Suggestions for Mercy from someone with too much time on her šŸ“

Iā€™d rather connect rez to the ult in some way and give us an instant rez. Just one or two at the most because cast time is non sense and instant cast mass rez while annoying was never OP statistically.


Waste of a post, A hero should not be reworked or buffed because you are not having fun playing said hero. Especially, when said hero is in a better spot than most of the heroes. Mercy currently has a near 85% Pick rate in the OWL right now, compared to Ana who has just 1.81% Pick rate.

Why then, was it completely justifiable to rework a hero because they were not fun to play against, a given in a competitive PvP game?


Hey titanium, sicne youā€™re like the master of feedback what would I have to do to get you to weigh in your cirticisscms of my cirtisiscms on the post I recently made trying to identify the problems and provide simple-ish solutions to?

You would have to provide a link to it and give me some time to make a reply. :smile:

letā€™s see if that worked for linking if not then well Iā€™m hooped cus I donā€™t have enough trust to post links

You do know that compared to most other support ults itā€™s one of the worstā€¦

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Have to give props to a person whoā€™s actually logical, blizzard implement this asap.

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A friend linked me to your reddit post. I was about to give up on the fight for Mercy but youā€™ve brought me back. So here I am to repost the same idea Iā€™ve made 3 times now.

Deep frustrated sigh

My opinion on Mercy is that she suffers the same affliction as Symmetra. The problem with both of these supports is they have the highest mobility in the game -> bringing a dead hero from spawn to the battlefield almost instantly.

The TLDR of my long support post for Mercy and other utility supports is that they should have ā€˜ultimate stackingā€™. The idea being the longer the game carries on, the more value a utility support brings. Whereas DPS supports give an immediate value to the team fight.

The change I had in mind was to remove Valk as an ultimate and then replace that with rez. Except this time, players may stack their revives. This does 2 things: it allows rez to be earned again and brings back mass rez. However, when a player uses their ultimate with Mercy, they spend all their revive stacks to revive- regardless of how many targets they in fact revived (with possible rebalance changes in the future).

I felt this was an easy middle ground. Since Overwatch Devs canā€™t get rid of rez (as it is a core of Mercyā€™s identity) and it keeps Mercy 2.0ā€™s engaging gameplay.

Other tweaks could then be made based around this. Adding a famous ā€˜cleanseā€™ idea for her ā€˜Eā€™ and possibly, if needed, adjusting her mobility to compensate for her new buffs.

However, the core of this idea is essentially building a Mercy 3.0 since Jeff said personally he wanted to put ā€œa revert to restā€.


Original Mercy was broken in solo queue and mass rez took away from the core of the game. The reworked Mercy was just disgustingly broken and the worst period in the whole of Overwatch.

For me the only thing I donā€™t love about Mercy is her Ult.
It donā€™t feel like ult at all. You canā€™t protect / counter ult your team like a Zen, Lucio, Brigitte.
Moira load faster and do damage and sheā€™s even easier to play than mercyā€¦

Mercy need an Ult who feel like you do something important.
Not just be the ā€œultimate heal-botā€

Same fight for Orisa Ulti. That donā€™t feel like an Ult.

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Difference is Orisaā€™s ult is actually an ult, it does 50% extra damage for 20 seconds. The key to the ult is to use it with Genjiblade/Tac visor and have a good push with your team and it can be 4x better than Nanoboost. That ult actually has an effect. For Valk, you can plan as much as you want but 60 HPS doesnā€™t stop other ults. I wish theyā€™d just make it a carbon copy of trans with 300 HPS for 6 seconds and basically make Mercy invincible.

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Wait eevee is a girl? Donā€™t hate, I didnā€™t know much eeveea other than being a really good mercy player

Original Mercy is now fixed with new SR system. But as Jeff said, ā€œweā€™re putting Mercy 1.0 to rest.ā€

ā€œA hero shold not be reworked or buffed because you are not having fun playing said hero.ā€ Makes no sense. The same logic and whining to nerf her was ā€œnot fun to play againstā€.

Now that weā€™re trying to have a productive conversation to fix her, please contribute to it. If your only opinion is that she is balanced, then your voice has already been heard.

What most of want here is to make her some sort of balanced. That is all.


Honnestly, for Orisa, the totem should be on the Orisa back so you can move with it. Or buff HP, heā€™s always destroys in 1-2sec :confused:
But I got your point and I totally agree.

Itā€™s 15 seconds, so they share the same ult-duration currently.


oh is it really I thought it was 20 nvm.

Most of the changes are intended to nerf Mercy considerably without sacrificing gameplay.

And maybe I have a wacky standpoint but imo video games are supposed to be fun.


Original Mercy was not nerfed, she got buffed into the best hero in the game and is still currently the best support besides Zen right now. And current Mercy is balanced, balanced heroes should not and will not be priority for buffs and reworks. And Mass Rez was not balanced and Mass Rez will never be balanced in an online competitive PvP FPS game, hence the rework.

in a game where there are so many ults that have 5 man potential if you use that at the perfect time I have a hard time thinking the potential to revive 5 people is inherently OP. in the state we saw it, yeah sure argue that all you want but the moment you get into arguments about ā€œfundamentalsā€ is the moment you lose any argument, on a conceptual level rez was balanced on an ult and even warranted an underpowered hero depending on her competition for the role

while sheā€™s not priority to be fixed I guarantee you if Blizzard has a basic time management board with the Urgent column and Important row, Mercy is on the important but not urgent category if sheā€™s causing this much fuss