Suggestions for Mercy from someone with too much time on her 📝

isnt there a megathread for these posts?

don’t worry, it’ll get moved

I am so so so glad you chimed in on this–a lot of what you have here is really similar to what we’ve been saying or trying to say on the forums, and I feel like you are someone that they might actually listen to.

I love your content, and I follow you on twitch! Just had to throw that in :smiley: Thank you for posting!

My infinite battle Mercy

These dont sound too terrible aside from the fact that i love the chain healing/dmg boost

Id love for the cast time for rez in valk to be a bit shorter

But either than that ill never understand why people go out of there way to call Mercy boring, shes so much fun lol and if you dont like her playstyle try out a new support.

Maybe this post will help Mercy mains having more sense, some here are really something. :'D

tbh I never understood why they didn’t make Rez a meter vs making it a cooldown. Mercy’s mechanics are super simple, so giving her some depth would’ve been pretty cool.

Though they would have to change how Rez works if they made it where she had to EARN them.

Another thing is Valk’s AoE vs single target. My guess is that single target healing at 120hps would be downright broken. Pair her with any Ult (Genji’s for example) and it’d be Nana Boost 1.0 all over again. So ironically, healing 300hp per second across 5 targets is less broken then healing someone for 120hps. And if they bring it down to a fair amount (say, 75hps or 80hps) then it’d be a waste of Ult potential.

I feel like this is a rework that would make her ult feel impactful, it makes sense which are nice suggestions compared to what I see on the forums sometimes.
But I feel the super increased single target heal could be problematic, and I doubt they’re willing to change Mercy which makes me sad.
I do and don’t like Valkyrie now, so I’m very torn.

Nice post EeveeA :slight_smile: love watching you

Anyone who is playing a hero and only finds their ultimate fun to use (and not their basic gameplay enough to warrant playing that hero) should reconsider their reasons for playing that hero in the first place. Which currently seems to be the case for most people making these threads.

as for these changes:

  • I don’t think instant resurrection in any form has a place in this game. I’m pretty confident that Blizzard has no plans for bringing that back in any form in foreseeable future

  • The change to healing beam that was described here would actually be incredibly oppressive. For example - Imagine 120 HPs on a Pharah who’s being pocketed for 12 seconds. She would effectively become unkillable for all practical purposes. Same thing goes for synergy with some other characters. Also, 60% damage boost is higher than nanoboost provides and for basically twice the longer duration. Which doesn’t seem right. And it still wouldn’t solve the issue of “mercy players feeling like spectators”.

Any change that elevates Mercy in any way over other healers and that makes you want someone picking Mercy on your team instead of an another healer in a general situation, should be discouraged. She already has the best kit in an average (general) situation. But, it’s still possible to play other healers instead of Mercy versus a team that has a Mercy and not feel that you’re missing something big. Any change that changes that or gives her any edge over other main healers in a general situation should be discouraged. Way too many attention is being given to one hero that is/has overshadowed other main healers for quite a long time and who is actually in probably the best spot balancewise they have been so far, at least when it comes to balance, not fun. She currently (for a first time in a while) does not feel cancerous to play against and she is still a good pick when she’s on your team. Anything that seeks to change that should be discouraged.


I don’t know how I feel about this changes - The Ultimate changes seem more like nerfs and people are already saying that Valkyrie as a support Ultimate is not that good …
But I want the Rez as an Earnable ability change , one thing - Should it have the same cast time as the live version or should it be halved or at least lowered to 1.25 s
I’m hoping to see changes to Mercy - Maybe even new Rework?!?!

I hope one of the devs make a response to this thread.


The chain beams are the only change that wouldn’t help, but the other ones should.

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Bit of a shame that a mod will just come and sweep this thread under the carpet and act like nothing ever happened.

Plus devs don treally care Howe mercy feels or isn’t like because they’re letting the dust ‘settle’ as it’s impossible to to onow of the nerfs rest too much right away. So keep making these threads cause they won’t get read until they decide mercy needs buffs because she is outranked by every other healer.

Oh and not to mention the amount of dps mains oh I mean mercy haters would get triggered and take to the forums to cry about her getting some balance changes as mercy ruins a kill for them and that ruins the whole game for them.


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the earned rez is one of the best ideas i’ve heard in a long time regarding mercy

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The issue with these changes is that you’re trying to make her what she is not. She is not meant to be complex. You have to remember that Overwatch is literally called “Fisher Price FPS”, and it’s for a reason. Overwatch, like HotS, appeals to as many people as it possibly can, including casuals. This mandates a “babby’s first” hero for each slot: Soldier: 76, (insert defense hero here it’s irrelevant), Reinhardt, and Mercy. All of these heroes are designed to be easy to pick up if you’re new to the genre and be effective whilst learning the mechanics and nuances of that role. Blizzard is not going to overcomplicate Mercy’s kit for this exact reason, which is what a lot of these changes including this one propose.

HotS has three heroes with aspects of Mercy’s kit: Auriel, Lt Morales, and LiLi.

Every single one of LiLi’s abilities are either auto-targeted (her heal goes to the lowest-health ally in range, tornado goes to three enemies prioritizing heroes in range) or point and click/aoe (Her ult is a button press that forms a large circle around her, she just has to have allies in it to heal them, dragon is just a matter of clicking the ally you want it on, etc). She has no (0) skillshots. No one is asking for LiLi to be as complicated as Ana or Deckard Cain. Why? Because it’s her niche to be easy to master while still being effective. It’s the same thing for Mercy. Overcomplicating her kit to be as nuanced as a complex hero is not going to happen because, like it or not, Blizzard wants her to be easy, versatile, and dependable. And she is. Bottom line cut and dry.

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My only concern with this is that it gives additional incentive for tanks to soak trash damage to top off Mercy both for her Ult and for her Res.

While it does offer a better solution to the early first pick game it does not entirely remove it either.

Just my two cents. Overall a good well thought out post.

What is overcomplicated about these proposed changes?

Decent ideas!

Personally I think she is fine the way she is however. I probably agree most with the idea of her healing charging her rez meter.

The one change I would like to see is for her gun to be readily available. I hate the mechanic of having to switch from caduceus to pistol. It’s clunky with the mouse wheel. She really needs a way to better defend herself.

This part is the only thing that scares me, because during those 12 seconds Mercy WILL be invincible. At 0.75 seconds it’s going to be hard to punish her.

I know a while back you mentioned removing the crazy health regen while in Valk; I believe it was the match right after the Big Valk nerf. If that was included I would be OK with the halfed rez time.

Otherwise, the rest of it looks great. I like how you want to increase her skill ceiling.

Quick question: I dont know if this is an inconsistency on your part but in the Valkyrie changes, you say that Rez should have it’s CD duration halved. But then you also say that Rez should run on a Meter like Torbjorn’s Scrap Meter, So there is no CD on Rez if it was changed to a Meter. What would Valkyrie affect to Rez if it has no CD in the first place to cut in half?

With the Scrap Meter, Torb is allowed to throw multiple Armor packs, will Mercy be able to Rez multiple times? If so, will she have the current movement reduction and cast time?

Well, the thing with Feeding is that is a double edged sword: you feed your healer ult charge BUT you’re also feeding the enemy Ult charge. So it evens out at the end.

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