy from someone with too much time on her 📝

Cast time, not cool down.
Res cast time is 1.75 seconds.

Just one thing I’d like to mention, all cooldowns still go through death it’s just that rez is the only one long neough to still be on CD after death.

Being rezzed the moment I died as reinthart I found that my shield hadn’t fully recharged and charge which i had just used to get killed was still on a bit of a cooldown.

Being pedantic but felt it needed to be said.

There’s a difference for cooldowns resetting between getting rezzed or respawning. Cooldowns remain through rez, not respawn (except for Mercy’s, which is the issue being highlighted here)

Could have sowrn I once saw a Sonic Arrow still be on cooldown when reviving in the spawn room though

I love the idea of make resurrect earnable! :yellow_heart:

I am just concerning with some of the other changes.

Me neither, hiding was more of an Overwatch Urban legend that unified the anit-Mercy crowd than an actual problem.


I wouldn’t mind these changes, along with the addition however that when resurrecting someone that during cast time you can actually do something else too (e.g. use your pistol if you need to fight back)… at least outside of the ultimate that is.

Unfortunately I expect this thread will see the megavoid dumpster soon, with no consideration for the recommendations here.

No it doesn’t have bearing since you can’t balance a game for the general masses around professional players’ skill. They seriously need to balance Overwatch and OWL Overwatch completely separately.

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The thing here Is that they are the same game, they will always be the same game. Factoring all angles into balance is the point here, not picking and choosing which one to balance for.
In the case pros would play even less comp than they already do, because they’d be practicing balance changes that doesn’t translate to pro play, and that’s another thing Bliz wouldn’t want. They want pros to play and stream their game, showing themselves enjoy comp, etc.


I love it! This is the kind of Mercy I would like to have in my games!

As a Mercy main who had played with Rez and all kinds of Valkyrie, I really love the idea of the “burst heal” for alive allies when using Rez, because it puts more skill into the hero: “Do I use rez to burst heal my whole team, or do I wait just in case they get all killed and rez them all?” The only thing I wonder about is the barrier. I guess you mean a barrier an enemy placed? Because it woudn´t make sense if a barrier your team placed keeps a Mercy from rezzing her allies. It´d give the enemy team a chance to keep your ally from getting rezzed, which means a Mercy would have to be even more clever when using it. Thanks. A suggestion that doesn´t put Mercy in the trash, like I read so many times before when it´s about her Resurrect.

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I know it doesn’t make a big difference well it probably does case in point sombra hack going from .8 to .65 but its actually .875 not .75 about .125 difference but you get the picture

You’re assuming that normal players have no chance of ever becoming professionals, which makes no sense, considering that’s the only way for new professionals to come about.

Imagine practicing to play one game, but the game changing once you get good enough at it.

Your points really made me question this rework idea tbh.

Im all in for multi rezzing with the Rez Meter as long as its still punishable, but acvording to what Eevee said, if Valkyrie will reduce the cast time, it would make it so you can multi Rez almost instantly. And then you get a more powerful nano boost and semi overheal above that. Too many buffs for a character that is currently balanced.

We would go back to square one, basically Mercy players would fill the meter entirely and then only use it with Valkyrie for a near instant Mass Rez. And the devs really wanted to make sure Resurrection was not an ultimate anymore.

It’s pretty much post Release Valkyrie Mercy all over again, not to mention it would actually delete Ana from the game and make Coalescense near useless.

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What EeveeA is proposing doesn’t make Mercy too complicated for casual players to pick up and play. Her skill floor is essentially the same; what this proposal does is increase Mercy’s skill ceiling. Meaning, good Mercys are rewarded for good play. With these changes, there would be a distinction between a good Mercy player and a bad/new one. Which there absolutely should be.

Mercy’s basic kit wouldn’t be any harder to play than it already is–she will still heal and damage boost, be able to res, and her ult would not be hard to use or understand. However, a good Mercy player will be able to use these changes to take her even further, and do even more. That’s why we need these changes. We need to raise her skill ceiling and reward good players for good play.


Nice suggestions there.

Lets assume a mercy has two charges that means that she hasn’t been using it for the past 2 minutes or nearby. These changes give mercy ‘the moment to shine’ in during ult rather than just be the present annoying rez bot who just has your hard earned pick meaning less.

In order for mercy to have her moment during ult she has to work extremely hard to get everything right. That’s what makes her a more rewarding character. I do fear the healing capability likewise but on the other hand characters like zen still do a lot more in a AOE radius its something to think about.

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Oh my bad, I misunderstood, sorry

One of the best Mercys of all OW leaving feedback right here.

This is your chance Blizzard.


Would she be able to hold multiple rezzes or not?